Landshagir - 01.11.2011, Page 431
22.1 Kjósendur á kjörskrá, greidd atkvæði og kosningaþátttaka eftir kyni 1874–2011
Voters on the electoral roll, votes cast and participation in elections, by sex 1874–2011
kjósendur á kjörskrá Greidd atkvæði kosningaþátttaka, %1
Voters on the electoral roll Votes cast Participation, %1
alls Hlutfall2 karlar konur alls karlar konur alls karlar konur
Total Percent2 Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females
2003, 10. maí a/G 211.304 73,0 105.426 105.878 185.392 91.930 93.462 87,7 87,2 88,3
2004, 26. júní f/P 213.553 73,0 106.434 107.119 134.374 … … 62,9 … …
2007, 12. maí a/G 221.330 71,1 110.382 110.948 185.071 91.978 93.093 83,6 83,3 83,9
2009, 25. apríl a/G 227.843 71,4 113.574 114.269 193.975 95.962 98.013 85,1 84,5 85,8
2010, 6. mars Þ/R 229.926 72,3 114.928 114.998 144.231 72.295 71.936 62,7 62,9 62,6
2011, 9. apríl Þ/R 232.460 72,9 115.840 116.620 175.114 87.287 87.827 75,3 75,4 75,3
@ a/G = alþingiskosningar; Þ/R = Þjóðaratkvæðagreiðsla; f/P forsetakjör.#A/G = General elections to the Althingi; Þ/R = Referendum; F/P Presidential elections.
1 í kjördæmum þar sem atkvæðagreiðsla fór fram (síðast var sjálfkjörið í kjördæmi 1933).#In constituencies where voting took place (if a candidate was
uncontested in a constituency he was elected without voting. This has not occurred since 1933).
2 Hlutfall kjósenda á kjörskrá af íbúatölu landsins.#Voters on the electoral roll as percent of population.