Landshagir - 01.12.2002, Síða 203

Landshagir - 01.12.2002, Síða 203
Þjóðhagsreikningar Greiðslujöfnuður við útlönd 1997-2001 Balance of payments 1997-2001 Millj. króna 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 2001 Million ISK Útflufningur alls, fob 131.213 136.592 144.928 149.272 196.394 Merchandise exports, fob Sjávarafurðir 93.648 99.233 97.682 94.497 121.844 Marine products A1 og kísiljám 18.906 21.629 25.668 31.572 44.412 Aluminium and ferro-silicon Skip og flugvélar 5.201 2.245 6.390 3.136 3.311 Ships and aircrafts Annað 13.458 13.485 15.188 20.067 26.827 Other Innflutningur alls, fob 130.959 161.611 167.310 186.752 202.517 Merchandise imports, fob Vöruskiptajöfnuður 254 -25.019 -22.382 -37.480 -6.123 Balance of goods Þjónustutekjur alls 59.735 67.134 67.238 82.360 107.050 Service receipts Ferðalög 25.735 31.109 30.819 40.833 50.879 Travel Samgöngur 12.316 14.633 16.070 17.967 22.881 Transportation Onnur þjónusta 21.684 21.392 20.349 23.560 33.290 Other Þjónustuútgjöld alls 56.758 68.444 74.172 91.885 104.775 Service expenditures Ferðalög 17.916 22.766 25.622 32.697 39.855 Travel Samgöngur 22.893 28.049 31.487 37.082 36.401 Transportation Onnur þjónusta 15.949 17.629 17.063 22.106 28.519 Other Þjónustujöfnuður 2.977 -1.310 -6.934 -9.525 2.275 Balance of services Vöru- og þjónustujöfnuður alls 3.231 -26.329 -29.316 -47.005 -3.848 Balance of goods and services Vextir og aðrar þáttatekjur -11.892 -12.719 -12.596 -20.238 -27.387 Interest and other factor income Vaxtatekjur og arður 3.199 3.742 4.427 6.068 9.710 Investment income, credit Vaxtagjöld og arður -18.828 -20.910 -21.583 -30.978 -42.336 Investment income, dehit Vinnulaun, nettó 3.737 4.449 4.560 4.672 5.239 Compensation of employees, net Rekstrarframlög -238 -1.003 -725 -762 -959 Current transfers, net Viðskiptajöfnuður -8.899 -40.051 -42.637 -68.005 -32.194 Balance on current account Fjármagnsjöfnuður 17.739 45.912 60.113 71.776 38.249 Capital and financial account Framlög án endurgjalds, nettó 14 -324 -57 -222 362 Capital transfers, net Fjármagnshreyfingar 17.725 46.236 60.170 71.998 37.887 Financial account Hreyfíngar án forða 14.541 48.497 65.516 66.690 33.527 Financial account excl. reserves Bein fjárfesting 6.628 5.374 -4.094 -17.504 -8.404 Direct investment, net Erlendis -3.637 -5.021 -8.918 -30.949 -25.323 Abroad A íslandi 10.265 10.395 4.824 13.445 16.919 In Iceland V erðbréfaviðskipti -17.252 -16.831 42.475 39.421 57.798 Portfolio investment, net Erlend verðbréf -14.441 -21.537 -32.392 -50.369 -5.643 Assets Innlend verðbréf -2.811 4.706 74.867 89.790 63.441 Liabiiities Afleiðuviðskipti, nettó -66 -72 166 -93 0 Financial derivatives, net Annað fjármagn 25.165 59.954 26.082 44.866 -15.867 Other capital, net Eignir -11.575 270 -12.662 -7.112 -34.655 Assets Skuldir 36.740 59.684 38.744 51.978 18.788 Liabilities Gjaldeyrisforði (-aukning) 3.184 -2.261 -5.346 5.308 4.360 Reserve assets Skekkjur og vantalið, nettó -8.840 -5.861 -17.687 -3.771 -6.055 Net errors and omissions Umreikningsgengi USD 1 = ISK' 70,76 70,95 72,22 78,65 97,57 Conversion rate USD I=ISK! Greiðslujafnaðaruppgjör Seðlabankans miðast við kaupgengi fyrir bæði útflutning og innflutning, en innflutningstölur Hagstofunnar eru miðaðar við sölugengi. Því kemur fram eilítill munur á tölum þessara stofnana. The balance ofpayments accounts as drawn up by the Central Bank are based on buying rates offoreign currencyfor both exports and imports, whereas the importfiguresfrom the Statistics Iceland are based on selling ratesfor imports. This explains the slight difference in import figures between these institutions. Heimild Source: Seðlabanki íslands. Central Bank oflceland. 197
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