Landshagir - 01.11.1999, Side 315
Parishes, number 20
Parliament (Althingi), general elections 286-289
Passenger cars 151-154
Passenger transport, domestic flights 147
Passenger transport, intemational 148
Passengers from abroad 156-158
Passengers from abroad, citizenship 158
Passengers from abroad, on car ferries 156
Payment intermediation 193
Periodicals, publication 273, 275
Personnel, schools 259, 271-272
Pharmacists, number 238
Physicians, number 238
Pigs, number 96-97
Population 30-50
Population, 1 December 30-40, 47
Population, 31 December 41, 43, 46, 48-50
Population, 1 July 32, 42^-6
Population, age 41^46
Population, constituency 34
Population, country of birth 48
Population, country of citizenship 48
Population, increase 30-32
Population, labour force status 76-78
Population, marital status 43
Population, mean population - see Population 1 July
Population, municipality 34-36
Population, projection 75
Population, religious organizations 46
Population, rural areas 38
Population, sex 30-32, 41^16
Population, size of locality 40
Population, urban lnuclei 38
Population, year of birth 41
Pork 98
Post offices 163
Postal giro services 163
Postal service 163
Potato production 96, 97
Poultry 98
Poultry, number 96
Power-intensive industries, electricity consumption 125
Power-intensive industries, energy sales to 126
Precipitation 24
Presidential elections 290
Price indices, exports 131
Price indices, imports 131
Primary health care districts, number 20
Prisoners 257
Private cars 151-154
Private final consumption expenditure 188, 205-208
Private power plants 124
Protected areas 23
Public administration, employed 82-84
Public buildings, construction 121
Public employees, compensation 166
Public libraries 282
Public sector expenditure, economic categories 218
Public sector expenditure, functions 219
Public sector finances 216-223
Public sector revenue 217
Publications 273-275
Quadruplet deliveries 63
Radio stations 276
Radio, broadcasting hours 276
Radio, programmes broadcasted 278
Rate of exchange, foreign currencies 202-204
Rate of exchange, indices 204
Real estate and business activity, employed 82-84
Real wages 164
Registered partnership 32
Religious organizations, population 47
Reproduction rates (gross/net) 32, 66
Research and development 284-285
Residential construction 120
Restaurants, volume indices 129
Retail prices of some commodities and services 180
Retail, wholesale trade, factor income 129
Reykjavík City Council elections 292
Rivers 21
Roads 150
Road traffic accidents 155
Salmon fishing 100-101
Salted ftsh, by species 108
Salted fish, export 133
Salted fish, volume indices 110
SDR, average selling rates 203
Secondary level education, number of students 260-264
Sex ratio of population 30
Sex ratio, live births 32
Sheep, number 96-97
Ship arrivals in Reykjavík harbour 144
Ships, number 144, 111
Single deliveries 63
Single parents, number 49
Smoking habits 242-243
Snowmobiles 152
Social assistance benefits 229, 231
Social assistance to households 250-253
Social protection, expenditure 224-226
Social security 227-236
Social security, accidents reported 235
Social security, benefits 229, 230
Social security, expenditure by benefit category 228
Social security, funding of pension schemes 227
Social security, health insurance 234-235
Sterilizations 241
Strikes and lockouts 94
Sulphur oxide, emission 27
Supreme Court cases 254
Tax assessment districts, number 20
Taxes 217
Teachers, compulsory schools 259
Telephone service 163
Television 277
Temperature 25
Tertiary level, students 260-264, 269
Theatres 279
Tourism 156-162
Tourists, income 215
Towns, number 20
Tractors 152
Trade 129
Trailers 152