Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1900, Síða 13

Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1900, Síða 13
13 Gefendur The B. C. C. Chess Note Book. New Edition. London. * Týdschrift von den Nederlandschen Schaakbond. Zesde Jaargang 1898. Gouda 1898. — Zevende Jaargang 1899 Gouda 1899. — 8de Jaargang No. 1—6. Jan—Jnni 1900. •The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireiand, April, Juli— Oct. 1898. London 1898. [Mocquart, L.] Élémens theoriques et pratiques du jeu des echecs avec des réflexions morales, politiques, historiques et militaires, relatives a ce jeu. Paris 1810 Philidor, A. D.: Studies of chess: containing a systematic introduction to the gante, and the analysis of chess — Sixth Edition, with very considerable additions. London 1825. The Chess Congress of 1862. A Collection of the games piayed and a selection of the problems sent in for competition. Edited liy J. Lowenthal — — London 1889. Severino, M. Aurelio: La fiiosofia o vero il perche degli scacchi — — Trattato Napoli 1690. 4to. Baxter-Wray: Chess at odds of pawn and move — - Compiled. London 1890. * Lopez, Rui: II givoco de gli scacchi, Nuanamente tradotto in lingva Italiana da M. * Gio. Damenico Tarvia. In Yenetia MDLXXXIII. 4to Linde, Dr. A. v. d: Het Shaakspel in Nederland. Utrecht 1875. * Gianutio della Mantia, Horatio: Libro nel quale si tratta della Maniera di Ginocar’ a * Scacchi —. In Tvrino, — 1597. 4to. Bird, H. E.: Steinitz & Lasker Match with comments, review and original notes. London * 1894. Cunnington, E. E.: How to play Chess. New edition. Reviscd and enlarged. London * 1900. Latnbe, R.: The history of chess, together with short and plain instructions by which * any one may easily play at it without the help of a teacher. London MDCCLXXIV. Línde, Dr. A. v d.: Leerboek van het Schaakspel. Met 185 diagrammen en 41 figuren. * Utrecht MDCCCLXXVI. Philidor: Analysis of the Game of Chess. A new edition, improved and greatly enlarged, to * which isadded several parties,playedby tbeauthor hlindfold.— Vol. I—II. London MDCCXC. Cunnington, E E.: The modern Cliess primer Second edition. London 1899. * Verney, George Hope: Eccentricitics. London 1885 * Damiano: Livre pour apprendre a jouer au jeu des échecs. Traduction nouvelle aug- * mentée — par C. Sanson. Paris 1872. Morphy’s Games of Chess — — with anaiytical and critical notes by J. Lövventhal. * London 1860.. Greco, Giachino: Le jeu des echets, tradnit de l’ltalien. A Paris MDCLXIX. * Hferonymi Vidae Schacchia ludus quem lndenti peritis una cum Jac. Balde ludo Palame- * dis aperuit Car. Poppo Froebel. Rudolphopoli 1820. 12 [Cessolis, Jacob de:] The game of the chesse: A moral treatise on the dnties of life. * The first book printed in England — Reprinted in phonetic spelling — London 1872. Kling, Henry: The Chess Euclid; a collection of two hundred chess problems and end- * games. Revised and Corrected by the author. London 1849. The Chess Player. Edited by Kling and Horwitz. Vol. I—IV. London 1852—53. * Dal Rio, Ercole: The incomparable Game of Chess — -- Translated from the Italian — * To which is prefixed An essay on the origin of the game by Eyles Irwin. Lond. 1820. A Selection of Games at Chess, actually played by Philidor and his contemporaries: — * with notes and additions by George Waiker. London 1835 Chess exemplified in a concise and easy notation, greatly facilitating practice. — By the * late President of a select Chess-Club. Part 1. London 1842 The ABC of Chess. By a lady. Being an concise and easy introduction to cliess; with * the laws of the game; diagrams, etc. London Tenth Edition Philidor, A. D.: Die Kunst im Schachspiel ein Meister zu werden. — Dritte Auflage. * Strasburg — 1771. *) Gefandinn vill eigi láta nafns sins getið.


Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins

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