Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.06.2017, Side 16

Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.06.2017, Side 16
Reykjavík’s Planning Debacle How Iceland’s capital became the hodge-podge it is Words: Paul Fontaine Photos: Art Bicnick, Trausti Valsson URBAN PLANNING First-time visitors to Iceland’s capital are often struck by the city planning patchwork that Reykjavík is. Soviet-style apartment buildings, modernist structures and old- timey 19th century timber houses seem to be scattered amongst one another without rhyme or reason. As you might imagine, this was far from intentional. But as you look around the city, what you are witnessing is Reykjavík city’s growth in four dimen- sions, as Reykjavík city made its way through struggles economic, social and political, all of which shaped the ur- ban landscape of today. T r a u s t i Va l s s o n is probably Iceland’s most eminent plan- ner. His new book, ‘Shaping the Future’, tackles the issues of planning and design. He took the time to share with us how we got the Reykjavík that we know and love to- day, for better or worse. “We started w ith this European style,” he tells us, referring to the Dan ish t i m- ber houses you find dow ntow n. “But we soon discovered that we needed more space, such as for the univer- sity and other institu- tions. After World War II, the ex- pansion of Reykjavík really took off. There was a plan made in 1948 that was too grand in scale.” Out with the old, in with the new By this, Trausti means the con- cept of zoning: attempting to fully separate residential, com- mercial and industrial areas. However, the zeitgeist soon shift- ed away from the old style and into a more modernist approach. “During this period people lost interest in the old types of build- ings,” Trausti explains. “Even as I was growing up, and I was born in 1946, there was hostility towards the old buildings. With the arrival of the Americans, and our strong ties with them, came these modern- istic ideas about buildings and ar- chitecture. So the planners at that t i m e s u g g e s t e d we demolish more or less all of down- town, and some lots were developed with new buildings.” H o w e v e r, not all of these mod- ernist bui ldings f it into the landscape, and some of them were decidedly unpopular. By the 1960s, the pen- dulum began to swing in the other direction. And in with the old again “Along came the hippie movement, and people started to say, ‘Wait a minute, these old buildings are so beau- tiful. We shouldn't de- molish them,’” Trausti says. “There were huge protests against some of the planning proj- ects for more modern buildings, and some of these projects were s t opp e d . B a sic a l ly, architects didn't consider try- ing to find a way to make the new buildings fit in with the old ones. They just assumed the entirety of downtown would be new and modern bui ldings.” Some ideas, such as to build massive highways through and sometimes even over the city (you can see the remnants of one such highway on the roof of Kolaportið), never got past the planning stages. And natural- ly, politics also played its part. Politics ruins everything “The House of Icelandic Stud- ies, for example, was started by [former Prime Minister] Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir's government,” he says, referring to the giant open pit in front of the National and University Library. “They had got- ten as far as the foundation being dug out when new elections came, and a right wing government came to power. Now it's been included in the five-year planning outline, but there's a delay in this because of these political tug-of-wars. When the leftist government came to power in Reykjavík in 1978, they threw all the plans of the conservative government into the waste basket, and when the con- servatives came to power in 1982, they did the same thing [to the leftists]. It's childish, and it's been ver y sad for the cit y.” Trausti is not terribly positive when it comes to the state of city planning today, as he sees tour- ism having a disproportionate im- pact on the landscape of the city. Tourism is killing downtown “Things have already gone too far, and we can't stop it,” he tells us. “Rent is increasing, and not just for apartments; tourist shops make so much money that they can just buy out the old stores. It's not interesting anymore to go down- town. Not least of all for tourists. I am very fearful that many of these young people will say, ‘We can't af- ford to live in the only urban area in Iceland; I'll just move abroad to some nice city somewhere else.’" Trausti believes one way to remedy this problem would be to move the domestic airport out of the city, thereby freeing up land to build affordable hous- ing that’s close to downtown. Ultimately, though, the city’s very boundaries are going to have to change with the times. “The idea that we can con- t a i n Re y k j av í k w it h i n t h e old boundaries is not going to work,” he says. “We're go- ing to need to expand them.” How and where these boundar- ies will expand is an unknown to be answered by future generations. 16 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10 — 2017 “I am very fearful that many of these young people will say, ‘We can't afford to live in the only urban area in Iceland; I'll just move abroad to some nice city somewhere else.’” From the Reykjavík skyline Lækjargata 4 | 101 Reykjavík | Sími 55 10 100 | Open 11:00 - 22:00 | – home of the open sandwiches Welcome to Jómfrúin


Reykjavík Grapevine

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