Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1902, Page 13

Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1902, Page 13
13 TIip American Cliess World. Vol. I. Nr. 1-8. N. Y. 1901. Vol. IT.Nr. 1—3. N. Y. 1902. Checkmate — Vol. J.No. 12. Prescott Ont. 1901. Wiener Schachzeitung. 4. Jahrg. Nr. 1. 4—8. Wi. 1901. Deutsche Schaehzeitung 41. Jahrg. Lpz. 1886. 43. Jahrg. Lpz. 1888.45. Jahrg. Lpz. 1890. 51. Jahrg. Lpz. 1896. 1901. 1.—6. og 8.-9. Lpz. 1901. L’eeo degli scacchi. Serie II. Anno \r. Num. 18—19. Palermo 1901. Nuova Rivista degli Scacchi. Auno XXVI. Nr. 3—8. Liv. 1901. Tidskrift for Skak -- Aarg. 7. Nr. 11—12 Kh. 1901. Akademische Schachblátter. 1. Jahrg. Nr 5.—6. og 8—10. Berl. Schweizerische Schachzeitung. I. Jahrg. Nr. 1. og 8, —12. Ziir. 1900—01. II. Jahrg. Nr. 1.—3. Ziirieh 1901. Budapesti Sakk-Szemle. Kiadja a „Budapesti Sakkoso-Táraság. 1 —IV. Budapestl889—92. The Britisli Chess Magazine. Vol. I. Hudderfield 1881. Vol. III—VII. Huddersf. 1883— 87. Vol. VIII. L. 1888. Vol. XI. L. 1891. Vol. XII. L. 1892. Vol. XIII. L. 1893. Vol. XVIII. L 1898. The Draughts World. Vol. 1—VI. Glasgov 1892-95. The Chess Players’s Chronicle. Vol. VIII. Lond. MCCCCXLVIII. Vol. III. New Series. L. 1855. Vol. IV. New Series L. 1856. American Chess-Nuts: A Collection of Problems. Edited hy E. B. Cook, W. R. Henry and C. A. Gilberg. N. Y. 1888. The Recreationist [Nr. 1—3]. Edited hy F. J. B. Peters. Southamton 1873. Truax, W. E.: The Game of Checkers. 1892. Deutsche Schachzeitung — — 27. Jahrg. Lpz 1872. 30. Jahrg. Lpz. 1875. 39. Jahrg. Lpz. 1884. 41. Jahrg. Lpz. 1886. 42. Jahrg. Lpz. 1887. 43. Jahrg. Lpz. 1888. 44. Jahrg. Lpz. 1889. 45. Jahrg. Lpz. 1X90. 46. Jahrg. Lpz. 1891. 47. Jahrg. Lpz. 1X92. Tlie Great International Match England v. America between C. Fr. Barker — and J. Smith — — Warrington 1X89. Second Scottish Draughts Championship Tournament — — Glasg. 1894. Games of the International Drauglits Championship Tournament — — Glasg. 1894. Games of the International Draughts Match England v. Scotland — — Sec. Ed. Glasg. MDCCCXC. Match between Mr. Will, Bryden — and Jam. Ferrie. Tillicoultry [1891]. Hill, James: Hills Pocket Manual —Hills Syno]>sis. Draughts Openings. L. 1893—94. Hay, William: The Drauglits Player. in four Parts. Edinb. M. DCCC. XLII. Drummond, John: The Scottish Draught Player — — Glasg. 1861. Borao, Jeronimo: E1 Ajedrez. Tratado de sus prineipios fundamentales — 2ed. Zaragoza 1868. Dean, James: Game of Draughts. cvnalysis of tlie „Whilter“ Opening s. 1. & a. Anderson, Andrew: Thc Game of Draughts simplified. 5. Ed. Glasg. 1887. Leggett, W. and Gardner, W.: „Will o’ the Wisp“ 3. Ed. Aberdeen 1885. The International Draughtsplayer. Part I. The Ayrshire Lessie Game. By R. Frazer. Glasg. [1887]. M'Culloch, R.: M’Culloch’s Guide to the Game of Draughts — Edinh. 1888. [Fiske, W.]. The Rev. Lewis Rou — and the Missing Manuscript of his Tract relating to Chess [1734] Florence MCM II. De nordiske schackongresserne i Stockholm 1897 Khavn 1899 och Götchorg 1891. Sth. 1902. Forsog til almindelige og særdeles Grund-Rcgler for Konge — eller SkakspiIIet. Kh 1774. Manual dos jogos. Lishoa 1899. Duher>|ue Chess Journal. Prohlem Tournay. Jan — toJuni 1871 Duhuque Iowa [1871] Vol. VIII. Dub. Iowa 1X75. The American Chess Journal. New Series. Vol, I. Hannihal Mo. 1876, Vol. II. Mai Dee. Hannih, Mo. 1877. Gefendur * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins

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