Landshagir - 01.11.2011, Síða 397
Cultural activities and research
Statistics Iceland collects figures on
cultural activities from other institutions.
Information is collected from specialised
institutions and organisations (secondary
data) and an annual inquiry by sending out
questionnaires to companies and institu
tions involved in media and culture activi
ties (primary data). The cinemas, theatres
and museums across the country provide
Statistics Iceland with information on the
number of viewers and visitors, perfor
mances and exhibitions and the nation
ality of films and plays. Statistics Iceland
also prepares statistics on published books
and periodicals and their subject as well as
the number of volumes, loans and employ
ees of Icelandic libraries. Statistics Iceland
collects figures on operation of mass media
and provides figures on the broadcasting
hours and programmes of radio and televi
sion stations. Figures on religious affilia
tion is also collected by Statistics Iceland.
Each individual attending the theatre
once a year
In the theatrical season 2009/2010, the
number of spectators to performances of
theatres and professional and amateur
theatre groups within the country totalled
416 thousand. This equals each indi
vidual attending the theatre once a year.
The number of spectators increased by 61
thousand (17 per cent), between theatri
cal seasons. The number of works staged
in the last theatrical season totalled 236,
which were performed 2,352 times.
The number of periodicals and newspapers
The number of periodicals has decreased
considerably in last years. In 2009 a total of
651 periodicals were published, while 1,122
periodicals were published in 1998 when
publication peaked. The number of news
papers decreased between the years 2008
and 2009, from 130 newspapers to 114.
Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
77.6% of the population
On 1 January 2011 the members of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland
numbered 247,245, or 77.6% of the total
population of that age, compared with
251,487, (79.2%) in the previous year. The
Roman Catholic Church Diocese was the
second largest religious organisation in
2011, with 10,207 members. Persons with
no religious affiliation numbered 14,091
adult persons 1 January 2011, while 18,869
persons were members of nonregistered
organisations or not specified.
Registered religious organisations increased
by 22 from 1990
There were 10 registered religious organi
sations outside the Evangelical Lutheran
Church of Iceland and the associated Free
churches in 1990. They are now 32. Five
new religious organisations were recog
nised in 2010: Church of God Ministry of
Jesus Christ International, Catch The Fire
(CTF), Port of Hope, Heaven on Earth, and
Icelandic House of Prayer.