Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 15.06.2002, Page 26

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 15.06.2002, Page 26
POSTERS / ICELAND 2002: EMERGENCY MEDICINE BETWEEN CONTINENTS P 28 - Cardiovascular Emergencies Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis in children in Aleppo City Kaadan AN Aleppo University, Aleppo-Syria Background: Acule haematogenous osteomyelitis in children still represents a real challenge in our developing country, because the majority of these cases have a tragic outcome. The aim of this study is to recognize and analyze the causes of such sequelae. Methods: 122 children with acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, aged 2 months -15 years, admitted to the largest three hospitals in Aleppo between April 1994 and April 2001, were studied and followed. Results: From the whole series, only 16.4% were diagnosed and received the appropriate treatment during the first 48 hours. 53.3% of the cases were diagnosed and treated during the first week of the disease. The rest of the patients (46.7%) were admitted to the hospital and received treatment after the first week of the disease. 55.7% of our patients consulted family physicians or a general practitioner during the first few days of the disease, but they were given drugs and sent back home. Among them 85.3% were living in the rural areas. The majority of them were wrongly diagnosed and treated as rheumatic fever or cellulitis. Complications happened in 44.3% of all cases, of them 85.2% developed chronic osteomyelitis. Condusions: We have to concentrate in our country on the necessity of reviewing the continuous educational programs of our practitioners, and to stress recognizing acute osteomyelitis in children, as an emergency case, which needs early diagnosis and prompt treatment to avoid the high incidence of complications. P 29 - Cardiovascular Emergencies Pharmacological cardioversion to sinus rhythm of recent onset paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in the emergency roomAmatucci G, De Luca A, Mancini I, Signorini H, Tobien MS Verzuri Department of Internal Medicine, University of Siena, Siena, Italy Objective: The present study evaluates the treatment of paroxys- mal atrial fibrillation of recent onset in the Emergency Department with flecainide. Methods: One hundred and forty adult subjects (76 male, 64 female, age between 19 and 95 years; mean age 75 years) admitted to Emergency Room for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation of recent onset (< 24 hours)in the period from March 2000 until March 2002 were enrolled in this observational study. All patients without documented severe cardiac dysfunction were included in the study group, presenting with palpitations as the only symptom. Exclusion criteria included the following conditions: patients with unstable angina, acute myocarditis, acute pericarditis, a recent myocardial infarction, heart surgery within the previous 6 months, severe uncontrolled heart failure (ejection fraction < 30 %), sick sinus syndrome, a history of second- or third-degree atrioventricular block, those who had taken any antiarrhythmic drug other than digoxin within a period of 5 half lives of the drug prior to study, cardiogenic shock, significant COPD, pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, liver or kidney failure, thyroid disease, electrolyte disturbances, pregnancy and lactation. Results: Thirty-fíve patients according to the absence of comorbidi- ties were treated with the flecainide, the other patients were treated with propafenone, digoxin and verapamil. Our findings indicate a positive effect of class Ic antiarrhythmic drugs in all patients with- out documented severe cardiac dysfunction. Particularly, flecainide induced a significant rate of cardioversion in a relatively short period (less than one hour). Conclusion: Our data could indicate the effectiveness of flecainide in patients admitted to the Emergency Room with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation of recent onset without severe cardiac dysfunction for the following reasons: 1. The primary outcome was cardioversion to sinus rhythm of all palients in less than one hour 2. Under these circumstances, anticoagulant therapy was not necessary 3. Patients left the Emergency Room after some hours reducing hospitalization and correlated costs 4. Treatment with flecainide increased the length of the interval between the paroxysms. P 30 - Cardiovascular Emergencies Psychological interventions in the observation unit for patients with non-cardiac chest pain: needed and acceptable Esler J, Becker B, Bock B, Partridge RA Department ot Emergency Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital/Brown Medical School, United States Objectives: Patients with non-cardiac chest pain admitted to ED Observation Units (OU’s) may have anxiety, depression, and other psychiatric disorders that are not usually addressed. We assessed psychological symptoms among patients in a chest pain OU and their willingness to receive an intervention. Methods: A convenience sample of 106 aduit patients who presen- ted with chest pain to a large, urban ED and were admitted to the OU. Patients were excluded if they had a previous cardiac history or had a positive cardiac work-up while in the OU. Descriptive data were analyzed with SPSS 10.0. Results: Participants’ anxiety levels as measured by the Anxiety Sensitivity Index were comparable to published scores of patients diagnosed with anxiety disorders (22.5 vs.24.9). Participants were interested in many types of psychological interventions including anxiety reduction (85.8%) and stress management (83.6%). Most subjects were prepared to spend at least 30 minutes with an inter- ventionist. Almost half (43%) of patients were ready to receive an intervention immediately. Conclusions: OU patients with non-cardiac chest pain exhibited significant anxiety and psychological distress, and were interested in receiving intervention. The OU may be an opportune setting in which to address the psychological sequelae of non-cardiac chest pain. P 31 - Airway/Respiratory Emergencies Comparative evaluatíon of prehospital analgesia between fentanyl and morphine in trauma adult patients: a retrospective study Albrecht E, Tucci M, Hugli O, Spahn DR, Yersin B, Fishman D Emergency Department and Anesthesiology Department, University Hospital (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland Objective: In this retrospective study we compared the efficacy of 26 Læknablaðið/Fylgirit 45 2002/88


Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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