Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.07.2016, Blaðsíða 72

Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.07.2016, Blaðsíða 72
BOOK YOUR FLIGHT OR DAY TOUR AT AIRICELAND.IS ÍSAFJÖRÐUR ICELAND’S WESTFJORDS ARE ONLY 40 MINUTES AWAY Let’s fly ÞÓRSHÖFN VOPNAFJÖRÐUR GRÍMSEY ÍSAFJÖRÐUR AKUREYRI EGILSSTAÐIR REYKJAVÍK is le ns ka /s ia .is F LU 7 32 63 0 3/ 15 How to get there: The bus runs May-October—book at via 59The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 9 — 2016 TRAVEL Distance from Rvk 145 km with peeling red paint, half-hidden amongst the flora and rubble of this perfectly untouched wilderness. On high The next day, we head out to hike the Tindfjöll circle, the longest route on the map. It begins with a walk up the Krossá valley. The flat grey expanse is unexpectedly colourful up close, with patches of orange moss, white-flowering anjelica and purple Arctic thyme growing amongst the earthy lava pebbles and ashen sand. After an hour, the path enters a wooded mountainside, and quick- ly becomes a narrow, winding ledge, etched into the mountain- side. We’re soon hundreds metres up on the wooden slope, scaling a variety of obstacles and taking vertigo-inducing scrambles to find the onward route. Another world The halfway point is a high, rain-lashed plateau studded with gleaming black pebbles. To our east, the Mýrdalsjökull glacier rears high above a foggy range of tex- tured, pastel-coloured purple bulg- es and greenish mountains that re- cede gradually out of sight into the thick mist, and to the west we look down onto the top of Valahnúkur, which seems small, suddenly, from this elevated perspective. The second half of the circle sees the path skirting the undulat- ing lip of a spectacular canyon. We wind our way along the dizzyingly high cliffs, crossing steep scree banks, pausing at a huge standing rock known as Tröllakirkja (“troll church”). The path vanishes in- termittently, subsumed by frozen snow. We kick footholds into the ice to cross the sheer surface, test- ing with every step in case of wa- ter flowing beneath. The near-ver- tical drop to our right is dizzying and ever-present. The Tindfjöll circle is not for the faint of heart. Eventually, we descend once more, walking down the peak of a long ridge into a glorious, bright red forest. The lights of the Vol- cano Huts appear in the distance, and we walk the last stretch look- ing forward to a long soak, a hot meal, and a final deep and well- earned sleep in this oddly moving and truly unforgettable place. SHARE:
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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