Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.11.2015, Síða 2

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.11.2015, Síða 2
2 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 1 — 2011 Milkywhale are a new electronic pop duo who recently set Iceland Airwaves 2015 alight with five fabulously fun shows. So catchy were the tracks of Árni “Plúseinn” Hlöðversson (you might know him from such bands as FM Belfast, Hairdoctor and Blazing Inferno) and so explosively joyful were the performances of singer Melkorka Sigríður Magnúsdóttir, that several of Grapevine’s festival review team immediately formed a fandom (#Hvalmjólkurmennirnir) and trailed around town watching each and every gig they played. So, they fully deserve to be our post- Airwaves featured track. Also, it’s a damn good track. For fun, check out this “Best Of Milkywhale Fawning 2015” collection we assembled from the many glowing words our resident fanboys wrote about them. “Melkorka is an inspired, somewhat divine individual who has decided to use her time on earth to plant an immovable smile on the faces of every human be- ing possible. She jumps, writhes, spins, stamps, pumps her hips, reaches for the crowd’s faces, throws herself to the ground, stretches for the sky, pops her shoulders, and is a generally unstoppable maelstrom of movement. The energy that pours from her isn’t that kind of “let me entertain you” professional-but-practiced stagey dancer feeling, but rather a chan- nelling of a deep love for life, dance, music and movement. I guarantee that seeing Milkywhale is the most fun you’ll have with any kind of whale during your stay in Iceland. Of all the things we’ve learned watching and reporting on the sightings of “the glamorous whale” (their lyrics), we have one conclusion: In our ex- pert, scientific opinion, Milkywhale basi- cally won Airwaves.” 2 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 17 — 2015 Hafnarstræti 15, 101 Reykjavík Published by Fröken ehf. Member of the Icelandic Travel Industry As- sociation Printed by Landsprent ehf. in 25.000 copies. Editor In Chief: Haukur S Magnússon / Journalist & Travel editor: John Rogers / Journalist & Listings editor Gabríel Benjamin / Food Editor: Ragnar Egilsson / Editorial: +354 540 3600 / Advertising: +354 540 3605 / +354 40 3610 Publisher: Hilmar Steinn Grétarsson / +354 540 3601 / Contributing Writers: Shruthi Basappa Joe Shooman Anna Manning Davíð Roach Haukur Már Helgason Björn Teitsson Mr. uhhhhhhhhhhh Grayson Del Faro Nathan Hall Óli Dóri RX Beckett Paul Fontaine Editorial Interns: Alexander de Ridder / Rebecca Conway / Art Director: Fashionably Laid Design: Scooby Don't Contributing Photographers: Art Bicnick Anna Domnick Hörður Sveinsson Sales Director: Aðalsteinn Jörundsson / adalsteinn@grape- Helgi Þór Harðarson / Distribution manager: Proofreader: Mark Asch releases: Submission inquiries: Subscription inquiries: +354 540 3605 / General inquiries: Founders: Hilmar Steinn Grétarsson, Hörður Kristbjörnsson, Jón Trausti Sigurðarson, Oddur Óskar Kjartansson, Valur Gunnarsson The Reykjavík Grapevine is published 18 times a year by Fröken ltd. Monthly from November through April, and fortnightly from May til October. Nothing in this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without the writ- ten permission of the publishers. The Reykjavík Grapevine is distributed around Reykjavík, Akureyri, Egilsstaðir, Seyðisfjörður, Borgarnes, Keflavík, Ísafjörður and at key locations along road #1, and all major tourist attractions and tourist information centres in the country. You may not like it, but at least it's not sponsored (no articles in the Reykjavík Grapevine are pay-for articles. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own, not the advertisers’). On the cover: Birgitta Jónsdóttir, Ásta Helgadóttir, Helgi Hrafn Gunnarsson Photographer: Hörður Sveinsson - Cover Concept Hrefna Sigurðardóttir & Sveinbjörn Pálsson Cover Design Sveinbjörn Pálsson Don’t Get Too Excited, It’s Only Paper One morning this fall, I woke up on a couch and it was strange. September. The news, I could no longer read them. Here is an anecdote: I ventured inside that Alþingi building the other day. I believe it was a Tuesday. The time was 3pm. The weather was mostly OK. I was there to help this tall wunderkind, the redhead superstar photographer man, that integral part of this magazine since always and beyond. His name is Hörður Sveinsson. Hörður Sveinsson was there to document the three Pirate MPs (they are named Ásta, Helgi and Birgitta) for this magazine’s cover. Flip the page for a minute. It’s a nice shot, right? Kind of blurry. But that’s intentional. Trust me, we use some very sophisticated, state of the art equipment to create photo- graphs for this magazine. Anyway, I was there to provide assistance and moral support, in case the Pirates turned out to be mean assholes, or if—I don’t know— we’d get lost in the hallway or something. Also to carry stuff. That’s where I’m a Viking! What a fun experience that was, being in- side the Alþingi building! The first person I met was the MP named Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir. She is a card- carrying member of the Independence Party. Traditionally, that party is Iceland’s Official Party For Winners. I have often wondered what it would feel like to be an accredited