Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.06.2015, Blaðsíða 8

Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.06.2015, Blaðsíða 8 Búðarstígur 4, 820 Eyrarbakki • tel. 483-3330 open 7 days a week year-round 1 1 Selfoss Hveragerði Eyrarbakki to Blue Lagoon ca. 50 min. to Reykjavík ca. 45 min. to Þingvellir, Gullfoss, Geysir ca. 45-60 min. 39 rauða húsið r e s t a u r a n tEyrarbakka Take a step back in time and enjoy modern Icelandic & international cuisine in a setting rich with history... On May 30, poet and novel-ist Bragi Ólafsson finally commented on a con-troversial book he had written, entitled ‘Bög- glapóststofan’ (“Parcel Post Office”), in an interview with Reykjavík Vikublað. In fact, it was the first time the former Sugarcubes bass player had spoken pub- licly about the book, even though it had been published in December of 2014. What do you call a bass player who writes books? One of Iceland's most respected authors. His novels ‘Gæludýrin’ (“The Pets”) and ‘Sendiherrann’ (“The Ambassador”) are widely considered among the very finest written in Icelandic this century (they are also available in English). But in the interview he pretty much renounced his latest book, saying: "This is just a prod- uct I am selling," and "I do not even con- sider it, if one is to get formal, as a part of my oeuvre." I once had an oeuvre, but a doctor removed it. The controversy around the book began a month before the interview, when the webzine Druslubækur & doðrantar cri- tiqued it harshly. The critique came as a surprise to most since few people had actually heard of the book. They were not hard on the book itself and, in fact, fans of Bragi Ólafsson would like it if they could read it. The problem is that the book was a stealth publication. Were the pages completely black and the book built to not show up on radar? The book was standard, if fairly short at less than 80 pages. It had not been sent to stores but had been given to a select group of 300 people as a Christmas gift. And when the critique appeared, the book had not been sent to the National Library, as required by law. Though once its existence became public knowledge, four copies were sent to the National Library. The webzine sarcastically cred- ited underworld contacts and likened the book to Soviet Union-era samizdat. What kind of subject matter would require that kind of se- crecy? Sex? Violence? Illegal uses of moist towelettes? The controversy is in who bought his product and turned it into a book. It was a Christmas gift distributed by the very unpopular financial management com- pany Gamma to its 300 top customers. No one would have minded very much if a chocolate factory had commissioned the book for Iceland's greatest chocohol- ics. Gamma itself seems aware of public opinion, and has gone to some lengths to show itself in a good light, support- ing various organisations and events, such as chess tournaments and the Ice- landic Symphony, opening a public art gallery, and now publishing a book. All good things, but hard not to see mainly as a public relations effort. How does Gamma manage financ- es so unpopularly? Do they turn Islamic State's oil wealth into dead puppies? Probably not. They manage various funds worth in total about 45 billion Icelandic krónur (300 million Euros), and there are various speculations about whose money it is, but the com- pany keeps it secret. The root of their unpopularity is their wide-scale buying of property in Iceland, which they then rent out. Gamma has been accused of driving up the price of renting and buy- ing apartments in the city. Are they slumlords, sending biker gangs to terrorize old ladies so that their homes can be sold to cocaine-sniffing yuppies? Not that either. But they have become a symbol of the broken hopes follow- ing the 2009 Kitchenware Revolution. Those who protested in January of 2009 may have had different kinds of ideas about how Icelandic society should change, but none of them thought fi- nancial management companies would become major landlords. Though per- haps the reason why Gamma became a symbol is that their name is very close to the word "gammar," which translates to “vultures.” Poor vultures, no one likes them. They perform an important role in the ecosystem. In a way, so does Gamma. Due to finan- cial restrictions that the government enacted following the financial crash in 2008, those who own large amounts of Icelandic krónur are not allowed to change them into foreign currencies. Gamma invests those krónur in real es- tate. They are certainly not the only fac- tor in rising housing costs, but they are certainly no help to people looking to find a home. Hopefully Bragi Ólafsson re- ceived enough money to buy a home of his own. Author Hermann Stefánsson wrote that his friend and colleague had received "almost nothing" for his work. During the financial bubble years preceding the crash, Icelandic authors, like other art- ists, received some money from since discredited financial institutions. But unlike, for instance, painters or sculp- tors, writers received only a few thou- sand euros for their work. It is one thing for an artist's work to be used for public relations, but an artist's name should be worth more than "almost nothing." 8 The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 7 — 2015 So What's This Literary Scandal I Keep Hearing About? Words by Kári Tulinius @Kattullus Illustration by Lóa Hjálmtýsdóttir I C E L A N D 4 D U M M I E S Literature | Scandal OPEN 7-21 BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER T EMPL AR A SUND 3 , 101 RE Y K JAV ÍK , T EL : 5711822, W W W.BERGSSON. IS By Gabríel Benjamin NEWS IN BRIEF Continues Over... Something unthinkable hap- pened in May: three quarters of the people who clicked "attending" on a Facebook event actually showed up! In this case, it was a demonstration that saw 5,000 individuals protest outside of parliament, calling for the dissolution of the government because it had, according to the event description, “caused permanent, irre- versible damage to the nation.” Since then, just less than 3,000 signatures have been collected for a petition urging President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson to use his powers to call for a new election. And do you know what underdog would benefit the most from that happening? The Pirate Party, that’s who. The latest Gallup poll estimates that the Pirates would secure 34.1% of the popular vote if elections were held today, which is the greatest support they’ve ever enjoyed, and it’s actually more than share the two government parties have combined. Meanwhile, the same poll showed the Progressive Party only enjoyed 8.9% support, which is the lowest they’ve had since Prime Minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson took the helm in 2009. Said stalwart Prime Minister, however, believed this overwhelm- ing public dissatisfaction with his party and government was due to “a rift between perception and reality” on the part of the voters. He assured the nation that the country was actually doing well, but nobody was paying proper attention. In other words, we totes need to, like, lighten up and chill out.
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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