Landshagir - 01.11.2011, Page 429
Following each election to the Icelandic
legislative assembly, the Althingi, elec
tions to local councils and the Presidency
of Iceland, Statistics Iceland publishes an
election report giving an account of the
voters and their participation in the elec
tion, candidacies, election results and the
representatives elected.
Proportion of elected female members the
highest so far
General elections to the Icelandic parlia
ment, Althingi, were held 25 April 2009.
The total number of voters on the elec
toral roll was 227,843 or 71.4% of the total
population. Participation of voters in the
general elections was 85.1%. Participation
of female voters was 85.8% compared with
84.5% male voters. A total of seven politi
cal organisations offered candidate lists in
the elections in all the constituencies. The
proportion of elected female members was
42.9%, the highest so far.
Local government elections took place on
29 May 2010. At that time the total number
of municipalities was 76. The number of
voters on the electoral roll in the 2010
elections was 225,855, corresponding to
71% of the population. Participation in
the election was 73.5%. There were 2,846
candidates on the 185 lists, 1,513 men
(53.2%) and 1,333 women (46.8%). All lists
were comprised of both men and women.
Women outnumbered men on 34 lists while
men outnumbered women on 95 lists. The
number of men and women was equal
on 56 lists. A total of 512 representatives
were elected to a total of 76 local councils
in 2010, 308 men (60.2%) and 204 women
(39.8%), the proportion of women in local
governments has never been higher.
59.8% said “no” in the referendum 2011
A referendum was held in Iceland 9 April
2011. The referendum was to conclude if
Act No. 13/2011 should remain in force or
become void. The total number of voters
on the electoral roll was 232,460 or 72.9%
of the total population. Participation of
voters in the referendum was 175,114 or
75.3%. Participation of male voters was
75.4% and 75.3% of female voters. The
majority voted “no” or 103,207 and 69,462
voted “yes”. Thus Act No. 13/2011 became
void by 59.8% of valid votes.
85,1% kosningaþátttaka var í síðustu alþingiskosningum
Participation in the last general elections was 85.1%
Vissir þú
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