The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 22.10.1993, Síða 1

The White Falcon - 22.10.1993, Síða 1
Icelandic Comer Be careful in the dark Farid varlega I myrkrinu (Far-ith var-lay-ga ee mere-krin-na) Tailhook The Secretary of the Navy names those held responsible in Tailhook, see page 4 Carnival Large crowds enjoy the treats at this year’s Fall Carnival, see pages 6-7 'Dinner Dress Junior enlisted attend formal affairs in style, see page 8 Sod house Icelandic heritage is within walking distance of the base, see page 9 Inside Lyte Bytes 2 Editorials . ..2-3 Icetales 3 Briefs ....4-5 Features ....6-9 Awards 10 ^Classifieds 11 Sports 12 Pelicans rebuild nest in Keflavik The patrol squadron stands ready for its six-month deployment after a one-year cycle stateside. Story and photos by J03 (SW) Andreas Walter The “Pelicans” of Patrol Squadron 45 (VP 45) are back in Keflavik, after a year-long hia- tus in their homeport of Jackson- ville, Fla. and participation in various overseas missions. As the newly returning squad- ron landed at Naval Air Station Keflavik and started settling in, the personnel of VP 49 collected the last of their gear and ended their six-month deployment, eager to return home and enjoy a warmer climate. VP 45 departed Keflavik one year ago after fulfilling their regular deployment require- ments. Now the personnel, which include nearly 50 percent of last y ear’s team, return, ready to com- plete their mission and interact with the Keflavik community. “The base has given us an ex- tremely warm welcome. We couldn’t be more pleased with the people on the base and the support they have and continue to give our squadron,” remarked CDR Rob Elliot, Commanding Officer VP 45. “We’re back in a familiar and friendly place, it’s like coming back home.” For Elliot, this deployment is of spe- cial significance since it marks his third time deployed to Ice- land, yet this, as the CO, will also be his last The Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) squadrons such as VP 45 routinely are away from homeport for six-month deploy- ments to strategic Anti-Subma- rine Warfare(ASW) areas around the globe. “During the past one-year turn- around cycle, the squadron was very busy. We flew several missions in support of humani- tarian aid to Haiti, provided for- ward detachments to Saudi Ara- bia, and racked up 600 hours of combat patrol flying in the Medi- terranean.” CDR Elliot describes the last 12 months as very intense, but sees the present deployment to Keflavik as somewhat of a breather for the crews and sup- AT2 Suzanne Jennings performs maintainance on a scope. port personnel. “Quite frankly, people are ready to be up here. It helps when the destination is a familiar place.” The CO also reflected on changing world situations and how these emphasize the need for ready, armed forces. “That’s why we’re up here, to provide flexible and highly trained forces, tailored to respond to any situation our leaders want the military to act upon.” For now, the crews must adapt to the methods and peculiarities of other MPA nations. “We re- ally look forward to working with the Dutch, Canadian and British forces." The Canadians and British are regular players in the ASW sector of Iceland. On the other hand, the Dutch enjoy the convenience of having a perma- nently assigned detachment in Keflavik. While not engaged in their pri- mary duties, members of VP 45 can be seen around the base, vol- unteering as bus drivers for the Chapel, helping out the USO dur- ing Thanksgiving and assisting students in school with reading and tutoring programs. If you don’t see their participation in the community, you might hear them when they form a band in the upcoming weeks.


The White Falcon

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