Landshagir - 01.11.2011, Síða 311
Health and social protection
Statistics Iceland collects figures on health
and social affairs. The figures are collected
from different institutions, e.g. Director
ate of Health, The Ministry of Health, The
Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Secu
rity and the municipalities. Figures are
also derived from the Statistics Iceland’s
population database, from Government
and Municipal Finances and from The State
Social Security Institute accounts.
Unemployment expenditure increase
Total expenditure on social protection was
380 billion ISK in 2009, 25.3% of GDP which
is a considerable increase from the previ
ous year when social protection expen
diture was 22% of GDP. The increase was
mainly due to higher unemployment bene
fits which increased from 5.4 billion ISK in
2008 to 25.7 billion ISK in 2009. Unemploy
ment expenditure rose from 0.4% of GDP
in 2008 to 1.7% in 2009.
The total health expenditure 9.3% of GDP
The total health expenditure in Iceland
in 2010 amounted to 142.5 billion ISK or
9.3% of GDP. Thereof, general govern
ment expenditure was 114.6 billion ISK
and private expenditure 27.9 billion ISK.
The share of health expenditure is around
15.0% of general government total expen
Of the total health expenditure in 2010,
54% was spent on inpatient care, 25% on
outpatient care and 18% on medical goods
dispensed to outpatients. The remaining
part or 2.8% went to health administration
and other health categories.
The number of beds and places
for the elderly decreases
The total number of beds and places for the
elderly was 3,125 in 2010, thereof 2,217 in
nursing homes, 70.9%. Between the years
2009 and 2010, the number of beds and
places in retirement homes decreased by
168. Over half (54%) of beds and places for
the elderly are in the capital area.
Around 3,000 inhabitants lived in retire
ment homes in 2010, thereof nearly 64%
women. Nearly 8% of 67 years old and over
lived in retirement homes and a little over
21% of those aged 80 years and over.
More households receive income support
A total of 6,910 households received
municipal income support in 2010, an
increase by 916 (15.3%) from the year
before and by 1,881 (37.4%) from the year
In households receiving income support
in 2010 there were 11,468 individuals or
3.6% of inhabitants in the country, thereof
were 3,974 children (17 years of age or
younger), 5% of all children in the country.
In the year 2008 there were 9,097 individu
als, 2.8% of inhabitants in the country,
who lived in households receiving income
support, thereof 3,587 children or 4.5% of
all children in Iceland.