Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.09.2016, Side 52

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.09.2016, Side 52
BOOK YOUR FLIGHT OR DAY TOUR AT AIRICELAND.IS ÍSAFJÖRÐUR ICELAND’S WESTFJORDS ARE ONLY 40 MINUTES AWAY Let’s fly ÞÓRSHÖFN VOPNAFJÖRÐUR GRÍMSEY ÍSAFJÖRÐUR AKUREYRI EGILSSTAÐIR REYKJAVÍK is le ns ka /s ia .is F LU 7 32 63 0 3/ 15 Hvolsvöllur is a sleepy village in south Iceland, between Hella and Seljalandsfoss. It’s a somewhat for- gettable, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it settlement of just a few small han- gars and stores, a bank, and a hand- ful of houses, all whipped by dust from the steady tourist traffic of Route One. But today, Hvolsvöllur takes on a new significance. “This is the last village before the floodplain starts,” says Andrés, our guide for the day. “If Katla were to have a major eruption, everything past here could be under threat.” T h e o n w a r d s d r i v e c u t s through swathes of verdant farm- land. Houses and churches crown green hillocks, and fat sheep re- lax in long, wavy grass. In the dis- tance stand two glaciers: Eyjaf- jallajökull, and the much larger Mýrdalsjökull—the 700m thick ice cap that sits squarely over the Katla caldera, which has been rumbling ominously over the week preceding our visit. Absolutely destructive Katla’s last major eruption was in 1918, extending Iceland’s southern coast with 5km of deposited sand, rock and silt in the process. In the intervening years, this land has been necessarily used for roads, power lines, and buildings of vari- ous types. Everything from Hvols- völlur to 40km east of Vík could now sit in the path of eruption flooding. "If an eruption occurs, it's been estimated that it would be one hour before the flood water breaks through the surface,” says Andrés, “and then four hours before the water reaches the coast. People have just a few hours to evacuate the area.” Locals have been on their toes since Eyjafjallajökull erupted in 2010. All three of Eyjafjallajökull’s previous recorded eruptions—in 920, 1612 and 1821—were followed by an eruption of Katla. But all of Iceland’s major volcanoes are monitored for earthquakes and other telltale signs that some- thing might be going on beneath the surface. "Every year since 2008 the re- ports have been that Katla is mov- ing,” says Andrés, “so it's nothing new. But now the earthquakes are big. Katla’s ‘little sister’ Hekla is also overdue—she erupts every ten years or so. Hekla isn’t under ice—her eruptions have a local effect, more or less—powerful, but mainly affecting farmers and aviation over the island. But Katla we know very little about—just that it could be absolutely de- structive." The ascent Soon, we pass the rolling plains of Sólheimasandur. Andrés pulls over to deflate the tyres of our monstrous super jeep for the as- cent to Mýrdalsjökull. The car—a Ford F-350 Super Duty, modified to take 55” tyres—has proven something of a celebrity through- out the day, with tourists posing for pictures every time we pull over. With good reason: it’s so tall that it comes with a stepladder for passengers to climb in. Although it at first seems ex- cessive, it soon becomes appar- ent that there’s a reason such cars exist. We labour up a steep road littered with potholes the depth of ditches, the impacts cushioned by the soft deflated tyres. As we approach the track ’s 1060m terminus, the hills to our left drop away, revealing a breath- taking valley of black, blue and bright white glacier ice far below, cracked in an organic and yet hyp- notically regular pattern. We pull over, watching a trickle of water running from some nearby ice and joining with other rivulets until it forms a river. It leads to the edge of a high cliff, where the water tumbles far below and vanishes under another ice sheet. Even without an eruption, the amount of melt- water is surprising. As we sit in silence taking in Mýrdalsjökull’s rega l presence and dizz y ing scale, it’s a sobering thought to imagine the impact of a full- fledged eruption. Volcano “Nobody remembers a Katla eruption. It could be total destruction.” With Katla rumbling, we went for a closer look Words JOHN ROGERS Photos ART BICNICK The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 14 — 2016 52


Reykjavík Grapevine

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