Landshagir - 01.11.2011, Qupperneq 251
National accounts
13.7 Einkaneysla heimila 2006–2010
Household final consumption expenditure 2006–2010
2006 2007 2008 20091 20101
Milljónir kr. á verðlagi hvers árs#Million ISK at current prices
Einkaneysla alls#Final Consumption Expenditure 679.943 751.611 789.923 764.458 787.724
01 Matur og drykkjarvörur#Food and non-alcoholic beverages 73.803 79.776 93.466 106.483 108.564
02 Áfengi og tóbak#Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics 24.207 26.218 28.721 34.019 34.249
03 föt og skór#Clothing and footwear 28.494 32.184 36.138 40.175 34.809
04 Húsnæði, hiti og rafmagn#
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels 132.614 152.710 177.060 174.202 171.830
05 Húsgögn, heimilisbúnaður o.fl.#Furnishings, household equipment
and routine household maintenance 39.240 45.442 41.484 41.572 46.516
06 Heilsugæsla#Health 17.774 19.083 21.581 23.992 25.956
07 ferðir og flutningar#Transport 108.099 118.390 110.284 98.419 108.345
08 Póstur og sími#Communication 15.572 18.225 19.218 19.404 18.862
09 tómstundir og menning#Recreation and culture 70.282 71.685 70.516 70.603 76.794
10 Menntun#Education 8.285 8.774 9.063 9.523 9.954
11 Hótel og veitingastaðir#Restaurants and hotels 49.699 56.415 58.344 61.313 65.538
12 aðrar vörur og þjónusta#Miscellaneous goods and services 45.481 48.786 54.502 55.200 54.572
Útgjöld íslendinga erlendis#
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 76.896 85.948 93.704 68.520 71.504
Útgjöld erlendra manna á íslandi#Direct purchases in the domestic
marked by non-resident households -34.113 -38.478 -54.188 -69.968 -70.193
Einkaneysla heimila alls#
Household Final Consumption Expenditure of Resident Households 656.333 725.158 759.895 733.456 757.301
13 Starfsemi samtaka#
Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) 23.610 26.453 30.028 31.003 30.423
Magnbreyting frá fyrra ári, %#Volume changes from prev. year, %
Einkaneysla alls#Final Consumption Expenditure 3,6 5,7 -7,9 -14,9 -0,4
01 Matur og drykkjarvörur#Food and non-alcoholic beverages 1,5 7,9 1,7 -3,6 -2,2
02 Áfengi og tóbak#Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics 4,0 5,0 2,3 -8,4 -9,5
03 föt og skór#Clothing and footwear 12,3 14,1 6,2 -12,6 -19,3
04 Húsnæði, hiti og rafmagn#
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels 3,2 2,9 3,0 0,8 0,6
05 Húsgögn, heimilisbúnaður o.fl.#Furnishings, household equipment
and routine household maintenance 4,6 10,7 -18,8 -24,1 10,0
06 Heilsugæsla#Health 3,0 4,3 6,1 -1,1 3,0
07 ferðir og flutningar#Transport 1,3 4,2 -20,7 -22,2 -1,2
08 Póstur og sími#Communication 2,0 13,8 8,8 -10,7 -8,9
09 tómstundir og menning#Recreation and culture 3,5 1,2 -9,6 -14,1 4,1
10 Menntun#Education 1,7 2,6 1,4 2,8 0,6
11 Hótel og veitingastaðir#Restaurants and hotels 6,7 9,5 -6,5 -4,8 2,0
12 aðrar vörur og þjónusta#Miscellaneous goods and services 10,2 -0,1 0,6 -11,2 -6,5
Útgjöld íslendinga erlendis#
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 6,4 12,5 -21,9 -48,2 6,3
Útgjöld erlendra manna á íslandi#
Direct purchases in the domestic marked by non-resident households 16,4 11,1 24,9 13,9 -5,3
Einkaneysla heimila alls#
Household Final Consumption Expenditure of Resident Households 3,6 5,8 -8,3 -15,4 -0,2
13 Starfsemi samtaka#
Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) 2,9 3,0 4,6 -3,0 -3,5
1 Bráðabirgðatölur.#Preliminary data.