Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1965, Qupperneq 65
Verzlunarskýrslur 1964
consists of the 1955 Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs (B.T.N., 4 digit
code) of the Customs Co-operation Council (Brussels), as subdivided for statistical purposes (4 digits
plus subdivisions marked A, B, C, efc., these letters in the Icelandic nomenclature being substituted
by numbers at 5th digit: A = 1, B=2, etc.). A 6th digit is addcd for further subdivisions for national
use. A code number with 2 zeros at 5th and 6th digits (XX.XX.00) is identical with the same B.T.N.
code number, which has not been subdivided for statistical purposes nor is there a subdivision for
national use. — There are a few exceptions from the rule that figures J, 2 etc. at 5th and 6th digits
indicate subdivisions for international statistical purposes and for national use respectively.
4. The tariff number of each heading is stated above its text to the left, but to the right is shown the co-
rresponding number in the Standard International Trade Classification, Revised.
5. A star in front of the text of a heading indicates that the text has been abbreviated. The full text can
be seen in the Customs Tariff itself ivhich is available in English translation and can be obtaincd
from the Office of the State Treasurer, Reykjavik, Iceland. As to code numbers of type XX.XX.00
or XX.XX.XO reference is made to the United Nations publication STATISTICAL PAPERS,
Series M, No. 34, pp. 49-130.
6. Countries from which imports amount to less than 25 000 kr. (CIF) are not specified if their number
is 2 or more. The number of such countries is stated in brackets behind ,,önnur lönd“ or ,,ýmis lönd“
ivhich signifies respectively „other countries“ and „sundry countries“.
1. kafli. Lifandi dýr.
Tonn Þús. kr. Þús. kr.
01.06.20 941.00
*önnur lifandi dýr en þau, sem eru í nr. 01.01-
Ýmis lönd (3) ... 0,0 26 31
2. kafli. Kjöt og aetir hlutar af dýrum
02.01.30 011.30
*Kjöt af svínum, nýtt, , kælt eða fryst.
Danmörk 0,2 16 17
02.06.10 012.10
,,Bacon“, svínslæri og annað svínakjöt, saltað,
í saltlegi, þurrkað eða reykt.
AIls 7,5 122 164
Danmörk 7,2 117 156
Önnur lönd (3) .. 0,3 5 8
02.06.20 012.90
Annnað kjöt í 02.06, saltað i saltlegi, þurrkað
eða reykt Ýmis lönd (3) ... 0,7 13 16
3. kafli. Fiskur, krabbadýi ■ og Iindýr.
03.01.01 031.10
Lifandi fiskur í fiskibúri eða öðru íláti.
Alls 0,9 126 211
Danmörk 0,4 69 121
Bandaríkin 0,5 49 75
Önnur lönd (3) .. 0,0 8 15
03.03.01 031.30
Smokkfiskur og skelfiskur til beitu.
Noregur 223,0 1430 1437
Tonn Þús. kr. Þús. kr.
03.03.09 031.30
•önnur krabbadýr og Kndýr í nr. 03.03.
V-Þýzkaland ... 0,0 1 2
4. kafli. Mjólkurafurðir; fuglaegg;
04.02.20 022.20
Mjólk og rjómi, niðursoðið, þurrkað eða sykrað,
í föstu formi, svo sem kökur eða duft.
V-Þýzkaland 0,0 1 2
04.03.00 023.00
Alls 1,5 64 71
Danmörk 1,3 50 55
Bandarikin 0,2 14 16
04.05.00 025.00
Ýmis lönd (3) .. 0,3 38 41
04.06.00 061.60
Náttúrlegt hunang.
AIls 49,2 1 247 1 346
Danmörk 7,6 247 266
Bretland 26,5 588 635
Holland 10,2 288 311
Kína 3,0 77 81
Önnur lönd (4) .. 1,9 47 53
5. kafli. Afurðir úr dýraríkinu, ót. a.
05.01.00 291.91
‘Mannshár óunnið og úrgangur af mannshári.
V-Þýzkaland ... 0,0 0 0