The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 18.11.1994, Qupperneq 6

The White Falcon - 18.11.1994, Qupperneq 6
toot/i ta//c The digit habit By Lt. Cmdr. Nick Mazzeo Pediatric Dentist Sucking of a finger, thumb or pacifier is a normal process for infants and young children. For many, it satisfies the infant sucking need, may provide security or stress relief, and some children use it to pacify and sooth themselves. In fact, some children begin to suck digits even before they are born. Most children stop sucking on their own by four-years old because this is when they become socially cog- nizant. In most cases, no harm to the teeth is caused by digit-sucking if this habit is stopped prior to the eruption of the first permanent tooth (five- to six-years old). However, if the sucking continues past this age, a dental malocclusion may result (crossbite, openbite, flaring of the upper front teeth, and/or tipping back of the lower front teeth). Studies have shown that the severity of the dental problem is directly proportional to the intensity and the duration of the sucking; prolonged sucking for more than eight hours a day often leads to a dental malocclusion. The sucking of a pacifier may cause ill affects to the teeth, essentially the same way as the digit. Even though the ortho pacifier assumes a more physiological nip- ple shape than the bulb pacifier, it may still cause dental problems. I recommend that a pacifier be introduced to the infant early on if they suck their digit. The paci- fier has one nice advantage over the digit, it is easier to get rid of the pacifier as the child gets older than is the digit. If the child expresses no interest in the pacifier and prefers his digit instead, then do not force this alternative. Like any habit, some of us need help in stopping unwanted behaviors. If a child is six-years old and has not stopped their digit habit, they should be evaluated by a dentist. When the child truly desires to stop their digit sucking and/or if a dental malocclusion develops as a result of the Pacifier requirements Pacifiers should meet the following specifications: - solid, one-piece construction. - have a large, plastic shield to preveH^r - have two holes in the shield. - made of non-toxic material. -contain a warning to not tic around - do not put honey or sugar on the pacifier to encourage its use. Country or Dental Clinic sucking, then intervention is recommend- ed. The simplest form of treatment is to encourage the child to stop the habit by using positive reinforcement behavior management techniques in conjunction with parental support. If this approach does not work, then a mouth appliance that blocks the sucking habit can be used as an aid. Prime-time visions More than 100 people showed at the PATRON Hangar Nov. 8 for the videotaping of a “Go Navy, Beat Army” video spot. The tape has been sent to the United States entered in a contest for air during ABC’s national o erage of the annual Army-Navy football game Saturday, Dec. 3. “It was a great turnout, especially considering the weather,” said Lt. Vince Broome, IDF public affairs officer. “As soon as we get confirmation about our entry, we will let all hands know.” Last year, residents of NAS were shown nation-wide from the Blue Lagoon cheering on the mid-shipman. The videotape will also be sent to ABC’s Good Morning America for possible airing on that show. (Photo by ]02 (AW) B. Natalie Dias) Jtcll w OM £oci< /It's Quest! okI \ ftNP Answer Trine Class.. Do ^fco iohm Do Siecs'FUiSounf7 K Mature intended it imr ww, ftfTUf 't______________ School Dans WHeM is Evgfcworie GoinG To Give UP ANO JUST GST HLoMGf Mosaic's PefTscr . IS TSAR& e Eveie goana ItWrrHiMK-So... ■*Goc$>. ^-------- BW- dos ClOOPEjI>G>C loiTrt Ail OF ms GoofW GoeSTioHS- ^ THer okS l FeeDgftCK, 4 CoME Tris Guest NtV6&. Trif^oiL-S A P ir? — — 6 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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