Landshagir - 01.11.2009, Blaðsíða 261
oPInber fjÁrmÁl
Heildarútgjöld hins opinbera 2005–2008
General government total expenditure 2005–200815.14
Heildarútgjöld hins opinbera General government total expenditure 433.346 486.616 553.094 853.726
almenn opinber þjónusta General Public service 52.188 56.433 72.621 96.049
varnarmál Defence 360 770 810 888
löggæsla, réttargæsla og öryggismál Public order and safety 14.825 16.921 19.158 22.428
efnahags- og atvinnumál Economic affairs 59.120 68.988 75.943 288.175
Umhverfisvernd Enviromental protection 6.946 7.628 8.252 9.829
Húsnæðis-, skipulags- og veitumál Housing and community amenities 4.013 7.542 6.337 7.545
Heilbrigðismál Health 82.941 92.511 103.268 117.317
Menningar-, íþrótta- og trúmál Recreation, culture and religion 34.356 41.855 49.228 55.962
Menntamál Education 85.611 97.019 106.094 123.628
almannatryggingar og velferðarmál Social protection 92.986 96.950 111.382 131.905
útgjöld hins opinbera sem % af vergri landsframleiðslu
General government total expenditure as % of GDP
Heildarútgjöld hins opinbera General government total expenditure 42,22 41,67 42,77 57,82
almenn opinber þjónusta General Public service 5,08 4,83 5,62 6,51
varnarmál Defence 0,04 0,07 0,06 0,06
löggæsla, réttargæsla og öryggismál Public order and safety 1,44 1,45 1,48 1,52
efnahags- og atvinnumál Economic affairs 5,76 5,91 5,87 19,52
Umhverfisvernd Enviromental protection 0,68 0,65 0,64 0,67
Húsnæðis-, skipulags- og veitumál Housing and community amenities 0,39 0,65 0,49 0,51
Heilbrigðismál Health 8,08 7,92 7,99 7,95
Menningar-, íþrótta- og trúmál Recreation, culture and religion 3,35 3,58 3,81 3,79
Menntamál Education 8,34 8,31 8,20 8,37
almannatryggingar og velferðarmál Social protection 9,06 8,30 8,61 8,93
Sjá nánar Further information:
Milljónir króna Million ISK 2005 2006 2007 2008