Landshagir - 01.11.1999, Síða 194
Laun, verðlag, tekjur, neysla
Tafla 12.24. Einkaneysla, magnvísitölur og hlutfallsleg skipting 1994-1998
Table 12.24. Private final consumption, volume indices and percent distribution 1994-1998
1994 1995 | 1996 1997 1998
Verðlag hvers árs, míllj. kr. At current prices, million ISK
Matur, drykkjarvara og tóbak 60.979 63.517 67.301 69.734 75.404 Food, beverages and tobacco
Fatnaður 19.500 20.488 21.353 22.665 25.444 Clothing and footwear
Húsnæði, ljós og hiti 47.028 48.837 50.175 51.166 52.585 Rent, light. and heating
Húsgögn, húsbúnaður, heimilishald Fumiture, Jumishings, house-
og heimilistæki 19.926 21.167 23.533 25.670 30.590 hold equipment and operation
Lyf og lækniskostnaður 5.748 5.892 6.489 6.739 7.207 Medical care and health expenses
Flumingatæki og samgöngur 35.150 40.454 47.874 55.023 65.586 Transport and communication
Tómstundaiðja, skemmtanir, Recreation, entertainment,
menntun og menningarmál 28.392 30.322 33.082 36.570 42.860 education and cultural services
Ymsar vörur og þjónusta 32.930 35.841 38.283 42.171 48.516 Miscellaneous goods and services Private domestic consumption
Einkaneysla innanlands alls 249.652 266.518 288.090 309.737 348.193 expenditure, total
Utgjöld Islendinga erlendis 17.892 18.194 20.472 22.893 28.033 Purchases abroad by Icelanders'
Útgjöld útlendinga á íslandi 10.595 12.004 11.722 12.316 14.633 Purchases in Iceland by foreigners2 Private final consumption
Einkaneysla alls 256.949 272.708 296.840 320.314 361.593 expenditure, total
Magnvísitölur (1990=100) Volume indices (1990=100)
Matur, drykkjarvara og tóbak 97,4 99,0 102,3 103,9 110,1 Food, beverages and tobacco
Fatnaður 96,2 100,8 105,0 109,2 120,6 Clothing and footwear
Húsnæði, ljós og hiti 104,1 105,6 107,7 109,0 110,1 Rent, light. and heating
Húsgögn, húsbúnaður, heimilishald Furniture, furnishings, house-
og heimilistæki 98,5 103,6 112,1 120,5 141,2 hold equipment and operation
Lyf og lækniskostnaður 102,1 107,0 111,3 113,3 119,2 Medical care and health expenses
Flutningatæki og samgöngur 89,1 101,0 115,0 131,8 154,1 Transport and communication
Tómstundaiðja, skemmtanir, Recreation, entertainment,
menntun og menningarmál 99,3 104,5 110,8 120,0 138,8 education and cultural services
Ymsar vörur og þjónusta 98,3 105,9 111,5 120,4 136,1 Miscellaneous goods and services Private domestic consumption
Einkaneysla innanlands alls 97,8 102,6 108,3 114,5 126,2 expenditure, total
Útgjöld Islendinga erlendis 85,6 84,9 93,9 103,1 124,8 Purchases abroad by Icelanders1
Útgjöld útlendinga á íslandi 101,2 112,6 107,2 110,7 129,3 Purchases in Iceland by foreigners2 Private final consumption
Einkaneysla alls 96,8 100,9 107,3 113,7 126,2 expenditure, total
Percent distribution of private
Hlutfallsleg skipting einkaneyslu, % 3 consumption3
Matur, drykkjarvara og tóbak 23,7 23,3 22,7 21,8 20,9 Food, beverages and tobacco
Fatnaður 7,6 7,5 7,2 7,1 7,0 Clothing and footwear
Húsnæði, ljós og hiti 18,3 17,9 16,9 16,0 14,5 Rent, light. and heating
Húsgögn, húsbúnaður, heimilishald Fumiture, jurnishings, house-
og heimilistæki 7,8 7,8 7,9 8,0 8,5 hold equipment and operation
Lyf og lækniskostnaður 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,1 2,0 Medical care and health expenses
Flutningatæki og samgöngur 13,7 14,8 16,1 17,2 18,1 Transport and communication
Tómstundaiðja, skemmtanir, Recreation, entertainment,
menntun og menningarmál 11,0 11,1 11,1 11,4 11,9 education and cultural services
Ymsar vörur og þjónusta 12,8 13,1 12,9 13,2 13,4 Miscellaneous goods and services Private domestic consumption
Einkaneysla innanlands, alls 97,2 97,7 97,1 96,7 96,3 expenditure, total
Útgjöld íslendinga erlendis 7,0 6,7 6,9 7,1 7,8 Purchases abroad by Icelanders'
Útgjöld útlendinga á íslandi 4,1 4,4 3,9 3,8 4,0 Purchases in Iceland by foreigners2 Private final consumption
Einkaneysla alls 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 expenditure, total
1 Direct purchases abroad by resident households.
2 Direct purchases in the domestic market by non-resident households.
3 Miðað er við verðlag hvers árs. At current prices.
Heimild: Þjóðhagsstofnun. Source: National Economic Institute.