Reykjavík Grapevine - 28.08.2015, Blaðsíða 48

Reykjavík Grapevine - 28.08.2015, Blaðsíða 48
8 Offering fresh Icelandic cuisine in a stylish and casual atmosphere in the heart of down town Reykjavík. isafoldrestaurant . is Þingholtsstræti 5 - tel: 595 8535 Enjoy our wide variety of feature cocktails inspired by the spectacular view from SKÝ. Top floor CenterHotel Arnarhvoll - Ingólfsstræti 1 / 595 8545 RESTAURANT ÍSAFOLD Come on people now Melodica was established in Australia in 2007, and has since seen iterations spread through Central and Northern Europe. The festival came to Iceland in 2008, aided by the efforts of of local singer-songwriter Svavar Knútur (he just released a new song—check it out on his Facebook). With the 2015 Reyk- javík edition about to commence, we checked in with the man who started it all, 33-year-old songwriter Pete Uhlen- bruch. Cheerful and attentive, Pete relays the story of the first ever Melodica. It came to be, he says, because he wanted his songwriter friends to get to know one another and perhaps collaborate. Struck with an idea, Pete started mak- ing some phone calls—in the space of two hours he had planned a festival that would take place in three weeks time, having secured a venue, a func- tional PA system and performances from eighteen musicians. In the years since, Melodica has grown and spread far and wide, while maintaining the DIY grassroots spirit and the pay-what- you-want policy. Smile on your brother So Pete, what sets Melodica apart from other festivals? When you have a regular concert, it’s two or three bands playing, and it goes something like this: you sound check, you play, you have a beer, and then you go home—it offers limited interactions. Larger festivals are alienating, too, be- cause you have so many people and so much going on, leaving artists with little time to hang out together and get the creative juices flowing. Melodica, on the other hand, is focused on some- thing else: it’s about bringing passion- ate artists together, offering them a chance to spend time with likeminded people, and letting their creativity in- fect each other. At this point, Melodica is a network of festivals spread across Europe, so artists often meet up once they’ve got- ten onto the circuit, resulting in tours being booked. Like with Poems for Jamiro from Hamburg, and Meadows Ever Bleeding from Sweden, who went on a mini-tour together before coming to Melodica Reykjavík—by the time the festival comes around, they’ll already be in the zone and know each other’s stuff, so there will be a noticeable and palpable camaraderie between them. The audience picks up on that kind of stuff, and that’s what I love most: see- ing these small choirs spontaneously pop up. Everybody get together Did you feel there was any extra red tape involved when starting the festival in Iceland? No, quite the opposite actually. Things are pretty much at arm’s length over here, which is rather nice. It allows Melodica to be sort of like a guerrilla festival—it’s very DIY grassroots, with no real hierarchy—just people helping each other out. All you need is a venue, and then it’s like couchsurfing, with a stage: we invite musicians to come here, and then we find them a place to crash where they get to meet each other. Is this what artists find appeal- ing about the festival? Yeah, I think the fun thing about couchsurfing is that it allows you to drop straight into a lifestyle, where you bypass the distance between the tourist and local cultures. When you have a lo- cal hosting you, they take you to places and look after you, which chimes well with Melodica as a festival run by art- ists and for artists. It’s like, ”come stay at my place, and then we’ll all go out for hot dogs, and then brainstorm some ideas together”— a lot of spontaneous collaboration tends to happen this way between lo- cal and international artists. They’re all hanging out, and connecting, and then they’ll have an idea for a song, or need a harmony for an existing one, and wind up performing it together at the festi- val. We try to give artists more than one opportunity to play, especially if they’re from overseas, so if other artists see someone they want to join forces with, they can. Try to love one another And how do you keep it financial- ly sustainable with the pay-what- you-want admission? [chuckles] Well, we encourage people to contribute, but we want it to be ac- cessible to individuals of all income streams, because we like the idea of a communitarian open philosophy. “Couchsurfing, With A Stage” Iceland’s summer season is filled with festivals. So many festivals. Some take place in small and remote fishing towns. Others are spread out over larger settlements. And yet others take place in the city. The festivals, they come in all shapes and sizes—but few are as modest as Melodica Reykjavík. Photo Art Bicnick and Nanna Dís Words Gabríel Benjamin MUSIC FESTIVAL August 28-30Melodica Café Rosenberg and Loft Hostel Entry by donation. The Melodica Reykjavík festival is just around the corner
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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