Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.06.2016, Blaðsíða 47

Reykjavík Grapevine - 03.06.2016, Blaðsíða 47
Offering fresh Icelandic cuisine in a stylish and casual atmosphere in the heart of down town Reykjavík. isafoldre s t aurant . is Þingholtsstræti 5 - tel: 595 8535 RESTAURANT ÍSAFOLD Fresh local food and cozy ambiance in the city center Kitchen open from 11:30 - 22:00 Þingholtsstræti 5 - Tel: 595 8535 - OPEN 7-21 BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER T EMPL AR A SUND 3 , 101 RE Y K JAV ÍK , T EL : 5711822, W W W.BERGSSON. IS Art Street50 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 7 — 2016 To the casual observer there seems to be a multitude of small art gal- leries dotting Reykjavík’s interior. However, exhibition space in the downtown area is still limited for those looking to showcase work. Harbinger Project Space opened its doors two years ago, on what co-founder Steinunn Önnudóttir credits as a whim. And, although it was originally conceived as a space to present foreign and local work equally, the pressure to provide an inventive haven for Icelandic art- ists appears immutable. Despite this, Steinunn has worked hard at bringing in foreign artists: Harbinger’s current show is by the Swedish/Indian artist Chan- dra Sen. ‘Find Home’, the gallery’s first-ever painting exhibition, runs until June 11 and emphasizes Chan- dra’s talents as a colourist. The ex- hibition features a book of draw- ings and eleven tempera paintings, on either canvas or medium-den- sity fiberboards. Although the di- mensions of Chandra’s pieces vary greatly, the size of her paintings is usually inversely proportional to the scale of her subjects. “Chandra manages to display the vastness of her subjects in tiny paintings much better than had they been huge,” Steinunn says. “So she’s playing with scale in an intriguing way.” What’s in a name? A name did not spring fully formed into the creator’s mind when con- structing the project space. Rather, Steinunn went through more of a process of elimination than a cre- ative development to find a suit- able title. She decided against the traditional path of naming gal- leries after founders. But the less formal practice of using onomato- poeias or humorous redundancies didn’t appeal to here either. She finally settled on Harbinger after what she calls a “desperate Google chase.” In spite of this, there is method to the seeming random- ness. Steinunn counted off several of the name’s attributes. It’s a word that is not instantaneously recog- nizable even to those who claim English as their native language. Because of this enigmatic quality the true meaning of the word can be adapted or ignored. Neverthe- less, Steinunn is happy with the term’s actual definition and wel- comes the connotations it brings. “Harbinger relates to the harbour, a safe haven or a temporary shel- ter, which was the intent with set- ting up the space,” Steinunn says. “Its archaic meaning is a bit relat- ed to the avant-garde—the harbin- ger is the front-runner who goes ahead to provide lodgings for the ones who are coming.” Keep keeping on Steinunn has several goals for Har- binger, not least of which is foster- ing a greater artistic community. “Being an artist is a little narcis- sistic,” Steinunn says. “It’s putting your own need for expression above society’s most easily recognisable needs for useful subjects.” She’s quick to clarify that art has intrinsic value, to be sure, but that much of the time individuals are interested in themselves as artists first and foremost, and their as- cension in the art world. Collabo- ration and community often play second fiddle. “I think it would be relieving for each individual artist to be able to shift that focus,” she says, “and I would love to see the art that could come out of it.” Harbing er is open Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 14:00 – 17:00 and by appointment. SHARE: Consumers of Culture Words KELLEY REES Photo ART BICNICK
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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