Landshagir - 01.12.2002, Side 288
Brautskráðir stúdentar skólaárin 1991/1992-2000/2001
Students passing matriculation examination 1991/1992-2000/2001
Fjöldi skóla Number of schools Brautskráðir stúdentar Number of students í hlutfalli við fjölda tvítugra, % As percent of 20-year-olds
Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females
1991/1992 25 2.027 814 1.213 44,9 35,9 53,3
1992/1993 26 2.026 851 1.175 45,1 37,0 53,8
1993/1994 26 2.120 898 1.222 51,4 42,8 60,4
1994/1995 26 2.078 830 1.248 49,0 39,1 59,0
1995/1996 26 2.093 874 1.219 49,9 40,8 59,5
1996/1997 26 2.010 777 1.233 51,0 39,4 62,6
1997/1998 26 2.137 873 1.264 52,2 42,3 62,3
1998/1999 26 2.224 908 1.316 49,1 39,3 59,4
1999/2000 27 2.123 825 1.298 46,4 35,4 57,8
2000/2001 28 2.129 829 1.300 47,9 36,5 59,9
Notes: This table shows the number of students that complete matriculation examination which grants admission to university education.
Brautskráningar eftir kyni, hlutfall af tölu tvítugra, 1985-2001
Students passing matriculation examination, percentage of 20year olds, 1985-2001
1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001
| Karlar
fj| Konur