Landshagir - 01.12.2002, Side 256
Heilbrigðis- og félagsmál
Sjúkratryggingar eftir skiptingu gjalda 2000-2001
Health insurance by type of expenditure 2000-2001
Millj. kr. Million ISK Hlutfallsleg skipting, % Percent distribution
2000 2001 2000 2001
Gjöld alls 14.917 15.320 100,0 100,0 Expenditure, total Long-term care and daycare
Vistgjöld á stofnunum 4.047 3.656 27,1 23,9 in health institutions
Læknakostnaður 2.404 2.739 16,1 17,9 Medical treatment
Rannsóknir og slysastofugjöld 2 53 0,0 0,3 Research and emergency services
Lyf 4.726 4.835 31,7 31,6 Drugs
Hjálpartæki 820 972 5,5 6,3 Auxiliary equipment for patients
Hjúkrun t heimahúsum 93 97 0,6 0,6 Home nursing
Þjálfun 811 848 5,4 5,5 Rehabilitation and therapy
Tannlæknakostnaður 962 974 6,4 6,4 Dental care Ambulance service and
Sjúkraflutningar og ferðakostn. sjúklinga 107 130 0,7 0,9 travel costs of patients
Sjúkrakostnaður erlendis. siglinganefndarmál 544 579 3,6 3,8 Treatment abroad
Sjúkrakostnaður erlendis Treatment abroad because of
v/slysa og veikinda 59 50 0,4 0,3 injuries and sickness
Sjúkrakostnaður hérlendis Domestic treatment of
v/erlendra sjúklinga1 45 89 0,3 0,6 foreign nationals'
S j úkradagpeningar 218 204 1,5 1,3 Per-diem sickness benefits
Fæðing í heimahúsum 46 51 0,3 0,3 Births at home
Endurgr. umtalsv. læknis- og lyfjakostnaður 4 5 0,0 0,0 Reimbursement of treatment & drug costs
Húðsjúkdómameðferð, psoriasis 25 33 0,2 0,2 Epidermal treatment, psoriasis
Annar kostnaður 5 3 0,0 0,0 Other
1 Samkvæmt gagnkvæmum alþjóðlegum samningum. Provided in accordance with bilateral insurance agreements.
Heimild Source: Tryggingastofnun ríkisins. State Social Security Institute.
Slys tilkynnt hjá almannatryggingum 1990-2001
Accidents reported to the State Social Security Institute 1990-2001
Slys Accidents Dauðaslys Fatal accidents
Alls Total Slys á sjómönnum Seamen’s accidents Iþróttaslys Sports accidents Sjúklingaslys Medical treatment accidents Slys við heimilisstörf Housework accidents Önnur slys Other accidents Alls Total Sjómenn Seamen Aðrir Other
1990 2.874 614 489 5 68 1.698 16 4 12
1991 3.194 522 522 18 86 2.046 28 10 18
1992 3.074 511 573 34 121 1.835 25 17 8
1993 3.303 523 752 55 146 1.827 22 8 14
1994 2.893 486 827 38 208 1.334 10 2 8
1995 2.749 459 807 47 219 1.217 13 3 10
1996 3.010 434 1.156 50 195 1.175 9 6 3
1997 3.044 460 1.113 33 221 1.217 10 5 5
1998 3.031 378 1.200 67 210 1.176 7 3 4
1999 2.991 381 1.145 55 188 1.222 5 1 4
2000 3.005 361 1.235 42 172 1.195 5 1 4
2001 3.108 344 1.434 51 160 1.119 7 2 5
Heimild Source: Tryggingastofnun ríkisins. State Social Security Institute.