Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.07.2016, Blaðsíða 60

Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.07.2016, Blaðsíða 60
Blazing Trails Chas Geomans and his Trail Team volunteers are caring for Þórsmörk Words & Photos JOHN ROGERS 60 The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 9 — 2016TRAVEL Other than the Volcano Huts and a couple of small farms, one of the only regularly inhabited spots in the wild expanse of Þórsmörk is Húsadalur, on the edge of the Krossá valley. There’s not much there: a campsite, a shower block and, tucked away behind some trees, a small, unobtrusive camp with some a tool sheds, a kitch- en, a communal seating area and snack shop. For several months of the year, this place is home to a group of in- ternational volunteers who, under the guidance of organiser Chas Geomans, will spend the sum- mer helping to maintain and re- store the region's 70km network of trails and paths. Chas is a quiet fellow who boils up some water for coffee while he explains his work. “We maintain the trails,” he explains, “and we work on improving access, and generally keeping the place nice. We do erosion control, and a bit of work with invasive plants. If we want to encourage a variety of lo- cal flora and fauna, we can’t have a monoculture of lupin fields. That part is a bit controversial. But we just check its spread and try to be careful about it." Þórsmörk is, surprisingly, not a national park, but is rather un- der the jurisdiction of the forestry service, who've helped fund the initiative for the past few years. Children of the forest “It’s expensive to be here, even though it’s volunteer work,” ex- plains Chas. “We need good transport, tools, food, equip- ment. That money comes from the state—from the forestry commis- sion, and an organisation called Friends of Þórsmörk who apply for funding.” As well as these organisations, there are various tourism com- panies, school groups and hiking groups who come to use the area. Chas speaks fondly about the har- mony that exists between this wil- derness community. “We have all kinds of organisa- tions here,” he says, "and they're all friends and partners. There’s a special atmosphere between ev- eryone. People are running differ- ent businesses and such, but it all works very well. For example, the bus company gave us seventy free tickets to get our volunteers here. They don’t ask for much from us— they just want to help.” Respecting the nature The wood used to make steps and irrigation channels is all provided by the forestry commission. “We get off-cuts that aren’t much use commercially,” explains Chas. “They can’t be turned into boards because they’re too small. They’d probably chip it, if we didn’t use it. Be we can turn it into steps. We come from the conservation angle, so we’re always trying to do low-impact work, using natural materials." "Þórsmörk has a special place in the heart of Icelanders,” fin- ishes Chas. “A lot of them came here as children. And many people want to walk these fragile trails. It’s a special place, and the con- servation element is really impor- tant." Find out more, or volunteer to help maintain Þórsmörk, at DAY TOURS WWW.RSS.IS • +354 497 5000 • INFO@RSS.IS Where Your Iceland Starts! USB CHARGING IN EVERY SEAT IN BUS AUDIO GUIDE GOLDEN CIRCLE CLASSIC SOUTH COAST CLASSIC ALSO AVAILABLE WITH GLACIER WALK PRICE FROM 10.490ISK PRICE FROM 13.890ISK TEENAGERS 12-15 YEARS OLD: 5.245ISK TEENAGERS 12-15 YEARS OLD: 6.990ISK KIDS 0-11 YEARS OLD: FREE KIDS 0-11 YEARS OLD: FREE On this tour, each seat is equipped with a hand-held touch screen tablet with a GPS sensitive app, that gives expertly written and recorded guiding on demand. Available in 10 languages. English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Finnish, Chinese, Japanese & Korean. Bring your headphones, or buy onboard. IN BUS AUDIO GUIDE AVAILABILITY MON • TUE • WED • THU • FRI • SAT • SUN AVAILABILITY MON • TUE • WED • THU • FRI • SAT • SUN DURATION APPROX: 8 hrs DURATION APPROX: 11 hrs IN-BUS-AUDIO GUIDE IN-BUS-AUDIO GUIDE
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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