Landshagir - 01.11.1999, Page 212
Tafla 14.2. Landsframleiðsla og þjóðarframleiðsla 1994-1998
Table 14.2. Gross domestic product and gross national product 1994-1998
1994 | 1995 1996 1997 1998'
Verðlag hvers árs, millj. kr. Million ISK at current prices
Einkaneysla 256.949 272.708 296.840 320.314 361.593 Private final consumption expendit.
Samneysla 89.424 94.080 100.358 107.810 124.019 Govemm. final consumpt. expendit.
Fj ármunamyndun 65.876 65.950 87.322 98.818 125.365 Gross fixed capital formation
Birgðabreytingar -26 2.285 -1.202 -222 1.143 Increase in stocks
Þjóðarútgjöld alls 412.223 435.023 483.318 526.720 612.120 National expenditure, total
Utflutningur alls2 157.436 161.250 176.863 190.945 204.659 Export of goods and services2
Vörur, fob. 112.654 116.607 125.690 131.213 136.598 Goods, fob
Þjónusta 44.782 44.643 51.173 59.732 68.061 Services
Frádr.: Innflutningur alls2 134.631 144.725 173.727 187.716 230.207 Less: Import of goods and services2
Vörur, fob 92.992 103.251 124.489 130.959 161.651 Goods, fob
Þjónusta 41.639 41.474 49.238 56.757 68.556 Services
Verg landsframleiðsla 435.028 451.548 486.454 529.949 586.572 Gross domestic product
Launa- og eignatekjur frá útl., nettó -13.677 -12.302 -10.661 -10.611 -6.933 Netfactor income from abroad
Verg þjóðarframleiðsla 421.351 439.246 475.793 519.338 579.639 Gross national product
Viðskiptajöfn. án rekstrarframlaga3 9.128 4.223 -7.525 -7.382 -32.481 Balance on current accountJ
Vöruskiptajöfnuður fob/fob 19.662 13.356 1.201 254 -25.053 Balance on goods
Þjónustujöfnuður 3.143 3.169 1.935 2.975 -495 Balance on services
Þáttatekjur frá útlöndum, nettó -13.677 -12.302 -10.661 -10.611 -6.933 Netfactor income from abroad
Hlutföll af vergri landsframleiðslu, % Percent of gross domestic product
Einkaneysla 59,1 60,4 61,0 60,4 61,6 Private final consumption expendit.
Samneysla 20,6 20,8 20,6 20,3 21,1 Govemm. final consumpt. expendit.
Fj ármunamy ndun 15,1 14,6 18,0 18,6 21,4 Gross fixed capital formation
Birgðabreytingar 0,0 0,5 -0,2 0,0 0,2 Increase in stocks
Þjóðarútgjöld alls 94,8 96,3 99,4 99,4 104,4 National expenditure, total
Utflutningur alls2 36,2 35,7 36,4 36,0 34,9 Export of goods and services2
Vörur, fob. 25,9 25,8 25,8 24,8 23,3 Goods, fob
Þjónusta 10,3 9,9 10,5 11,3 11,6 Services
Frádr.: Innflutningur alls2 30,9 32,1 35,7 35,4 39,2 Less: Import of goods and services2
Vömr, fob. 21,4 22,9 25,6 24,7 27,6 Goods, fob
Þjónusta 9,6 9,2 10,1 10,7 11,7 Services
Verg landsframleiðsla 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Gross domestic product
Launa- og eignatekjur frá útl., nettó -3,1 -2,7 -2,2 -2,0 -1,2 Netfactor income from abroad
Verg þjóðarframleiðsla 96,9 97,3 97,8 98,0 98,8 Gross national product
V iðskiptaj öfnuður3 2,1 0,9 -1,5 -1,4 -5,5 Balance on current account3
Magnvísitölur (1990=100) Volume indices (1990=100)
Einkaneysla 96,8 100,9 107,3 113,7 126,2 Private final consumption expendit.
Samneysla 108,5 109,9 111,0 114,4 118,7 Govemm. final consumpt. expendit.
Fjármunamyndun 79,4 77,1 98,2 108,5 133,8 Gross fixed capital formation
Þjóðarútgjöld alls 96,9 99,9 107,5 114,2 128,1 National expenditure, total
Utflutningur alls2 108,5 104,9 115,5 122,4 125,3 Export of goods and services2
Vörur 107,5 105,2 114,7 116,9 114,5 Goods, fob
Þjónusta 111,2 104,3 117,6 138,2 156,2 Services
Frádr.: Innflutningur alls2 92,4 95,9 111,9 121,6 148,4 Less: Import of goods and services2
Vömr 89,6 95,4 111,2 117,8 144,1 Goods, fob
Þjónusta 99,9 97,4 113,8 131,9 160,2 Services
Verg landsframleiðsla 102,3 102,9 108,8 114,6 120,4 Gross domestic product
Launa- og eignatekjur frá útl., nettó 111,4 99,6 92,0 102,7 72,7 Netfactor income from abroad
Verg þjóðarframleiðsla 102,0 103,1 109,4 115,1 122,1 Gross national product
Vergar þjóðartekjur 100,5 102,5 107,4 114,0 122,7 Gross national income
Verðvísitölur (1990=100) Price indices (1990=100)
Einkaneysla 119,0 121,1 124,0 126,2 128,3 Private final consumption expendit.
Samneysla 117,8 122,3 129,2 134,6 149,3 Govemm. final consumpt. expendit.
Fjármunamyndun 118,4 122,0 126,8 129,9 133,6 Gross fixed capital formation
Ijóðarútgjöld alls 118,6 121,3 125,2 128,4 133,1 National expenditure, total
Utflutningur alls2 116,1 123,0 122,6 124,8 130,7 Export ofgoods and services2
Vörur 113,3 119,9 118,5 121,4 129,0 Goods, fob
Þjónusta 123,9 131,8 134,0 133,1 134,1 Services