Reykjavík Grapevine - 28.08.2015, Blaðsíða 35

Reykjavík Grapevine - 28.08.2015, Blaðsíða 35
35The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 13 — 2015 TRAVEL Distance from Reykjavík 285 km Whale Watching tour provided by North Sailing, Book tour at or call +354-4647272 Bus trip Akureyri-Kjölur-Reykjavík provided by SBA-Norðurleið.Book at or call +354-5500700 BOOK YOUR FLIGHT OR DAY TOUR AT AIRICELAND.IS ÍSAFJÖRÐUR ICELAND’S WESTFJORDS ARE ONLY 40 MINUTES AWAY Let’s fly is le ns ka /s ia .is F LU 7 32 63 0 3/ 15 cestral homeland. To most European medieval enthusiasts, the name Snorri conjures images of the great Saga writ- er Snorri Sturluson, but the program is named after this Snorri, the one who was born in America but grew up in Iceland. It would take almost 800 years until Ice- landers rediscovered North America. The King in the North On the other side of the fjord, the tiny vil- lage of Hofsós commemorates the ones who did. Almost 20,000 Icelanders left for North America in the late 1800s, settling in Manitoba, North Dakota and other places. Their history is recounted in the Icelandic Emigration Centre, in exhibits that span three buildings. One more point of interest in Skagafjörður is Hólar, where the bishops of the North dwelled until 1798 (yes, the Northerners had to have their own bishop, separate from the rest of Iceland). The most notable resident was Jón Arason, Iceland’s last Catholic bishop, who was executed in 1550. This was partly for religious reasons but most- ly to teach the Northerners that their lot in life is to be ruled from the South, a les- son they still stubbornly refuse to learn. Jón the bishop was brought down South for his beheading, his body being sent back up North after. You can visit him in the church there, if you must. Before heading over to what they like to call “The Capital of the North,” Akureyri, it is worth continuing up Tröl- laskagi (“the Giant’s Peninsula”) to visit scenic Siglufjörður, a town almost laid to waste in 1968, not by bands of marauding hippies (as one might expect by the date) but rather by the disappearance of her- ring stocks from the surrounding waters. In Siglufjörður, they have everything you always wanted to know about herring, but were afraid to ask. After the Gold Rush In between the profiteering of World War II and the banking bubble of the early 2000s, the biggest gold rush in Iceland’s history was driven by her- ring. In Siglufjörður, it actually started in 1903, and—as with so many of the small towns dotted along the coastline—it was the Norwegians who first set up fisheries that would drive it. Modernity arrived late in Iceland, but when it did, it came with a splash (and then a crash). People flocked to Siglufjörður from all over to salt herring into barrels, which was a rela- tively well-paid job that at times accounted for up to 20% of Iceland’s GNP. Then, in 1968, the so-called “Silver of the Ocean” sud- denly vanished. The people left, too: Siglufjörður’s cur- rent population stands at around 1200, less than half of what it used to be. To- day, the town is participating in the lat- est boom, tourism, sporting a brand new hotel and attractive harbourside restau- rants. The herring era is commemorated in Siglufjörður every year with a huge piss- up over Merchant’s Weekend during the first weekend of August, and at The Her- ring Era Museum, which proudly displays a full-size fishing boat. It is surely one of Iceland’s better museums, even for the non-herring enthusiast. A Herring Museum ticket will also admit you to Siglufjörður’s Folk Music Centre, which is certainly worth a visit. For the longest time, the only instruments found on the island were the Icelandic fiddle and the langspil, both of which slightly resemble a poor man’s steel gui- tar. Actual guitars were introduced in the late 1800s, and as in the Old West, play- ing it was a woman’s job (Johnny Cash, for one, learnt how to play guitar from his mother). Indeed, even today, the basic chords are referred to as “vinnukonu- grip,” Icelandic for “Working Woman’s Chords.” If you’re particularly lucky, you’ll find one Hildur Heimis manning the centre’s reception desk, a young girl from Reyk- javík who currently resides in Texas, but works here over the summer. She is a member of the band Duo Svanni and will happily play any and all of the cen- tre’s numerous instruments for your en- joyment. You can even practice singing along to if you like. Whales, sails and a touch of seasickness Skipping Akureyri for now (we’ll get there, eventually), we instead head over to Húsavík. As everyone knows, Húsavík is known primarily for whales. While the town’s Whale Museum makes for an impressive visit, the jewels in Húsavík’s crown are the whale watching tours, of- ten referred to as the best you’ll find in the country. North Sailing is one of the companies that offers trips, and—unlike the floating bars that take you out from Reykjavík—they conduct their whale watching trips on old-timey sailboats. The trip takes about three hours, and while there is no guarantee of whale sightings, they do claim a 90 percent success rate. In fact, much excitement comes from the hunt itself, as you scout the horizon in search of a fin, as if playing a particu- larly tricky game of “I spy.” Our excellent tour guide shouts out which direction to look in, sadly refraining from shouting “Thar she blows!” The blue whale season is in early summer, and the humpbacks come out in force in early autumn, so us early August visitors must make do with spotting a couple of minke whales. Only the fins and backsiders stick out, making them look more like dolphins than giants of the deep, but when one comes close enough it sure is an impressive sight. Romantic Vopnafjörður There is nothing like a burger at Bau- kurinn after a hard days’s whale watch- ing, before heading on eastwards. The coastal route is probably more scenic, but we take the ring road directly to Vopnafjörður. Even inland, the scenery changes rapidly, from green hills to black desert to grey fog. As we emerge out the other end, we are warmly welcomed by one Jósep Jó- sepsson. He is just the kind of local you want to show you around, the sort that knows the history of every building and which epic battle from which Saga took place where. As it is raining (it often is up here), we decide to tour the local mu- seums. Burstarfell flaunts an upscale turf house, in use until the late 1960s. Some of the family members are to be found in the nearby cemetery, which also has a monu- ment to ‘Vopnfirðinga Saga’, which—as the name implies—was set here. There is also a museum dedicated to songwriter brothers Jón Múli and Jónas Árnason, who are directly responsible for many a ditty that every Icelander knows by heart and will hum to him- or herself every now and again. Vopnafjörður also hosts a small centre dedicated to the people who left from here to the Ameri- cas in the 1800s, since Vopnafjörður housed one of the biggest harbours back then. Today, one of Vopnafjörður’s main employers is the HB Grandi fish process- ing plant, and we are offered a tour of the facilities. One’s view of freezehouses is usually informed by places like the Her- ring Museum, along with the numer- ous songs that have been written about working the fishing industry grind, so it is interesting to see the almost fully auto- mated modern-day version operate, and observe the free food and lounge that are meant for the employees. Truth be told, it doesn’t look bad for a workplace. Then again, it probably won’t inspire many romantic songs, either. "Writer Hallgrímur Helgason went left his comfort zone in 101 Reykjavík to write 'Rokland', a book which in many ways cap- tures the Iceland of the boom years."
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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