The White Falcon - 26.11.1993, Blaðsíða 8
Facts and warning signs associated with breast cancer
Continued from page 2
Pregnancy. Women who have never been
pregnant and those who conceive after age 30
also have an increased risk of breast cancer.
Does this mean that if you do not fall into
these high-risk groups you should not be
concerned? Most emphatically no. While
the women who fall into these high-risk groups
have a much better chance of contracting
breast cancer, the majority of women who
contract breast cancer do not fall into a high-
risk group. The single most important factor
in contracting breast cancer is sex. If you are
a woman, you are at risk.
These facts, while they appear to be daunt-
ing, should not discourage women. With
knowledge, and a plan based on that knowl-
edge, breast cancer can be detected early and
The first line of defense for women is the
BSE. This exam should be done on a monthly
basis and is intended to familiarize women
with their breasts so that any change will
become readily apparent. When first starting
to do BSEs, do them daily for a month so you
are completely familiar with each breast.
Each breast is different, and for women who
menstruate, the breast will change during the
cycle. Experts advise doing the BSE mid-
cycle because it is then that breasts regress to
their normal consistency.
What type of changes are you looking for?
The following may be some warning signs:
—A lump or thickening in the breast
or under the arm.
—A change in the size or shape of
the breast.
—A discharge from the nipples
which is not self-expressed.
—A change in the color or feel of
the breast, such as dimpling, puckering or
Pain is usually not an early warning sign
for breast cancer. However, a woman should
see her doctor for any change in her breasts.
Changes can be caused by anything, and
although the majority of changes are non-
cancerous, but only a doctor can tell for sure.
The earlier breast cancer if found, the better
the chances are for treatment and full recov-
When should you start to do BSEs? The
earlier, the better. It is not excessive to start
BSEs after the onset of menstruation. At a
minimum, these exams should start by the
time of the first obstetric/gynecological visit
and before the start of any birth control. Once
started, the exams are continued for the rest
of a woman’s life, regardless of age or physi-
cal condition.
How do you do a BSE? There are man;
pamphlets available at Naval Hospital
Keflavik that will show you how to do a BSE.
Your health care provider will also instruct
you cm the best way to do a BSE and answer
and any questions. Regrettably, studies show
that most women do not routinely do a BSE.
This contributes to the alarmingly high death
rate for women with breast cancer.
The BSE is the first step in combating
breast cancer. The second step is a yearly
exam by your health care provider. Since
most women do not do BSEs, this may be the
only time that their breasts are examined. For
those who do a regular BSE, it is an invalu-
able second opinion.
The final step in combating breast cancer is
a mammogram. Mammography is recom-
meded for women 35 and over. According to
the American Cancer Society and the Ameri-
can College of Radiologists, a woman should
have a baseline exam between the ages of 35
and 40. Between the ages of 40 and 50, the
mammograms should be done yearly or every
other year, depending on the patient’s his-
tory. Women over the age of 50 should have
yearly mammograms.
1993 Inter
national M [ail Christmas Dates
Inti, mail addressed to: Air letters/ cards Air parcel post
Africa Dec. 1 Dec. 1
Australia Dec. 6 Dec. 6
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For more details on postal dates and other information on holiday mail times, contact the Post Office at ext. 2203.
The Nov. 19 edition of the White Falcon had a
mistake on page 8, in the Veteran’s Day week-
end sports story. The 35th Security Police
Squadron won first place in the Arena Football
Tournament The Commander Fleet Air Keflavik
team came in second.
Merchants announces new hours
Merchants Bank has revised operating hours for Thursday.
Starting Dec. 2, Thursday hours will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Operating hours for the remainder of the week will be the same, 9
a.m. to 3 p.m.
For more information concerning other bank matters, call ext.