Landshagir - 01.11.1999, Page 257
Heilbrigðis- og félagsmál
Tafla 16.36. Viðtakendur fjárhagsaðstoðar sveitarfélaga eftir fjölskyldugerð 1994-1997
Table 16.36. Households receiving municipal income support 1994-1997
Hlutfallstölur Höfuðborgarsvæði Önnur Percent
Capital region svfélög Fjöldi
með 300
eða fleiri fjölsk./
íbúa 1 heimila
Önnur Other Number
sveitar- municip. of
félög with 300 families/
AIls Alls Reykja- Other or more house-
Total Total vík municip. inhab. 1 holds
1994 1994
Alls fjölskyldur/heimili 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Families/houseliolds, total
Einstæðir karlar með böm 2,0 1,8 1,9 1,5 2,5 (106) Single men with children
Einstæðir karlar, bamlausir 36,0 39,1 42,0 29,1 24,6 (1.943) Single men without children
Einstæðar konur með böm 26,5 24,4 21,8 33,8 34,1 (1.431) Single women with children
Einstæðar konur, barnlausar 17,6 19,0 20,2 14,9 12,7 (951) Single womeri without children Married/cohabiting couples
Hjón/sambúðarfólk með böm 13,0 10,7 9,2 16,0 21,1 (700) with children Married/cohabiting couples
Hjón/sambúðarfólk, bamlaus 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,8 5,1 (266) without children
Fjöldi fjölskyldna/heimila (5.397) (4.235) (3.293) (942) (1.162) (5.397) Number of families/households
1995 1995
Alls fjölskyldur/heimili 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Families/households, total
Einstæðir karlar með börn 1,5 1.4 1,4 1,1 1,8 (88) Single men with children
Einstæðir karlar, bamlausir 38,6 41,3 43,5 33,0 28,0 (2.324) Single men without children
Einstæðar konur með böm 27,2 25,3 23,3 32,9 35,0 (1.638) Single women with children
Einstæðar konur, barnlausar 17,2 18,5 19,4 15,2 12,1 (1.035) Single women without children MarriedJcohabiting couples
Hjón/sambúðarfólk með börn 10,8 8,8 7,7 13,3 18,6 (650) with children Married/cohabiting couples
Hjón/sambúðarfólk, bamlaus 4,7 4,7 4,7 4,6 4,5 (281) without children
Fjöldi fjölskyldna/heimila (6.016) (4.807) (3.800) (1.007) (1.209) (6.016) Number of families/households
1996 1996
Alls fjölskyldur/heimili 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Families/households, total
Einstæðir karlar með böm 2,1 2,2 1,2 6,5 1,9 (122) Single men with children
Einstæðir karlar, bamlausir 37,8 41,1 43,6 30,3 26,2 (2.197) Single men without children
Einstæðar konur með böm 25,2 22,7 22,1 25,6 34,0 (1.465) Single women with children
Einstæðar konur, bamlausar 20,4 22,2 21,7 24,3 14,2 (1.187) Single women without children Married/cohabiting couples
Hjón/sambúðarfólk með böm 9,0 6,5 5,9 9,0 17,9 (524) with children MarriedJcohabiting couples
Hjón/sambúðarfólk, bamlaus 5,4 5,3 5,5 4,3 5,9 (316) witliout children
Fjöldi fjölskyldna/heimila (5.811) (4.531) (3.679) (852) (1.280) (5.811) Number of familiesJhouseholds
1997 1997
Alls fjölskyldur/heimili 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Families/households, total
Einstæðir karlar með börn 1,7 1.7 1,6 2,2 1,6 (96) Single men with children
Einstæðir karlar, barnlausir 36,9 40,4 42,5 31,1 25,4 (2.082) Single men without children
Einstæðar konur með börn 29,8 27,9 27,5 29,7 36,0 (1.684) Single women with children
Einstæðar konur, bamlausar 17,7 18,6 18,8 17,5 14,9 (1.000) Single women without children MarriedJcohabiting couples
Hjón/sambúðarfólk með börn Hjón/sambúðarfólk, barnlaus 8,8 6,5 5,1 13,2 15,9 (495) with children MarriedJcohabiting couples
5,1 4,8 4,5 6,4 6,1 (289) without children
Fjöldi fjölskyldna/heimila (5.646) (4.310) (3.528) (782) (1.336) (5.646) Number of families/households
Skýring: Til 1995 var aðeins leitað upplýsinga um fjölda viðtakenda fjárhagsaðstoðar hjá sveitarfélögum með 400 eða fleiri íbúa, en 1996 og síðar til sveitarfélaga
með 300 eða fleiri íbúa. Note:Until 1995 data on the number offamilies/households receiving income support was obtained onlyfrom municipalities with 400
or more inhabitants; for 1996 and onwards it was obtainedfrom municipalities with 300 or more inhabitants.
Heimild: Hagstofa íslands. Source: Statistics Iceland.