Landshagir - 01.11.2011, Qupperneq 439
22.8 Úrslit borgarstjórnarkosninga í Reykjavík 1986–2010
Results of elections to the Reykjavík City Council 1986–2010
1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010
Hlutfall af gildum atkvæðum1#Percent of valid votes1
Alls#Total 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
alþýðuflokkur#Social Democratic Party 10,0 • • • • • •
framsóknarflokkur#Progressive Party 7,0 8,3 • • • 6,3 2,7
Sjálfstæðisflokkur#Independence Party 52,7 60,4 47,0 45,2 40,2 42,9 33,6
alþýðubandalag#People's Alliance 20,3 8,4 • • • • •
kvennaframboð#Women's Candidacy 8,1 6,0 • • • • •
nýr vettvangur#New Forum • 14,8 • • • • •
alþýðubandalag, alþýðuflokkur, framsóknarflokkur
og kvennalisti (1994), Reykjavíkurlisti (1998),
framsóknarflokkur, Samfylkingin og vinstrihreyfingin
– grænt framboð (2002)#Progressive Party, The Social
Democratic Alliance and The Left-Green Movement • • 53,0 53,6 52,6 • •
frjálslyndir og óháðir#Liberals and Independents • • • • 6,1 10,1 •
Samfylkingin#The Social Democratic Alliance • • • • • 27,4 19,1
vinstrihreyfingin – grænt framboð#
The Left-Green Movement • • • • • 13,5 7,1
Besti flokkurinn#The Best Party • • • • • • 34,7
Önnur framboð#Others 2,0 2,1 • 1,2 1,1 • 2,7
1 framboðslistar sem hafa fengið mann kjörinn.#Candidate lists which have had a representative elected.
22.9 Úrslit þjóðaratkvæðagreiðslu 6. mars 2010 og 9. apríl 2011
The results for the referendum 6 March 2010 and 9 April 2011
Gild atkvæði#Valid votes Hlutfall#Percent
já#Yes nei#No já#Yes nei#No
eiga lög nr. 1/2010 að halda gildi?1
Should Act No. 1/2010 remain in force?1 2.599 134.392 1,9 98,1
eiga lög nr. 13/2011 að halda gildi?2
Should Act No. 13/2011 remain in force?2 69.462 103.207 40,2 59,8
1 lög nr. 1/2010 kveða á um breytingar á lögum nr. 96/2009. alþingi samþykkti lög nr. 1/2010 en forseti synjaði þeim staðfestingar. lögin eru um
ríkisábyrgð vegna icesave-samninga.#The Act No. 1/2010 stipulates the modification of Act No. 96/2009. The Althingi passed the Act No. 1/2010 but the
president withheld its approval of it. The Act is on state guarantee of the Icesave loan agreement.
2 alþingi samþykkti lög nr. 13/2011 en forseti synjaði þeim staðfestingar. lögin eru um ríkisábyrgð vegna icesave-samninga.#The Althingi passed Act
No. 13/2011 but the president withheld its approval of it. The Act is on state guarantee of the Icesave loan agreement.
Meðalaldur sveitarstjórnarmanna er 44,2 ár
The average age for members in local governments is 44.2 years
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