The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 22.10.1993, Síða 2

The White Falcon - 22.10.1993, Síða 2
Family care plan l * *1 f rftiLSrcll SSgt Charles Mclaurln, NCOIC, Customer Service, 35th MSSQ The successful accomplishment of the Air Force mission is predicated on the availabil- ity of trained and motivated people. T o achieve the force characteristics of responsiveness and flexibility, the Air Force musthavepeople in the right place at the right time, unencum- bered and ready to perform their jobs. De- pendent care planning is essential in attaining that end. The Air Force requires all single member sponsors and military couples with depend- ents (unmarried children under age 19) to complete the Air Force Family Care Plan (AF Form 357). Single member sponsors and military couples with dependents present a unique family situation. Suitable dependent care arrangements must exist to ensure that de- pendents receive adequate care, support, and supervision in a manner compatible with the member’s military duties. Dependent care plans must cover all rea- sonably practical situations, both short and long-term, and must be sufficiently detailed and systematic to provide for a smooth, rapid transfer of responsibilities to another indi- vidual during the absence of the military sponsor. The individual designated to as- sume responsibility may not be another mili- tary member (regular or reserve) because that member must also remain worldwide avail- able. Designees should be at least 21 years of age and capable of self-care and care of children or other dependent family members. If the designee is not in the local area, another non-military person must be designated to assume temporary custody until such time as the principal designee arrives to assume custody of the dependents or dependents are transported to the principal designee. Single member sponsors and military couples accompanied by dependents in Ice- land are subject toNoncombatant Evacuation Order (NEO) plans and are required to make detailed arrangements for the evacuation of their dependents in the event the NEO plan is put into effect. In this case military members would be essential resources and would not be available to escort dependents to the evacu- ation area. Comprehensive planning is the key to meeting all possible short and long range needs of the dislocated dependents. Step parents who have not adopted chil- dren residing in their household have no legal obligation to provide care for these depend- ents. However, there may be times when the presence of these dependents, together with the absence of the spouse, may preclude thi step parent from performing the full range his/her military duties unless the depend care arrangements, specified on the AF Form 357 of the natural or adoptive parent, are implemented. Commanders or first sergeants are required to give annual briefings to all military mem- bers, in their organization, on the contents of AFR 35-59, “Dependent Care Responsibili- ties.” Single sponsors and military couples are also briefed on their responsibilities prior to approval of reenlistment/extension of reen- listment, PCS notification, upon confirma- tion of pregnancy, upon placement of a child in the home and as determined by the com- mander. The AF Form 357 will be completed by all single member sponsors and military couples with dependents in the same overseas area, certifying their worldwide availability. The information given on this form should allow members to meet their military duties and best serve the needs of their dependents. If you have any questions concerning dependent care, contact your commander or first sergeant. You should also be able to obtain a copy of “Dependent Care Responsi bilities,” in your unit orderly room. Integrity: Facing the music By Chaplain Craig Fenske The expression “face the mu- sic” is said to have originated in Japan. According to the story, one man in the imperial orchestra couldn’t play a single note. But being a person of great influence and wealth, he had demanded that he be given a place in the group because he wanted to per- form before the emperor. The conductor agreed to a bribe and let him sit in the second row of the orchestra, even though he couldn’t read music. He was given a flute, and when a concert would begin, he’d raise his in- strument, pucker his lips, and move hit fingers. He would go through all the motions of play- ing, but he never made a sound. This deception continued for two years. Then one day, a new conduc- tor took over. He told the mem- bers of the orchestra that he would audition each player personally. One by one they performed in his presence. Then came the fake flutist’s turn. He was frantic with worry, so he pretended to be sick. However, the doctor who exam- ined him declared him to be per- fectly well. The conductor in- sisted the man audition and dem- onstrate his skill. Shamefacedly, he had to confess he was an impostor. He was unable to “face the music.” “Facing the music” is some- thing no one likes to do. Rather than cover up our inadequacies, whether personal orprofessional, let’s seek to improve ourselves in everything we think, say and do. That way, we’ll not only be able to take pride in our accomplish- ments but also end on a positive note. The White Falcon Commander, Iceland Defense Force RADM Michael D. Haskins Public Affairs Officer LT Joseph L. Quimby Deputy Public Affairs Officer Fridth6r Kr. Eydal Public Affairs LPO JOl David W. Crenshaw Editor J02 Carlos Bongioanni Journalist J03 (SW) Andreas Walter The White Falcon is printed by theNAS Keflavik Print Plant. Photo processing is provided by Fleet Imaging Command Detachment Keflavik. The White Falcon is an authorized, government- funded weekly publication of the Iceland Defense Force. Contents of The White Falcon are not necessarily the official views of or endorsed by, the U. S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Iceland Defense Force. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available without regard to race, ctdor, religion, sex, age, marital status, physical handicap, or any other non-merit factor. The White Falcon is located in Bldg. 936, tel. ext. 4612 or 4552. 2 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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