Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.11.2017, Blaðsíða 36

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.11.2017, Blaðsíða 36
Art Find today's events in Iceland! Download our free listings app - APPENING on the Apple and Android stores A Brand New Life 120-year-old Iðnó theatre is reinvented as a creative hub for the Reykjavík arts scene Words: Alice Demurtas Photo: Art Bicnck Iðnó Vonarstræti 3 With its egg-white facade and prime location on Reykjavík’s Tjörnin pond, the 120-year-old theatre Iðnó is one of those build- ings that seems rather anonymous from the outside but captures your heart as soon as you set foot in- side. When I walk in to check out the newly renovated space, I can’t believe my eyes. In the entrance hall, where before there were only spinning saws and flecks of dust, a brand new bar welcomes me, com- plete with an old but faithful La Marzocco coffee machine. Coffee tables sit around the perimeter of the adjacent rooms, decorated with dainty roses a la Parisienne. But it’s the grand hall that capti- vates me most. A grand project It’s Airwaves week, and indie band Hey Elbow are threatening to bring down the house with their fierce sound. Dimly lit by the stage lights, the periwinkle blue walls of the hall are stained with ev- er-moving speckles of light. The space is packed with audience members standing against the tall windows or sitting under the white accents of the ceilings. In a country like Iceland, with a pas- sion for concrete and glass build- ings, it’s refreshing to see that the old-fashioned atmosphere of Iðnó has been kept intact. Striking a balance between past and present has only been possible thanks to a hard-working team of individuals who put their entire collective knowledge at the dis- posal of this project. Earlier this year Þórir Bergsson, from popular bistro Bergsson Mathús, and René Boonekamp, a long time contribu- tor to the Icelandic art scene, won a five-year lease for Iðnó, issued by the City of Reykjavík. Cherishing the history of Iðnó was important, but looking at the future felt crucial as well. Thus, they set about creating a space that could boost and support all sorts of creative endeavours. “This is primarily an events space, of course,” says René. “There are go- ing to be people who want to or- ganise private parties here. Then there are public events organised by theatre or school groups, and we’re going to organise our own events to fill up the agenda every month.” A safe oasis But there’s more to check out, and René doesn’t leave any stone un- turned. “I’ll show you upstairs,” he smiles. At the end of a narrow staircase, a completely different space awaits me. A maze of rooms with low ceilings, vast Moroc- can-style rugs and dim lighting, the second-floor attic works like a well-oiled machine. In its new incarnation, it serves as a co-working hub, where free- lancers and artists can find equip- ment for recording, editing and creating in a social environment that fuels their creativity. “We want to see this place as a crea- tive space where things can drip down from,” René explains. “We are working on setting up a sound recording studio on a subscription base, for instance. So the equip- ment will be here, and you will just have to pay a monthly fee of sorts.” In a city that’s experiencing a shortage of apartments and stu- dios on lease, Iðnó could then become a much-needed oasis for Icelandic artists. I leave in awe at the dignity of this place. You get the feeling that it might be haunted, but however tangi- ble the ghosts of the past might be, there’s no doubt that Iðnó has its eyes set on the future. Iðnó is Reykjavík's oldest theatre VISIT KÓPAVOGUR CULTURE HOUSES AND EXPERIENCE Salurinn Concert Hall Náttúrufræðistofa Kópavogs Natural History Museum of Kópavogur Bókasafn Kópavogs Kópavogur Public Library Sundlaug Kópavogs Kopavogur Thermal Pool Kópavogskirkja Kopavogur Church Hamraborg 4–6 Kópavogur Bus 1, 2 & 4 A NEW GEOLOGICAL EXHIBITION & MORE EMPLACEMENT:  & N át tú ru fr æ ði st of a Kó p av o g s N at ur al H is to ry M us eu m o f Kó p av o g ur G er ða rs af n  Kó p av o g ur A rt M us eu m Einar Garibaldi Eiríksson & Kristján Steingrímur Jónsson i8 Gallery Tryggvagata 16 101 Reykjavík t: +354 551 3666 EGILL SÆBJÖRNSSON until 25 November 2017 Open 11:30-22:00 saegreif inn. is Geirsgata 8 • 101 Reykjavík • Tel. 553 1500 • An absolute must-try! Saegreifinn restaurant (Sea Baron) is like none other in Iceland; a world famous lobster soup and a diverse fish selection.
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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