Landshagir - 01.11.2006, Side 128
Heyfengur og uppskera grænmetis, korns og garðávaxta 2000-2005
Production of field crops 2000-2005
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Heyfengur alls, m3 Total hayyield, m3 2.363.342 2.391.067 2.175.427 2.287.936 1.895.593 1.968.018
Þurrhey, m3 Dried hay, m3 608.050 432.654 321.177 302.351 256.970 206.179
Vothey, m3 Silage, m3 53.393 56.177 33.561 28.006 22.811 20.864
Votheysrúllur, m3 Big-bale silage, m3 1.701.899 1.902.236 1.820.689 1.957.579 1.615.812 1.740.975
Kartöflur, tonn Potatoes, tonnes 9.843 11.366 8.800 7.090 7.000 7.250
Rófur, tonn Turnips, tonnes 795 730 959 666
Gulrætur, tonn Carrots, tonnes 179 296 302 347 374 418
Kom, tonn Cereal grains, tonnes 3.041 4.337 4.337 10.255 9.773
Tómatar, tonn Tomatoes, tonnes 931 964 948 1.074 1.318 1.508
Gúrkur, tonn Cucumber, tonnes 831 1.049 896 930 1.147
Blómkál, tonn Cauliflower, tonnes 89 84 80 71 83 44
Hvítkál, tonn Cabbage, tonnes 538 503 558 555 380 346
Paprika, tonn Pepper, tonnes 203 195 79 97 126
Kínakál, tonn Chinese cabbage, tonnes 255 253 269 203 162
Sveppir, tonn Mushroom, tonnes 447 450 465 461 438
Heimild Source: Bændasamtök íslands. Farmers’Association of Iceland.
^ Notkun tilbúins áburðar 1999-2005 ^Consumption of artificialfertilizers 1999-2005
Magn í tonnum Quantity in tonnes 1999' 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Köfnunarefhi (N) Nitrogen (N) 12.684 12.681 12.382 11.085 10.344 9.899 9.775
Fosfór (P,Os) Phosphorus (P.OJ 5.511 5.437 5.471 4.736 3.394 5.004 4.429
Kalí (K2Ö) Potash (K,0) 3.999 4.202 4.013 2.981 2.114 2.899 3.025
Skýringar Notes: Tölur frá og með 2004 hafa nú verið miðaðar við innflutning október-september í stað almanaksárs. From 2004 onwards the 12-month
periodfor import figures refers to October-September instead of the calendar year.
1 Aætlað. Estimated.
Heimildir Sources: Áburðarverksmiðjan hf, Aðfangaeftirlitið. Fertilizer Plant Ltd., Feed, Seed and Fertilizer Inspectorate.