Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.07.2015, Blaðsíða 34

Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.07.2015, Blaðsíða 34
employed, Guðný tells me her insights as we marvel at the beauty of Mt. Esja in the breeze of a sunny early June day: “Getting Napalm Death was a great val- idation for Eistnaflug as a festival. They are a big band, having played all sorts of concerts and festivals over the years, so scoring a thumbs up from them was important.” “Eistnaflug has definitely changed the metal scene in Iceland,” she adds, “bands are becoming more ambitious. They really want to play the festival, and in order to do so they have to prove that they’re serious about recording and touring, and not just occasionally rehearsing in a garage. But, then, that’s also part of what makes the scene what it is. Because of the weather here dur- ing the winter, you’ve got nothing to do other than practice with your band.” The scene politics involved can be akin to sailing round Cape Horn in a dingy. Current booker, Gísli Sigmunds- son of Icelandic death metal pioneers Sororicide (currently playing with Be- neath) tells us his approach through a crinkled Skype connection from his home in southern Sweden: “Our current mission is never to book the same band for two consecu- tive years,” Gísli says, before elaborat- ing on Guðný’s point about only featur- ing local acts that are very active and have recent or upcoming releases to their name. However, a glance at the 2015 line-up reveals that this is per- haps more of a general guideline than stringently enforced rule. Despite all in- tentions, gut feeling still seems to play the biggest part in Eistnaflug’s booking decisions. Breaking international ground For the 2010 edition, the festival had been advised to invite and host journal- ists and photographers from prominent European metal publications to raise its international profile and document the event for posterity. The majority of the journalists that that came in 2010 maintain close ties to the festival, many showing up year after year to continue spreading its gospel. Indeed, Eistnaflug now has a bevy of friends and well-wishers that go out of their way to further its cause. Gun- nar Sauermann, promoter for leading French independent metal label Season of Mist and long time Eistnaflug devo- tee says: “Whenever possible, I try to return the giant favours bestowed upon me by the people behind the scenes— by pulling a string here and there, giv- ing advice when asked, and contribut- ing to the event.” Terrorizer Magazine stalwart José Carlos Santos remembers his first visit with a grin on his chin: “A tiny, quaint little town on a remote fjord in the East end of Iceland, with 24 hours daylight, all the Tuborg we can handle, and en- thusiastic hordes of smiling, peaceful Icelandic drunks. Do we even need bands? Actually, we did, and we didn’t even know it before we were blown away by most of them.” Another Terrorizer writer, Olivier Zoltar Badin, concurs: “The fact that few years later some of those people I met and bonded with there are still very good friends of mine—and that I still value Eistnaflug as being one of those rare one-of-a-kind festival in a one- of-a-kind place—speaks volume about what I found there. And believe me, I've been to many festivals. But this one is unique, truly." As these players in the international world of metal educate their combined readership about both the wonders of the festival and the prowess of the local artists, bands such as Sólstafir, Skálmöld and Angist make an ever increasing amount of landfalls on for- eign shores, where they ravage faraway lands like the Vikings of yore, while acting as goodwill ambassadors for the festival that originally supplied them with the cloth for their sails. “Sólstafir, for in- stance, have been do- ing this since the be- ginning of Eistnaflug,” Stebbi offers,” going around and telling folks it’s the most fun show of the year. They’ve sort of acted as our ambassadors abroad.” Chowing down on a greasy burger at American Style, Momentum front- man Hörður Ólafsson echoes a similar sentiment: “The addition of internation- al metal journalists and industry insid- ers with deep ties and a wide reach has been instrumental in both the continu- ous growth of the festival and the inter- national success of local bands. Many of these people have formed strong relationships with key people in the Icelandic scene—were it not for Gun- nar [Sauermann], for instance, many of the important deals and bookings local metal bands have made in the last few years simply wouldn’t have happened. He has a knack for making the right connections wherever he goes. With- out him, I imagine both the festival and our scene would be far less advanced.” Uncertain future Big things are afoot for Eistnaflug 2015. With