Landshagir - 01.11.1999, Side 135
Tafla 9.1. Magnvísitölur vergra þáttatekna í verslun, veitinga- og hótelrekstri 1991-1996
Table 9.1. Volume indices of gross factor income in trade, restaurants and hotels 1991-1996
Vísitala 1990 = 100 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Indices 1990 = 100
6 Verslun, veitinga- og hótelrekstur 103,6 99,3 95,4 97,7 101,2 108,6 Trade, restaurants and hotels
61 Heildverslun 104,3 100,0 96,2 96,6 99,4 107,9 Wholesale trade and commission broking
611 Utflutningsverslun 97,0 100,2 103,8 105,9 109,2 119,0 Export trade
612 Afengis- og tóbaksverslun 99,6 93,5 86,0 86,5 86,2 89,7 Alcohol and tobacco, retailing ofalcohol
613 Dreifmg á bensíni og olíum 90,7 98,4 98,3 98,7 101,7 102,3 Gasoline and other petroleum products
614 Byggingarvöruverslun 105,8 100,0 96,2 96,7 91,2 98,6 Building materials (notfor resale)
615 Sala á bflum og bílavörum 120,9 93,8 79,2 71,2 87,4 108,2 Motor vehicles, parts etc.
616 Heildverslun önnur en 611-615 105,2 101,0 97,4 99,4 100,7 109,3 Wholesale trade not elsewhere classified
62 Smásöluverslun 103,0 99,0 94,8 97,6 101,3 107,3 Retail trade
63 Veitinga- og hótelrekstur 103,0 97,8 94,6 102,0 107,8 114,4 Restaurants and hotels
862 Veitingastaðir 105,7 99,7 97,3 106,3 112,5 120,4 Restaurants and bars
863 Gististaðir 97,2 93,4 88,6 92,7 97,1 100,5 Hotels, camping sites etc.
Heimild: Þjóðhagsstofnun. Source: National Economic Institute.
Tafla 9.2. Heildarvelta í verslun samkvæmt virðisaukaskattsskýrslum 1993-1997
Table 9.2. Turnover in wholesale and retail trade based on value-added tax records 1993-1997
Velta án virðisaukaskatts í millj. kr. 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Turnover excluding VAT in million ISK
61 Heildverslun 140.553 153.135 170.776 196.925 210.899 Wholesale trade and commission broking
611 Utflutningsverslun 23.075 26.015 26.680 35.019 30.372 Export trade
612 Heildsöludreifing áfengis og tóbaks, smásala áfengis 9.719 9.998 10.502 9.327 9.780 Alcohol and tobacco, retailing ofalcohol
613 Heildsölu- og smásöludreifing á bensíni og olíum 22.292 22.283 22.721 27.714 30.247 Gasoline and other petroleum products
614 Byggingarvöruverslun 9.305 9.919 9.974 11.089 13.202 Building materials (not for resale)
615 Sala á bflum og bflavörum 14.710 14.599 17.520 20.734 24.662 Motor vehicles, parts etc.
616 Heildverslun önnur en 611-615 61.452 70.320 83.380 93.042 102.637 Wholesale trade not elsewhere classified
62 Smásöluverslun 96.057 97.876 102.932 108.030 113.758 Retail trade
617 Fiskverslun 590 688 824 939 823 Retailing offish
618 Kjöt- og matvöruverslun, mjólkur- og brauðsala 26.479 28.993 30.347 31.381 33.884 Retailing ofmeat and grocery goods, andfoods and beverages n.e.c.
619 Sala tóbaks, sælgætis og gosdr. 7.931 7.828 8.297 8.160 7.390 Retailing oftobacco, confectionery soft drinks etc.
620 Blómaverslun 1.489 1.495 1.530 1.635 1.681 Retailing offlowers and plants
621 Sala vefnaðar- og fatnaðarvöru 5.043 5.229 5.643 6.299 6.755 Retailing ofwearing apparel and textile goods
622 Skófatnaður 792 814 770 785 792 Retailing offootwear
623 Bækur og ritföng 3.077 3.251 3.307 3.638 4.250 Retailing ofbooks and stationery
624 Lyf og hjúkrunarvara 3.518 3.809 4.101 4.506 4.769 Retailing ofdrugs and pharmaceuticals
625 Búsáh., heimilist., húsgögn 8.297 9.157 10.518 11.645 13.183 Retailing of household appliances, fumiture etc.
626 Ur, skart, ljósmv., sjóntæki 1.097 1.109 1.111 1.223 1.310 Retailing of watches, jewellery gold and silver articles, photogr. and optical goods
627 Snyrti- og hreinlætisvörur 505 531 622 762 1.179 Retailing of cosmetics and toilet articles
628 Sérversl. ót.a., s.s. sportv. leikf., minjagr., frímerki o.fl. 3.694 3.764 4.172 4.085 4.387 Retailing of specialized commodities n.e.c.
629 Blönduð verslun 33.545 31.208 31.691 32.973 33.356 General merchandise shops n.e.c.
Heimild: Þjóðhagsstofnun. Source: National Economic Institute.