Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.11.2015, Síða 22

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.11.2015, Síða 22
By RX Beckett Þórir Georg is the first to admit that he’s not much for interviews or self-promo- tion of any kind. Although he’s enjoyed a diverse, overly active career as a musician over the past decade-plus, driven by a strong work ethic that’s resulted in in a substantial back-cata- logue that spans various monikers and genres, Þórir Georg is a name known by few other than some really nerdy Ice- landic music critics and fans. I know he would like to keep it that way, letting his self-named slop-rock trio and his goth rock project Kvöl stay on the down- low. However, when I arrived at Harpa this past Airwaves, planning to hang out before Ariel Pink’s set, I stumbled upon Þórir and his wife and bandmate, Júlía Aradóttir, sitting by the bar, I decided to press through and get him on the record. You have a good moustache going on right now. Did you get a haircut for the festival? I just shaved my head and my beard yesterday. I do this fairly regularly. I’m surprised you haven’t seen it before. It’s very common, it’s like, every other time that I shave. Júlía: And I’m always like, are you gon- na leave that moustache? How quickly does your facial hair grow? Like, how long would it take you to grow out that moustache? Fairly quickly. I dunno, like, two weeks. That’s impressive. And how much does your facial hair affect your performance? That’s a difficult question. So how is Airwaves going for you? Same as always. This is my eleventh year and I always go into it thinking it will be fun, and I never have as much fun as I think I’m going to have. But that just has more to do with me getting tired very easily from everything. Is that because everyone around you is getting shitfaced and you’re just like, ugh? Hmm, that’s probably part of it*. There’s just too much going on. Have you seen anything good, though, or have you just given up? Yes [laughs]. No! I saw a show today at Dillon, and that was all very good. All the bands that played there were great. Who was playing again? Just re- mind me? I think it was HAM and ghostigital and The Sugarcubes.** Those are good bands! Solid groups. Of course, I like all the bands that were playing but I see them pretty much ev- ery time they play. I saw Misþyrming on Wednesday at Gaukurinn. I liked that a lot. At Airwaves, do you spend more time seeing your friends bands or— Yes, definitely. I realised that the pat- tern I’ve fallen into is: I’ll usually see one or two foreign acts, and then I’ll just see the same bands I’ll see every year. I probably see more bands now than I used to. There are a bunch of bands go- ing on right now that sort of fit into my taste in music, more usual. In terms of playing has the experi- ence changed? Does any memory stand out? It’s always nice. I don’t have a very good memory for details though. My shows have always gone very smoothly. I remember the couple of times that Gavin Portland*** played. Those were really good memories. We played two or three times, and it was always nice. Now I’m trying to remember bands that I’ve seen, but it’s not going very well. [Turns to Júlía] What have I seen that I really liked? Júlía: You saw The Knife last year. Yeah, The Knife. That was really good. Oh, and Fucked Up were really good when they played. But I’d seen them a couple of times before. Contrary to what everyone else seems to think, I really loved the Yo La Tengo show a couple of years ago. Everyone I meet is like, nah I didn’t like it that much, but I thought it was really good. I got into a fairly heated argument with a couple of mutual friends of ours over whether The Pixies or Yo La Tengo were a bet- ter band. You’re not gonna tell me who, are you? We don’t have very many mutual friends that would have an opinion on this! One of them definitely plays drums in a couple of bands that we are in, and the other guy has definitely been a mem- ber of one of those bands before, but they’re not anymore [laughter]. They were really offended when I said that The Pixies only had a couple of good songs. I may have been exaggerating to benefit my argument, but still. But I still maintain that Yo La Tengo are probably a better band than The Pixies. In my opinion, of course. But yeah... Börn are one the bands I love to see, they’ve played the last couple of years. But of course, I pretty much see every single show they play in Iceland, so... You stage a lot of them, in fact. Yes. If I am to be completely honest, Börn might be my favourite Icelandic band in the history of Icelandic music. Whoa! Elaborate. They just play exactly the kind of music I love. There haven’t really been a lot of real punk bands in Iceland. Even dur- ing the punk period, there weren’t re- ally any punk rock bands. There were a couple of punk bands that I don’t listen to that much, because they were more on the bar rock kind of side. And it seems like anything that actually sounded like straight-up punk was actually a lot of macho bullshit. Yeah, exactly. There was the post-punk stuff, which I obviously love, like the weirder darker stuff. [Þeyr, Kukl]. Which would venture into some really strange, experimental terri- tory... Yes, which is cool. I like that. I much prefer that to that manly Bubbi Morth- ens punk rock kind of thing. So yeah, so I like Börn a lot. Can this interview just be about how much I like Börn? Yeah! Fuck yes. Even the band they had before that, Tentacles of Doom, that was an incred- ible rock band. That was Alexandra, Júlíana and Fannar, with a guy named Siggi on the guitar. I think he’s a Park Ranger now. They were really good as well. My opinion is probably affected by my best friend being in that band. Still, I think that even if I didn’t know them they, would be my favourite band. I feel like there’s always a bit of a natural overlap