Landshagir - 01.12.2002, Síða 334
Abortions 30-31, 254-255
Accidents reported to State Social Security Institute 250
Activity rate 84-86
Administrative divisions 20
Adoptions 30-31
Aeroplanes 144—145
Age of population 40-45
Agricultural products 104-107, 204-207
Agriculture 104—110
Aids 257
Air transport 146-147
Aircrafts, registered 144-145
Alcohol, consumption 182
Althingi, general elections 310-313
Aluminium 128—129, 204—207
Apartment buildings 131-132
Area of Iceland 21
Art museums 300
Automobiles 150-153
Average expected lifetime 76-77
Average population 30-31, 40, 42
Balance of goods 197
Balance of payments 197
Balance of services 197
Balance of trade 197-198
Balance on current account 197
Banking 225-237
Bankruptcy orders 306
Basic pension 175
Beef 106
Births 30-31
Book publishing 290-291
Borrowers, credit system 228
Bridal couples 30-31, 57-60
Building cost index 169
Bus passengers in Reykjavík 153
Buses 150-153
Butter 107, 181
Cancer, new cases 260-261
Candidates to the Althingi 313
Capital formation, gross fixed 191-194
Car ferries 135
Carbon dioxide, emission 26
Carbonmonoxide 28
Cargo flights 146
Cars 150-153
Cases appealed to the Supreme Court 305
Catch 111-117
Censuses 32-33
Central Bank of Iceland, accounts 226
Central govemment finances 219
Chemical industry - see Manufacturing
Cinemas 297
Cinemas, attendance and revenue 298
Citizenship, change of 30-31
Civil cases before court 305-307
Civil marriage ceremonies 57
Civil status 43-45
Coal 124
Coast line, length 21
Commercial banks 225, 229-230
Communications 155-157
Compensation 172-174
Compulsory schools 272-273
Computers, usage 155
Consensual unions 46-47
Constituencies 312-314
Construction, housing 131
Consumer price index 158-167
Consumption 106-107, 181-182
Convicted persons 309
Country parks 22
Credit cards 227
Credit system 228
Credit terms index 169
Criminal cases 305-307
Crops 104-105
Crude death rates 68-69
Cultural affairs 290-301
Dairy products 107
Day-care centres - see Day-care for children
Day-care for children 267
Deaths 30-31, 68-75, 77
Deaths, cause of death 70-75
Debit cards 227
Decked vessels, number 143
Deliveries 64
Demersal fish 111-115
Development aid 224
Diplomas and degrees, students 284
Disposable income 180
District courts 20, 306-307
Divorce 62-63
Domestic flights 146
Domestic product, gross 183-188
Dried fish 114-115
Drugs 262
Ducks 110
Dwellings 132
Ecclesiastical marriages 57
Education 268-289
Education abroad 274—275
Education level 83, 86
Elderly, residential institutions 254
Elections 310-316
Electricity 125-129
Electricity consumption 124, 127
Electricity sales 128
Emigrants - see Migration
Emission 26-29
Employment 81-83, 87-92
Energy 124-130
Energy balance 120
Energy consumption 124-125, 127
Energy, price 129
Enrolment in schools 280-281
Enterprises 101-103
EUR, average selling rates 236
Expenditure, public sector 189-190
Export 197-211
Extemal migration 50, 53-56
Extemal trade - see also Exports and Imports 197-214
Extemal trade, broad economic categories 202-203