a record smashing eleven inter- national acts—up from a mere four last year—ranging from obscure Danish post-metal crushers LLNN, to Polish extreme metal behemoths Behemoth, 2015 is sure to fuck your face off with extreme prejudice. Local face-fuckers of note include im- minent international breakout act Kon- tinuum, perennial death metal rippers Severed, and gentle comeback kids Lights on the Highway. Changes are, however, inevitable, and as the festival expands beyond the limits of the local in- frastructure—manifest mainly in a lack of guest and artist accommodations and the relatively small size of the lo- cal venues—the question arises; is it still feasible to arrange such a massive happening in a small, distant town like Neskaupstaður? And, perhaps, more pressing, could the festival continue to thrive at a different venue in a less scenic location, deprived of the metal scene lore attached to the current one? Pondering this conundrum, Gun- nar Sauermann offers the following: “It’s obvious from this year’s billing that the makers of this metal party are trying to expand the fun by carefully growing a little and featuring bigger names from abroad. Such ambitions will probably be much welcomed by the local island scene, while securing more international media exposure, but the growth will be naturally limited by Neskaupstaður’s accommodation situ- ation. Therefore it is quite likely that the next three years will see more foreign bands and guests—however, the great and unique spirit of this festival should remain intact.” PLEASED TO MEAT YOU! TVEIR HRAFNAR listhús, Art Gallery Baldursgata 12 101 Reykjavík (at the corner of Baldursgata and Nönnugata, facing Þrír Frakkar Restaurant) Phone: +354 552 8822 +354 863 6860 +354 863 6885 Opening hours: Thu-Fri 12pm - 5pm, Sat 1pm - 4pm and by appointment +354 863 6860 TVEIR HRAFNAR listhús, Art Gallery offers a range of artwork by contemporary Icelandic artists represented by the gallery, selected works by acclaimed artists and past Icelandic masters. Hallgrímur Helgason Húbert Nói Jóhannesson Jón Óskar Óli G. Jóhannsson Ragnar Þórisson Steinunn Þórarinsdóttir Also works by: Guðbjörg Lind Jónsdóttir Hulda Hákon Sara Oskarsson Kristján Davíðsson Nína Tryggvadóttir – among others 34 The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 9— 2015MUSIC Eistnaflug is the leading and longest running metal festival in Iceland. The annual indoor event tradition- ally occurs over second weekend of July—its eleventh edition kicks off on July 8 and will feature the biggest line-up ever, with Icelandic rock and metal’s best and brightest taking the stage alongside a whopping eleven international acts (a record number of imports). This year also marks the inau- guration of a new and much larger main venue to fit all the punters and bands, with the festival’s previous main site now hosting its official off- venue programme. A product of promoter Stefán “Stebbi Hressi” Magnússon’s hy- peractive disorder, the festival was sparked by his creative vision of injecting some much needed vital- ity into the cultural sphere of his then-hometown of Neskaupstaður, where he found himself teaching el- ementary school phys ed in the early naughts. Eistnaflug has grown to be an important event in many respects; for the region, for the Icelandic metal and hardcore scenes, and, increas- ingly, as part of the international metal festival spectrum. For Neskaupstaður, it has both cultural and economic benefits. As a domestic—and increasingly inter- national—tourist attraction, its draw, and fiscal turnaround dwarfs every other regional event. It also serves to lend its location sense of identity and purpose. For the Icelandic metal scene, it provides a yearly high tide, a sense of belonging, and a means for bands to promote themselves both domes- tically and internationally. By now, securing a spot at Eistnaflug is con- sidered a major milestone in an up- and-coming Icelandic metal band’s career. Originally a destination for the hardest core of the Icelandic metal scene, Eistnaflug’s demographic has expanded exponentially over past last few years. While still attracting that same core audience, Eistnaflug attendees now come in all shapes and sizes, including internet metal nerds, curious tourists, locals from surrounding fjords, mainstream metal fans and road trip-hungry hip- sters lured by the addition of non- metal acts to the line-up. What’s An Eistnaflug? Eistnaflug has defi- nitely changed the metal scene in Ice- land,” she adds, “bands are becoming more ambitious. They really want to play the festival, and in order to do so they have to prove that they’re serious about record- ing and touring, and not just occasionally rehearsing in a garage
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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