The White Falcon

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The White Falcon - 22.10.1993, Qupperneq 4

The White Falcon - 22.10.1993, Qupperneq 4
SECNAV releases Tailhook decision Washington, D. C. (NNS) — A statement regarding the status of 35 flag and general officers, identified by the Department of Defense (DoD) Inspector General (IG) as having been in Las Vegas during the Tailhook ‘91 Convention, was released by Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) John H. Dalton October 15. The complete text of SECNAV’s statement is as follows: “I have made some very difficult decisions regarding the status of 35 flag and general officers identified by the DoD IG as having been in Las Vegas during the Tailhook ‘91 Convention. “These decisions were not easily reached. I have spent the vast majority of my time in office carefully weighing the facts in an effort to do what is right for the Naval service. With the help of the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) ADM Frank Xelso, the Vice CNO, ADM Stan Arthur, the counsel of other senior government officials and with the concurrence of Secretary of Defense Les Aspin, I have made decisions which I believe deal firmly and fairly with those involved. It is clear to me there was a failure of appropriate leadership at Tailhook ‘91.1 strongly believe in the principle of accountability and responsibility. It is the foundation of lead- ership in the Naval service. The greatest accountability lies with those who were responsible for planning, organ- izing, and running the convention and those who were responsible for supervising the majority of the active duty members who attended it. For many years, the individual who was responsible for coordinating offi- cial Navy support of Tailhook was the Assistant Chief of Naval Operations for Air Warfare. In 1991, this was VADM Richard Dunleavy. More than any other individual, VADM Dunleavy was responsible for the failures at Tailhook. His performance of duties after Tailhook was similarly flawed. However, VADM Dunleavy was not alone in his failure. His active duty and reserve deputies, RADM Riley Mixson and RADM Wilson Flagg, played key roles in the organization and administration of Tail- hook ‘91. VADM Dunleavy and these two other officers had an obligation to make them- selves aware of the behavior of their juniors in general and persons within their admin- istrative chains of command in particular. They were expected to ensure that such conduct was not unbecoming of Naval offi- cers, discreditable to the Naval service, or otherwise unacceptable. There were ample signals that trouble could arise: Precedents of unacceptable conduct at prior Tailhook conventions, visible use of alcohol to excess, resistance and hostility toward women entering what many aviators considered to be a male-only professional domain, and widespread attendance at the event for the sole purpose of having a good time. That potential was heightened by an atmosphere in which rank and the rules of propriety and deference toward rank were set aside for the purposes of Tailhook. As a result of careful review of the facts, a detailed review of the DoD IG’s report and personal interviews with the officers involved, I have determined no action is warranted concerning two officers and have taken the following actions concerning 33 flag officers: I have issued a Secretarial Letter of Censure to RADM Dunleavy.' RADM Dunleavy retired from the Navy last summer in the grade of rear admiral, one star lower than the highest rank in which he served, which could represent as much as $100,000 or more during his retire- ment. I have determined he will remain on the retired list in the two- star grade of rear admiral. This is no minor sanction. RADM Mixson and RADM Flagg have also been issued Secretar- ial Letters of Censure. In the case of two officers, Maj. Gen. Clyde Vermilyea and RADM William Newman, I have concluded that no personal accountability or responsibility for Tailhook is warranted. These officers were present only for an afternoon professional symposium and departed immediately thereafter. They should not be identified with Tailhook in any way. The remaining 30 officers, including ADM Kelso, will receive administrative action appropriate to them individually. Because these actions are non-punitive, it would be unfair for me to reveal the specific action taken in each instance. However, I can state I have issued ADM Kelso a non-punitive letter of caution. None of these officers, including ADM Kelso, personally engaged in any wrongdoing. However, with regard to Tail- hook, their performance was not all that it could have been. The Naval service has suffered greatly a result of Tailhook. Some senior officei who were there failed to exercise active’ leadership and take the necessary actions to prevent behavior that was wrong. Effective leadership requires constant attention and positive action. From these Tailhook actions, there are important lessons to learn, lessons of lead- ership, accountability and personal con- duct. Those values have been the founda- tion of our Naval service throughout its history. They must guide and sustain us throughout our challenging future. As troubling as the incidents of Tailhook are, we must not lose sight of the fact the Naval service has made extraordinary strides in emphasizing core values and in provid- ing equal treatment and opportunity for all. Inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated in the Navy. The Navy department today has one of the finest overall programs of any institution in this country to prevent and correct sexual harassment Our program has served as amodel for government agen- cies, colleges and universities, major industries and other organiza- tions around the nation. We are changing our institutional mindset. We are opening new occupational fields to women, while providing stem discipline those who sexually harass others and caring support for their victi We are not doing so because of Tailhook, but because it is the righi thing to do.” ie rieh^ 4 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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