between who one hangs out with and what kind of music one likes. I’ve had friends in a bunch of bands that I didn’t like. Of course, who doesn’t? But you wouldn’t necessarily organise or play shows together… No no, but I just mean through the years as well. So I don’t think it’s just because they’re friends of mine that I like them. In fact, most of that band are assholes [pauses. Breaks. Laughs]. No, they’re not. None of them are assholes. Þórir Georg: It’s Always The Quiet Ones “There haven’t really been a lot of real punk bands in Iceland. Even during the punk period, there weren’t really any punk rock bands. There were a couple of punk bands that I don’t listen to that much, because they were more on the bar rock kind of side.” Tender Trends, Fickle Fashion, Party Politics By Gabríel Benjamin Information about Icelandic politics is anything but accessible to outsiders (hell, most of us natives don’t know jack shit about them, either). Luckily, we found a political pundit and histo- rian type who was all into explaining it to us. Straight outta Iceland’s left- est, greenest pastures, meet Stefán Pálsson! Read on to learn more about Iceland’s political roots, how small parties get on in Iceland, and the reli- ability of mid-term polls. How would you describe Iceland’s recent political history? Speaking in broad strokes—100+ years ago, Icelandic politics focused on the nation’s struggle for independence from Danish rule. While most agreed on that objective, they disagreed on how far they were willing to go to make it happen, which necessitated the creation of separate parties. Poli- tics with some semblance of a left/ right axis—where parties seek their voter base from different classes and regions—commenced around the time of the First World War, laying the foundation for Iceland’s modern poli- tics. Unlike what happened in the other Nordic countries, where the process of urbanisation began far earlier, se- curing social democratic parties a stronger position, Iceland has been under the rule of the right-wing In- dependence Party (Sjálfstæðisflok- kurinn) and the centre-right Progres- sive Party (Framsókn) for much longer than the two major left-wing parties [the People’s Alliance (Alþýðubanda- lagið), which eventually morphed into the Left-Green Movement (Vinstri- Grænir), and the Social Democratic Party (Alþýðuflokkurinn), which eventually became the Social Demo- cratic Alliance (Samfylkingin)]. How have these four parties changed over the last century? Well, the Progressive Party, for ex- ample, used to be associated with the cooperative movement—people used to joke was it was merely their politi- cal arm, which is no longer the case. Then, the Progressive leaders primar- ily spoke for the countryside. Iceland’s demography has undergone major changes since, and the current divide makes it impossible to run on a plat- form that appeals only to a rural base. Similarly, the left-wing parties used to be in bed with the unions, with Alþýðuflokkurinn and ASÍ (“the Ice- landic Confederation of Labour”) ba- sically acting as two sides of the same coin. That, too, has changed. Generally speaking, the parties have grown much more diverse. Alþingi used to be almost entirely made up of male lawyers, doctors, or public of- ficials. Now, it comprises much more of a cross-section of society, with MPs of various backgrounds and both gen- ders. Another big change came through the increased importance of primaries from 1970 and onwards, where indi- viduals could rise through the politi- cal ranks and secure a seat in Parlia- ment simply by merit of being famous, personable, or popular—instead of having to remain loyal to the party for extended periods of time. It’s worth mentioning that while the aforementioned parties—which have remained a constant in Icelandic poli- tics since the advent of modern poli- tics—we have often had a fifth, or even sixth party in Parliament since 1983. Grouping the “Big Four” together as “the establishment” has primarily been a form of rhetoric employed by supporters of smaller parties, a way to define their identities and ideas in contrast to them. Many of those smaller parties have been lead by for- mer members of one of the four, folks who defected after getting upset, for instance, or losing an election. These smaller parties are often very fluid, able to change their policies with very short notice, and not needing to place themselves on the traditional left-right spectrum. For example, the Liberal Party changed a lot over the time it was active; it went from being centred on fishing quota system re- forms, to basically flirting with popu- list racism. These new parties seem to pop up every few years, maybe surviving one or two terms before disappear- ing. The Pirates, however, seem to be doing exceptionally well in polls… I’d be careful not to read too much into poll movements in the middle of a term—things that quickly become fashionable also quickly fall out of fashion, and if their numbers dip, the same media that covered their rise to popularity with fervour will be more than happy to report on their demise. They’ve managed to sustain high pop- ularity for half a year, which in itself is remarkable—however, it’s not unprec- edented. The Left Greens, for example, ranked very high in the polls for most of the term following their first elec- tion in 1999, and were projected to get more MPs than the Social Democrats. Despite this, they lost a seat in the fol- lowing 2003 elections. Historian Stefán Pálsson tells us all about Iceland’s political history and the role of small parties *Þórir is straight-edge and proud. **Þórir and Júlía’s band Kvöl and my band Antimony both played said off-venue show at Dillon, “Dark Waves Night.” His answer is what we call a “lie”. ***One of his former hardcore bands. He’s had a few. 22


Reykjavík Grapevine

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