member of a party for winners. I imagine it must feel great. But, I have never come close to trying to join. I am afraid they would see right through me, that they would make fun of me, that it would be a humiliating experience. The MP Hanna Birna did not come off as much of a winner as we briefly passed one another in that corner of the Alþingi build- ing’s hallway where you’re supposed to hang your coat. She kind of scowled at me. We have never met, it was weird. The look she gave me was that special mix of Worried, Annoyed and Angry that the Assistant Principals, bus driv- ers and school janitors have down to a science. I wondered if I had done something to anger her. Whether she was maybe angry that a kind of messy guy such as myself was in Her House. Then I remembered that The MP Hanna Birna was once The Minister Hanna Birna, which is a title that better suits a Winner. I now believe she must always feel sad about the ill fortune of having to revert to being The MP after getting a taste of being The Minister—that this was the reason why she looked angry. Angry people often seem sad, and vice versa, I have learned. But this was an aside. Back to the anec- dote: Hörður Sveinsson and I were greeted by The Building Guards once we made it inside of the Alþingi building. These Guards are tasked with defending our valuable MPs and Min- isters, and they take that job seriously. They are good people, but they maybe felt a sense of unease about Hörður Sveinsson and I. I can’t blame them for doing their job, part of which I imagine must entail standing around and be- ing suspicious. The Pirate MP Birgitta Jónsdóttir came and met us. She has long, dark hair. She was wearing the clothes she is wearing on the cover image (flip the page again if you don’t remember what she looks like there). She was also wearing a very big smile. And she laughed a lot. I like it when people smile and laugh. I think that is a nice way to welcome strangers. I wondered why Birgitta was being so nice. I thought: We have never met. Is she one of those people who always likes to smile and laugh? Or is she smiling and laughing because she considers us to be teammates? Are we teammates? I do not remember joining any team. I am not interested in pursuing team membership. I admit that I sometimes fan- tasize about being in a successful team, but those dreams are burnt down by my worries that such a team would reject me. I thought some more: Are we maybe team- mates because we are the kind of people who do not want to be in teams? Does everyone who never joined any team get automatically enlisted in a team that’s made up of people who don’t like the idea of teams? Birgitta is a member of a political party that I think might emphasize that they are “not a team.” Does this make that my politi- cal party? Is she smiling because she wants to trick me into joining her no-team political party? No dice, Birgitta. I like your smiles and I will smile back, because I like smiling and also because it is The Right Thing To Do. But a no- team team is still a team. Wait, this wasn’t the anecdote. OK I gotta hurry. I’m running outta space. Here goes: We were looking for a space to shoot pho- tos. Birgitta suggested we try doing it in the Alþingi building’s basement sauna room (they have a sauna room? WTF!?!). Birgitta walked us down to the basement. It smelled like a swimming pool. That amused me. I looked at my phone. I was a little behind Birgitta and Hörður, because I was texting, so the sauna door shut in my face. I finished texting. It was an important work text. I am not rude. One of The Building Guards came run- ning. He was the younger one of the two. He looked very anxious, and worried. He told me I was not supposed to be down there. I said I was sorry. I motioned to the sauna room, to indicate that I was not alone in the swimming pool basement, and told him we were there to create photographs. He said that photography was banned everywhere in the house, except for two places that I knew Hörður did not want to photograph in, because he has done it before and they are boring places. I was worried. Hörður Sveinsson came out, and some Pirate MPs. The Building Guard approached Birgitta. He told her that she was not supposed to bring anyone down there. She smiled and waved her hand and said, fine OK. We went upstairs, to The Pirate Office. We were going to photograph in there. The Build- ing Guard followed. He approached Birgitta again, and told her that there was to be abso- lutely no photography in The Pirate Office. He said this as Hörður Sveinsson and I carried so- phisticated, bulky photography equipment to The Pirate Office. The Building Guard Looked worried. He asserted The Rules. Birgitta told him, of course we can pho- tograph in The Pirate Office, and waved him away. I might not want to join Birgitta’s no team team. I don’t like teams (also their quota sys- tem policy is stupid). But I still think she is kind of a badass. A Smiley Badass, the best kind of badass. Alright that was the anecdote. Editorial: Haukur S. Magnússon TRACK OF THE ISSUE | +354 659-7000 EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME! Glacier tours in Skaftafell from only 8.990 ISK Milkywhale - “Invisible” Download your FREE track at Comic | Lóa Hjálmtýsdóttir


Reykjavík Grapevine

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