Landshagir - 01.11.1999, Page 167
Samgöngur, ferðamál o.fl.
Tafla 11.22. Gistinætur eftir árstíðum og ríkisfangi gesta 1997 og 1998
Table 11.22. Overnight stays by season and citizenship of guests 1997 and 1998
Heildar- fjöldi gistinátta Overnight stays total Hótel og gistiheimili Hotels and guesthouses Aðrir gististaðir1 Other accommodation1
AIls Total Jan.-apríl Jan.-April Maí-ágúst May- August Sept.-des. Sept.—Dec. Alls Total Jan.-apríl Jan.-April Maí-ágúst May- August Sept.-des. Sept.-Dec.
Alls Total 1.438.763 991.683 172.596 599.974 219.113 447.080 5.126 425.764 16.190
Islendingar Icelanders 521.236 290.177 73.537 138.373 78.267 231.059 2.966 219.386 8.707
Utlendingar Foreigners 917.527 701.506 99.059 461.601 140.846 216.021 2.160 206.378 7.483
Danmörk Denmark 60.724 50.059 9.760 28.281 12.018 10.665 306 9.919 440
Svíþjóð Sweden 73.220 65.815 11.201 34.938 19.676 7.405 375 6.562 468
Noregur Norway 52.118 47.642 10.505 23.164 13.973 4.476 97 3.827 552
Finnland Finland 14.530 13.089 2.496 7.939 2.654 1.441 3 1.242 196
Bretland U.K. 91.385 79.283 14.358 44.567 20.358 12.102 297 11.532 273
Irland Ireland 5.056 4.416 1.692 702 2.022 640 - 613 27
Þýskaland Germany 230.148 151.110 10.716 123.841 16.553 79.038 352 76.539 2.147
Holland Netherlands 39.973 24.646 4.888 14.271 5.487 15.327 67 14.813 447
Belgía Belgium 10.571 6.333 1.292 4.135 906 4.238 19 4.030 189
Frakkland France 67.452 36.547 1.887 31.434 3.226 30.905 86 30.216 603
Sviss Switzerland 33.626 23.078 909 20.461 1.708 10.548 18 10.300 230
Austurríki Austria 15.616 8.340 204 7.739 397 7.276 11 6.879 386
Ítalía Italy 35.721 25.568 737 23.446 1.385 10.153 28 9.962 163
Spánn Spain 11.738 8.099 476 6.928 695 3.639 10 3.454 175
Onnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 48.234 42.396 5.355 26.943 10.098 5.838 26 5.680 132
Bandaríkin U.S.A. 72.828 67.020 12.955 34.731 19.334 5.808 255 5.079 474
Kanada Canada 14.847 14.050 2.100 7.919 4.031 797 19 728 50
Japan Japan 12.740 11.828 4.365 5.029 2.434 912 132 691 89
Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 27.000 22.187 3.163 15.133 3.891 4.813 59 4.312 442
1998 Alls Total 1.540.892 1.100.718 192.614 669.741 238.363 440.174 6.179 415.645 18.350
íslendingar Icelanders 523.995 309.306 82.483 143.319 83.504 214.689 3.947 202.146 8.596
Otlendingar Foreigners 1.016.897 791.412 110.131 526.422 154.859 225.485 2.232 213.499 9.754
Danmörk Denmark 67.580 55.833 11.348 31.239 13.246 11.747 684 10.454 609
Svíþjóð Sweden 71.754 63.794 10.739 34.164 18.891 7.960 474 6.671 815
Noregur Norway 59.632 55.618 11.080 24.405 20.133 4.014 34 3.869 111
Finnland Finland 19.322 17.626 1.814 10.882 4.930 1.696 47 1.545 104
Bretland U.K. 112.980 96.726 19.238 59.785 17.703 16.254 172 15.392 690
Irland Ireland 5.833 5.245 1.514 1.181 2.550 588 18 551 19
Þýskaland Germany 234.539 163.239 13.295 133.880 16.064 71.300 160 68.810 2.330
Holland Netherlands 47.013 31.160 6.127 17.613 7.420 15.853 55 15.357 441
Belgía Belgium 11.515 6.830 1.209 4.911 710 4.685 24 4.520 141
Frakkland France 79.254 45.186 2.209 39.560 3.417 34.068 49 33.116 903
Sviss Switzerland 41.209 29.336 1.258 26.025 2.053 11.873 10 11.596 267
Austurríki Austria 15.004 8.261 223 7.399 639 6.743 21 6.584 138
Italfa Italy 49.224 36.216 679 33.781 1.756 13.008 3 12.767 238
Spánn Spain 15.288 11.653 321 10.239 1.093 3.635 1 3.540 94
Onnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 41.237 32.795 5.963 17.147 9.685 8.442 95 6.696 1.651
Bandaríkin U.S.A. 92.681 85.738 15.275 43.328 27.135 6.943 187 6.004 752
Kanada Canada 12.228 10.992 2.712 6.125 2.155 1.236 19 1.107 110
Japan Japan 10.253 9.223 2.879 4.599 1.745 1.030 44 852 134
Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 30.351 25.941 2.248 20.159 3.534 4.410 135 4.068 207
1 Aðrir gististaðir eru: orlofshúsabyggðir, farfuglaheimili, svefnpokagististaðir, tjaldsvæði, skálar í óbyggðum og heimagististaðir. Other accommodation
includes: summer-house accommodation, youth hostels, sleeping-bag accommodation, camping sites, lodges in wilderness and private-home accommoda-
Heimild: Hagstofa íslands. Source: Statistics Iceland.