Landshagir - 01.11.2011, Qupperneq 64
2.11 Kjarnafjölskyldur eftir landsvæðum 2004–2011
Nuclear families by region 2004–2011
1. janúar kjarnafjölskyldur1#Nuclear families1
1 January Hjóna- Óvígð Óvígð
Hjónaband band sambúð án sambúð
án barna2 með barna3 með faðir Móðir
Married börnum2 Consensual börnum3 með börn með börn Utan kjarnafjölskyldu
couple Married union Consensual Father Mother Not in nuclear families
alls without couple with without union with with with karlar konur
Total children2 children2 children3 children3 children children Males Females
Meðalfjöldi í kjarnafjölskyldu#
Average size of nuclear families
2004 2,9 2,0 3,9 2,0 3,7 2,3 2,5 • •
2005 2,9 2,0 3,9 2,0 3,7 2,3 2,5 • •
2006 2,9 2,0 3,9 2,0 3,7 2,3 2,5 • •
2007 2,9 2,0 3,9 2,0 3,7 2,3 2,5 • •
2008 2,9 2,0 3,9 2,0 3,7 2,3 2,5 • •
2009 2,9 2,0 3,9 2,0 3,7 2,3 2,5 • •
2010 2,9 2,0 3,9 2,0 3,7 2,3 2,5 • •
2011 alls#2011, total 2,9 2,0 3,9 2,0 3,8 2,3 2,5 • •
Capital region 2,9 2,0 3,9 2,0 3,7 2,2 2,5 • •
Reykjavík 2,8 2,0 3,8 2,0 3,6 2,2 2,5 • •
Önnur sveitarfélög#
Other municipalities 2,9 2,0 3,9 2,0 3,7 2,3 2,5 • •
Suðurnes#Southwest 3,0 2,0 3,9 2,0 3,8 2,2 2,7 • •
vesturland#West 2,9 2,0 4,0 2,0 3,9 2,4 2,6 • •
vestfirðir#Westfjords 2,9 2,0 3,9 2,0 3,9 2,3 2,5 • •
norðurland vestra#
Northwest 2,9 2,0 4,1 2,0 4,0 2,3 2,6 • •
norðurland eystra#
Northeast 2,9 2,0 4,0 2,0 3,8 2,3 2,6 • •
austurland#East 2,9 2,0 4,0 2,0 3,9 2,3 2,5 • •
Suðurland#South 2,9 2,0 4,0 2,0 3,9 2,3 2,6 • •
1 til kjarnafjölskyldu teljast hjón og fólk í óvígðri sambúð, börn hjá þeim 17 ára og yngri, einhleypir karlar og konur, sem búa með börnum 17 ára og
yngri.#A nuclear family refers to all couples (married and in a consensual union), their children 17 years and under, single men and women who live with
their children 17 years and under as well as those children.
2 Þar með talin pör í staðfestri samvist.#Including couples in (same sex) registered partnership.
3 Þar með talið óvígð sambúð fólks af sama kyni f.o.m. 2007.#Including same sex couple in consensual unions from 2007.