Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.06.2017, Síða 6

Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.06.2017, Síða 6
Pawn Shops NEWS Shockwaves rocked the halls of Morgunblaðið, Iceland’s oldest continuously publishing newspaper, when it came to light that an unknown assailant or as- sailants were urinating in vari- ous trash cans in their offices. Details are still cloudy at the time of this writing, but Ví has confirmed that there is nothing wrong with the bathrooms at Morgun- blaðið’s offices, and access to them is unrestricted. S v a n h v í t L j ó s b j ö r g G u ð m u n d s d ó t t i r, t h e human resources man- ager for Árvakur, the company which owns Morgunblaðið, was forced to re- lease the following e-mail, with the subject line “Pissed in a trash can”: Hi As the subject of this email contends, someone has repeatedly pissed in a trash can on the ground floor. There are countless toilets in the building, please use them. This e-mail was sent to all employees in the building. It has nonetheless not been ruled out that this may be the work of one or more guests to the building, al- though this is less likely. On a completely unre- lated note, the co-editor of Morgunblaðið is Davíð Odds- son, a former Central Bank manager who was also the founding father of the modern incarnation of the con- servative Independence Party. Davíð has not publicly denied that he is behind the trash can micturitions. The Morgunblaðið Piss Bandit re- mains at large at the time of this writing. In a lot of major metropolitan areas around the world, if you’re hurting for some pocket money and you need it now, you can typically take anything of value down to your local pawn shop. DVD players, bicycles, rifles—whatever it is, they’ll take it off your hands for cash, and the option to buy it back later at a significant markup, or else some total stranger will buy it instead and you’ve lost it forever. Here in Iceland, you’re not going to find any such service. There was a “pawn shop” in Reykjavík as recently as 2015. However, their website has 404’d, their location has been usurped by a bank, and their phone number now belongs to a rent-a-truck service. If you do need that extra cash and don’t want to take out a loan, you need not despair if you happen to own any gold or silver. There are numerous places that will buy these precious metals off of you, often without any questions asked. No one seems to know why pawn shops never took off around here. Maybe because Iceland has typically been a country where any bank is willing to give you a predatory loan, or issue you an overdraft with mafia-level interest rates, and some private companies have also taken to offering some shady microloans. However, there is still no such store that buys practically anything for cash from random walk-ins off the street. Here in Iceland, we will buy your gold and silver, but that’s the best we can do. PF Piss Bandit Runs Amok At Vaunted Newspaper Office No trash can is safe If you’re some sort of snake-man hybrid looking to emigrate to Ice- land, we’re afraid it’s bad news. In this country, it’s against regula- tions to have a pet snake, turtle or lizard. We asked Þorvaldur Þórðar- son, Manager of Import and Ex- port at the Icelandic Food and Vet- erinary Authority, to explain why: “The import of live animals to Ice- land is prohibited in order to main- tain good disease status as a re- sult of the geographical isolation of the country. “The ban applies to all snakes and most reptiles.” But why? Following the success of the hit 1990s TV show ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’, sales hit the roof. Later that decade in Iceland, a turtle infected its owners with Salmonella. “The main reason why snakes and turtles are banned is because they are a common source of Sal- monella,” explains Þorvaldur—and the infection can be deadly. But, if you do see a lizard, don’t call the cops. A few reptiles exist in Ice- land as “exceptions are made for certain pets under certain condi- tions.” The import of animals is a com- plicated business as many carry bacteria and disease. If you plan to bring your pet on holiday, know that in Iceland all animals—includ- ing dogs, cats and rodents—must carry a permit or risk being de- stroyed. According to the Icelan- dic Food and Veterinary Authority, you also need a permit to import “deep-frozen dog semen.” Gross. ASK A Vetenarian Q: “Can I have a pet snake?” Words: Paul Fontaine Share: "The co- editor of Morgun- blaðið is Davíð Oddsson" WHAT'S MISSING IN ICELAND 6The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10 — 2017 Morgunblaðið will always be Number One to us An artists rendering, imagining our snake expert Þorvaldur Þórðarson in his presumptive natural habitat First A STICKY BLOC PARTY BY PRIKIÐ & GRAPEVINE On June 30, Prikið on Bankastræti and The Reykjavík Grapevine will join forces to host the party of the summer. The party starts at 16:00 with free hot dogs and beer, before kicking off with some of the best the Icelandic hip hop scene has to offer. This is also the release day for The Reykja- vík Grapevine and our issue will tell you everything you need to know about the vibrant scene. Expect some swinging lights & a rowdy, long night in Bankastræti.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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