The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 10.12.1993, Page 2

The White Falcon - 10.12.1993, Page 2
Fire prevention for the holiday reason from the top \ Submitted by NAS Keflavik Fire Dept With the holiday season approaching, per- form pre-holiday fire prevention planning. Don’t let fire marr these festivities by care- less acts. During these periods many addi- tional hazards are introduced into the homes, clubs and other places of public assemblies. Hazards are brought about by the use of flam- mable, decorative materials, large gatherings of people, careless smoking and overloaded electrical wiring. While these hazards are well recognized by fire prevention person- nel, they are not always apparent or taken seriously by those creating the condition. Make fire safety first on your Christmas list To assist in making this holiday season fire free, attention should be given to the follow- ing hints: VDon’t leave your cooking unattended. This is easy to forget during busy Christmas preparations. Always have a cover nearby while cooking with oil. If oil catches fire, slide the cover over the pan, turn off the stove, slide the pan off the burner, get every- one out and then call the fire department at emergency phone number 17. VStand the Christmas tree in water out- side until ready to place in stand. Before erecting, saw off the trunk at an angle at least one inch above the original cut, then place the trunk in a container of water solution (mate- rial and recipe available at the fire depart- ment) and keep the water level above the cut the entire time the tree is indoors. Support the tree well. It should not be located near a source of heat or where it will block the way out of a room or the apartment. VUse only electric lighting. Be sure to check lighting sets for frayed cables, loose connections and broken light sockets. Any outdoor lighting should be waterproof and clearly identified as designed for outdoor use. Don’t plug multiple extensions into one circuit. Look for the Underwriters’ Labora- tories label of approval. Thumb tacks should not be used to fasten electrical cords; use tape if necessary. Electrical cords should not be placed where they can be walked on. ^Lighted candles are already on fire. If you use candles, make certain they are situ- ated away from combustible material, and don’t use combustible holders. Remember - - loosely fitting garments can ignite quickly. Don’t leave children alone with candles. ^Wrapping paper Is not to be overlooked In the fire safety rules. Dispose of gift wrap- pings promptly, either by folding them neatly together or place them in a metal trash con- tainer as soon as possible. ^Does your smoke detector work? Test it. If it is missing or out of order, call the fij department at ext. 7587/6532 for replai ment VHave your fire escape plan up to date. Discuss with all members of the family what to do in case of fire in the middle of the night Rehearse your escape plan. The Naval Air Station Keflavfk fire de- partment wishes you a fire-safe Merry Christ- mas and Happy New Year. tit ^ Taking care of our families this holiday season As we enter this holiday season we all think of families and, in the spirit of the holidays, about giving to others, about freedom and about friendship. It is a happy season but for many of us who are away from many of those who are dear to us, it is also a time of loneliness and wishing we were home. Now as we think about what we are doing, does it not make sense to think about the greatest gift of all that we can give to the people who we love and who love us. That gift is our own continued safety and well being. Can you think of a worse event for your family than receiving word that you have been involved in a tragic accident, one that has taken your life or put you in a serious or critical medical condition. Yet that is just the gift some of us will send home. Some of us do it each and every year and, I’m sorry to say, this year will probably be no different. Use seatbelts. I had the opportunity to talk to a survivor of an accident just last night. Her accident happened during the day. No alcohol was involved, and her driving was perfectly safe and proper. Another driver was speeding and lost control and hit her car. She had her seat belt on and suffered only minor injuries. In her car was another person, a person from her family who she loved very much, but who was not wearing her seat belt. That person died in the accident, and a wonderful outing to see the sights in a foreign country ended in tragedy for an entire family. Thier holiday season will be remembered as one of the worst times of their lives. This year let’s resolve to give those we love the best gift of all. Give them yourself. It is in your power to do so. There will be someone who thought these things only happen to others, and their family will pay the price. Please don’t let it be you and your family. All the best, Boorda Admiral Commander in Chief U.S. Naval Forces in Europe The White Falcon Commander, Iceland Defense Force Rear Adm. Michael D. Haskins Public Affairs Officer Lt. Cmdr. Joseph L. Quimby Deputy Public Affairs Officer Fricthdr Kr. Eydal Leading Chief Petty Officer JOC Dave Man- Public Affairs Leading Petty Officer . JOl David W. Crenshaw Editor J02 Carlos Bongioanni Journalists J02(AW) Natalie Dias J03(SW) Andreas Walter The White Falcon is printed by the N AS Keflavik Print Plant. Photo processing is provided by Fleet Imaging Command Detachment Keflavik. The White Falcon is an authorized, government- funded weekly publication of the Iceland Defense Force. Contents of The White Falcon are not necessarily the official vie ws of or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Iceland Defense Force. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available without regard to race, color, religion, sex, non-i 936, tel. ext. 4612 or 4552. , age, marital status, physical handicap, or any other i-merit factor. The While Falcon is located in Bldg. 2 The White Falcon


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