Landshagir - 01.12.2002, Síða 201

Landshagir - 01.12.2002, Síða 201
Þjóðhagsreikningar Fjármunaeign í lok árs 1997-2001 Fixed assets at end ofyear 1997-2001 Verðlag hvers árs, millj. kr. Atvinnugreinaskipting Fjármunaeign alls 1997' 1.656.723 19981 1.791.491 1999' 1.884.814 2000' 2.003.195 2001' 2.229.624 Million ISK at current prices Classification by main activity Gross fixed capital formation total Atvinnuvegir alls 718.040 786.039 836.679 901.145 1.031.267 Total industries Landbúnaður 69.425 72.669 76.564 81.151 88.734 Agriculture Fiskveiðar 75.802 74.757 72.972 71.676 81.385 Fishing Fiskiðnaður 36.823 40.178 42.324 44.647 48.200 Fish processing Iðnaður án fiskiðnaðar 110.010 125.055 130.976 139.516 162.036 Manufacturing excl. fish processing Rafmagns- og hitaveitur 117.261 132.648 143.060 151.734 171.762 Electricity and hot water supply Vatnsveitur 10.459 11.237 11.321 11.667 12.420 Water supply Byggingarstarfsemi (Vinnuvélar) 14.409 15.461 16.503 17.615 22.182 Construction Verslunar-, skrifstofu-, gistihús o.fl. 109.609 122.511 134.140 148.751 170.460 Trade, restaurants and hotels Samgöngur 101.737 112.631 120.426 133.228 158.484 Transport and storage Póstur og sími, útvarp og sjónvarp 19.825 21.424 23.661 29.071 35.601 Postal and telecommunication sei'v. Penineastofn. oe tryggingar Financial institutions and insurance Ofl., tölvur, hugbún., húsgögn o.fl. 52.681 57.468 64.734 72.090 80.003 Unsp. computers, software, office machines etc. Ibúðarhús 611.025 643.416 663.649 692.103 745.774 Residential construction Starfsemi hins opinbera 327.658 362.036 384.486 409.947 452.542 Producers of government services Vegir og brýr 75.507 81.095 84.517 89.139 98.040 Roads and bridges Götur og holræsi 75.353 81.367 85.020 89.661 98.370 Streets and sewers Byggingar hins opinbera 176.798 199.574 214.949 231.147 256.096 Public buildings Tegundaskipting Fjármunaeign alls 1.656.723 1.791.491 1.884.814 2.003.195 2.229.624 Classifwation by type of product Gross fixed capital formation total Byggingar 992.722 1.069.332 1.121.627 1.189.702 1.303.637 Buildings Atvinnuhúsnæði 204.899 226.341 243.029 266.451 301.690 Industrial buildings Bvggingar hins opinbera 176.798 199.574 214.949 231.147 256.096 Public buildings Ibúðarhús 611.025 643.416 663.649 692.103 745.851 Dwellings Vélar og tæki 283.133 305.940 326.215 353.750 420.476 Machinery and equipments Onnur mannvirki 369.937 405.088 425.596 448.579 494.346 Other construction Bústofnsbreytingar 10.932 11.132 11.376 11.165 11.165 Change in livestock Hlutfallsleg skipting % Atvinnugreinaskipting Fjármunaeign alls 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Percentage breakdown Classifwation by main activity Gross fixed capital formation total Atvinnuvegir alls 43,3 43,9 44,4 45,0 46,3 Total industries Landbúnaður 4,2 4,1 4,1 4,1 4,0 Agriculture Fiskveiðar 4,6 4,2 3,9 3,6 3,7 Fishing Fiskiðnaður 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 2,2 Fish processing Iðnaður án fiskiðnaðar 6,6 7,0 6,9 7,0 7,3 Mamifacturing excl. fish processing Rafmagns- og hitaveitur 7,1 7,4 7,6 7,6 7,7 Electricity and hot water supply Vatnsveitur 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 Water supply Byggingarstarfsemi (Vinnuvélar) 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,0 Construction Verslunar-, skrifstofu-, gistihús o.fl. 6,6 6,8 7,1 7,4 7,6 Trade, restaurants and hotels Samgöngur 6,1 6,3 6,4 6,7 7,1 Transport and storage Póstur og sími, útvarp og sjónvarp 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,5 1,6 Postal and telecommunication serv. Peningastofn. og trvggingar Financial institutions and insurance Ofl., tölvur, hugbún., húsgögn o.fl. 3,2 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,6 Unsp. computers, software, office machines etc. íbúðarhús 36,9 35,9 35,2 34,5 33,4 Residential construction Starfsemi hins opinbera 19,8 20,2 20,4 20,5 20,3 Producers of government services Vegir og brýr 4,6 4,5 4,5 4,4 4,4 Roads and bridges Götur og holræsi 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,4 Streets and sewers Byggingar hins opinbera 10,7 11,1 11,4 11,5 11,5 Public buildings 195
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