Landshagir - 01.11.1999, Side 162
Samgöngur, ferðamál o.fl.
Tafla 11.16. Farþegar til landsins eftir mánuðum 1996-1998
Table 11.16. Passengers from abroad by month 1996-1998
Farþegar alls íslendingar Utlendingar Hlutfall útlendinga, %
Passengers, total Icelanders Foreigners Foreigners, percent oftotal
1996 | 1997 1998 1996 1997 1998 1996 1997 1998 1996 | 1997 | 1998
Alls Total 390.453 404.934 458.886 189.618 203.279 226.667 200.835 201.655 232.219 51,4 49,8 50,6
Janúar 14.947 14.386 15.400 8.532 8.326 9.031 6.415 6.060 6.369 42,9 42,1 41,4
Febrúar 16.342 17.346 19.673 8.608 9.407 10.799 7.734 7.939 8.874 47,3 45,8 45,1
Mars 22.064 24.644 26.250 10.635 13.315 13.414 11.429 11.329 12.836 51,8 46,0 48,9
Apríl 26.260 24.627 33.110 13.356 12.574 17.529 12.904 12.053 15.581 49,1 48,9 47,1
Maí 27.597 30.145 33.806 12.118 13.842 14.954 15.479 16.303 18.852 56,1 54,1 55,8
Júní 49.685 51.009 55.506 21.661 22.504 25.582 28.024 28.505 29.924 56,4 55,9 53,9
Júlí 64.248 65.364 73.608 21.042 23.698 25.120 43.206 41.666 48.488 67,2 63,7 65,9
Ágúst 53.275 57.361 64.926 21.552 24.776 27.574 31.723 32.585 37.352 59,5 56,8 57,5
September 33.481 36.489 41.337 17.609 19.941 22.173 15.872 16.548 19.164 47,4 45,4 46,4
Október 31.808 31.821 34.057 20.001 20.447 20.941 11.807 11.374 13.116 37,1 35,7 38,5
Nóvember 27.823 28.859 35.334 18.631 19.043 22.958 9.192 9.816 12.376 33,0 34,0 35,0
Desember 22.923 22.883 25.879 15.873 15.406 16.592 7.050 7.477 9.287 30,8 32,7 35,9
Heimild: Hagstofa íslands (Hagtíðindi). Talnaefnið er byggt á mánaðarlegum skýrslum frá Útlendingaeftirlitinu. Source: Statistics Iceland (Monthly Statistics).
Primary data are based on monthly reports by the Immigration Office.
Tafla 11.17. Farþegar og ökutæki með bílferjum til landsins 1988-1998
Table 11.17. Passengers and vehicles from abroad on car ferries 1988-1998
Farþegar Passengers Ökutæki Vehicles
Alls Total ísland Iceland Norðurlönd Nordic countries Þýskaland Gennany Önnur lönd Other countries Alls Total íslensk Icelandic Útlend Foreign
1988 7.110 1.938 1.583 2.096 1.493 1.962 326 1.636
1989 7.189 1.729 1.402 2.360 1.698 2.302 392 1.910
1990 6.525 1.103 1.342 2.378 1.702 2.355 288 2.067
1991 7.911 1.253 1.642 2.637 2.379 2.362 253 2.109
1992 7.149 984 1.518 2.489 2.158 2.334 237 2.097
1993 7.483 900 1.688 2.840 2.055 2.421 238 2.183
1994 7.255 1.019 1.838 2.635 1.763 2.151 212 1.939
1995 6.438 1.192 1.165 2.184 1.897 2.161 269 1.892
1996 7.085 1.671 1.209 2.008 2.197 2.082 329 1.753
1997 6.906 1.699 1.473 1.908 1.826 2.128 395 1.733
1998 7.324 2.075 1.495 1.680 2.074 2.336 493 1.843
Heimild: Hagstofa íslands (Hagtíðindi). Source: Statistics Iceland (Monthly Statistics).