Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun

Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1985, Qupperneq 29

Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1985, Qupperneq 29
Verslunarskýrslur 1984 25 investment goods (e.g. in machinc shops. ship construction. Cemcnt Works). 05—28: machincs uscd for the production of consumption goods. 05—29: machincs and cquipmcnt for thc chcmical industr>' (ind. thc Fcrtilizcr Plant). 05—30: machinery n.c.s. 06: other investment goods. 06—31: investment goods for agriculturc (incl. mink for brecding). 06—32: investment goods used in construction industries. Cookcrs. 06—36: other invcstmcnt goods (c.g. for usc in tclccommunication scrviccs. but excl. machincry). 06—37: other investment goods n.e.s. 07: raw materials for the production of consumption goods. 07—01: raw matcrials for thc production of food. drink and tobacco (incl. somc wrapping). 07—02: clothing matcrials. leather and othcr goods for thc production of clothing, footwear. headgear and bags. 07—04: raw matcrials for thc production of detergents. soaps and drugs. 07—06: raw matcrials for the production of othcr non-durablc consumption goods. 07—13: raw matcrials for thc production of furniturc (incl. ready-made doors and furniture woods). 07—14: raw matcrials for thc production of pcrsonal equipmcnt and other durablcs. 07—15: othcr raw matcrials, c.g. Iinen for thc production of bcd clothcs. 08: building materials and raw materials for use in the construction industry. 08—32: building matcrials (incl. pipcs. fittings. window pancs. linoleum ctc.) 08—35: raw matcrials for usc in building and construction (ccmcnt, wood to bc used in building opcrations). 09: raw materials for the production of investment goods. 09—11: raw matcrials for usc in ship building. 09—42: raw matcrials for usc in machinc building. 09—43: raw matcrials for usc in thc metal industry and other industrics pruducing semi-finishcd goods. 10: raw materials and auxiliary material. for use in aluminium smelter and ferro-silicon factory. 10—44: raw matcrials and auxiliary matcrial for usc in aluminium smcltcr. 10—45: raw matcrials and auxiliary matcrial for usc in ferro-stlicon factory. 10—49: auxiliary matcrial n.e.s. (mainly carbon anodcs). 11—00: production goods to be used in agriculture. 12: production goods to be used in fishing- and other vessels. 12—51: fishing ncts and fishing gear. 12—52: other. 13: production goods used in fish processing plants. 13—61: salt. 13—62: boxcs. papcr. ctc. for packaging. 13—63: knivcs and othcr small implements. 14: other production goods n.e.s. Matcrials used in: 14—71: thc plastics industry. 14—72: thc chcmical industry. 14—73: the production of paint. 14—74: thc production of tcxtile goods and footwear. 14—75: othcr industry. 14—76: repair shops. 14—77: other branchcs (cxd. industry). 15: fuel and lubricants. 15—81: gasolinc (cxcl. aviation gasoline). 15—82: aviation gasolinc. 15—83: jct propulsion fucl. 15—84: gas oils. 15—88: fucl oils n.c.s. 15—85: lubricating oils. 15—86: othcr fuels (coal, butanc gas, clcctricity ctc.) 15—87: non-refincd oils. 16: ships and aircraft. 16—90: coast guard vcsscls. 16—91: fishing vcsscls. 16—92: mcrchant vcssels. 16—93: vcsscls for plcasurc or sports. 16—94: tugs. dredgers and othcr spccial purposc vcsscls. 16—95: other ships and boats. 16—98: aircraft (incl. glidcrs). 16—99: balloons. parachutcs and sparc parts for aircraft. Innflutningur varnarliðseigna. Við lok heimsstyrjaldarinnar var sett á fót nefnd, er keypti fyrir hönd ríkissjóðs ýmsar eignir setuliðanna tveggja, sem þau fluttu ekki úr landi. Nefndin sá og um sölu slíkra eigna til innlendra aðila. Árið 1951 hófust sams konar kaup af bandaríska liðinu, sem kom til landsins samkvæmt varnarsamningi fslands og Bandaríkjanna í maí 1951. Síðar hafa hér bæst við kaup á bifreiðum o. fl. frá einstökum varnarliðsmönnum, svo og kaup frá íslenskum aðalverktökum á tækjum o.fl., sem þeir hafa flutt inn tollfrjálst vegna verka fyrir varnarliðið. Eru hvor tveggja þessi kaup meðtalin í þeim tölum, sem hér fara á eftir. — Vörur þær, sem hér um ræðir, fá ekki tollmeðferð eins og aðrar innfluttar vörur, og er þar af leiðandi ógerlegt að telja þær með innflutningi í verslunarskýrslum. Rétt þykir að gera hér nokkra grein fyrir þessum innflutningi, og fer hér á eftir yfirlit um heildarupphæð þessara kaupa hvert áranna 1951—84 (í þús nkr.): 1951 2 1958 51 1965 43 1972 193 1979 2 323 1952 1 1959 98 1966 41 1973 246 1980 5 148 1953 7 1960 168 1967 54 1974 349 1981 6 730 1954 17 1961 80 1968 92 1975 513 1982 8 538 1955 20 1962 45 1969 106 1976 640 1983 10 178 1956 24 1963 63 1970 193 1977 984 1984 19 492 1957 24 1964 41 1971 181 1978 1 331 I kaupverðmætinu er innifalinn kostnaður við viðgerðir o. fl. til aukningar á söluverðmæti o. fl. Sundurgreining kaupverðmætisins eftir vöruflokkum 1983 og 1984 fer hér á eftir (í þús kr.): |y83 ]984 Fólksbflar (1983: 122, 1984: 148).................................. 5 315 14 155 Vöru-ogscndifcröabflar (1983: 32, 1984:27) .............................. 377 870 Aörirbflar ............................................................... 26 122 Vörulyftur, dráttar- og tcngivagnar ..................................... 156 823 Vinnuvclar......................................................... 352 1 576 Aörar vclar og tæki....................................................... 37 113 Varahlutiríbílaogvclar,cinnighjólbaröar.................................. 229 10 Skrifstofu-og búsáhöld, hcimilistæki og húsgögn ......................... 644 331 Fatnaöur ................................................................. 38 13 Matvæli, niöursoöin, sælgæti o. fl ................................ 1 854 628 Ýmsarvörur .............................................................. 558 278 Vörur kcyptar innanl. vcgna söluvarnings, viögcröir og bankakostnaöur . 592 573 Alls 10 178 19 492
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Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun

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