Landshagir - 01.12.2002, Síða 196
Einkaneysla 1997-2001 (frh.)
Household final consumption expenditure 1997-2001 (cont.)
Einkaneysla heimila alls Starfsemi samtaka Einkaneysla alls 1997 96,5 3,5 100,0 1998 96,4 3,6 100,0 1999 96,3 3,7 100,0 2000 96,3 3,7 100,0 2001' 96,1 3,9 100,0 Private final household consumption expenditure, total Non-profit institutions serv. househ. Private final consumption expenditure, total
1 Bráðabirgðatölur. Preliminary data. 2 Aætlaðar tölur. Estimated data. 1 _ _ Samneysla 1997-2001 13, / Government fmal consumption expenditure 1997-2001
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001'
Verðlag hvers árs, millj. kr. Million ISK at current prices
Government final
Samneysla alls 112.775 127.721 142.088 156.740 175.519 consumption expenditure
Laun og tengd gjöld 69.610 82.863 89.404 96.932 109.778 Compensation of employees
Afskriftir 11.146 11.843 12.569 13.462 14.765 Consumption of fixed capital
Kaup á vöru og þjónustu, nettó 32.019 33.014 40.115 46.346 50.977 Purchases of goods and services, net
Kaup 50.405 55.047 63.475 71.029 77.566 Purchases
Sala 18.386 22.033 23.361 24.683 26.589 Sales
Hlutfallsleg skipting % Percentage breakdown
Government final
Samneysla alls 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 consumption expenditure
Laun og tengd gjöld 61,7 64,9 62,9 61,8 62,5 Compensation of employees
Afskriftir 9,9 9,3 8,8 8,6 8,4 Consumption offixed capital
Kaup á vöru og þjónustu, nettó 28,4 25,8 28,2 29,6 29,0 Purchases of goods and services, net
Kaup 44,7 43,1 44,7 45,3 44,2 Purchases
Saia 16,3 17,3 16,4 15,7 15,1 Sales
Bráðabirðgatölur. Preliminary data.