Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.10.2018, Blaðsíða 34

Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.10.2018, Blaðsíða 34
The Search For The Ghost Duck The epic journey of Berghaim’s concept album “Songs From The Young Earth” Words: Phil Uwe Widiger Photo: Berghaim Airwaves & LP Berghaim is the solo-project of Ber- gur Thomas Anderson of Grísalappalí- sa and Oyama. Listen at soundcloud. com/bergurta and catch him live at Iceland Airwaves 2018. Berghaim is a character that is half-hidden and half-visible. The only thing that can be seen is his face, buried in the ground. Having spent most of his life in solitude, his life was shaped by the sounds that surround him, to which he is constantly listening. His two best friends are ducks that come to hang out with him regularly, and to listen to him sing. They also study camouflage. When one duck disappears because it was al- ready better at camouflage than the other duck, an epic search for “the ghost duck” ensues. Welcome to the fantastical world of Berghaim. A face in the earth Bergur Thomas Anderson is the mastermind behind Berghaim. After playing in bands such as Grísalappalísa and Oyama, he has been focusing on performance art. “When I moved to the Netherlands, all of a sudden I had nobody to make music with,” he remembers. “So I started writing music on my own, which evolved into making music for performance pieces.” Berghaim—“a character who is essentially a face in the earth”— came into existence about a year ago when Bergur began research- ing camouflage the- ories. “I’ve always thought about him as a younger, more i n n o c e nt e a r t h , related to Iceland being a relatively recent geographical phenomena com- pared to the rest of the world,” Bergur explains. “By con- stantly l isten ing to al l the sounds around him, he has acquired knowledge and ideas about society and culture.” After spending all those years since the formation of Iceland in solitude, Berghaim learned how to speak and sing on his own. Op- erating a pirate radio station that broadcasts a mix of sounds, he be- came the world’s first ever sound collage artist. A voice in progress This summer, Bergur had the op- portunity to go record in a music studio in Rotterdam, using mainly the old synth and keyboard equip- ment available at the studio. The evolution of the songs was spon- taneous, as Bergur was learning how to use the instruments at the same time he was recording. “With this project I was able to free my- self from the burden of perfection, which is dominant in the mak- ing of a pop album,” he explains. Berghaim is a voice in progress, finding perfection in imperfec- tion. Of ghost ducks and magicians The theme of the concept album, inspired by the practice of tarot, revolves around the epic journey of regaining some- thing lost and grow- i ng th roug h the journey itself. In Berghaim’s case, it is the search for one of his duck friends that disappeared. Along the way, the protagonists also meet “the hermit’s friend,” who is a magician and the gatekeeper to the underworld. He has the powers to make things dis- appear. Is the hermit’s friend the reason for the ghost duck’s disap- pearance? B e r g u r a i m s t o r e l e a s e Berghaim’s debut album “Songs From The Young Earth” before his performance at this year’s Iceland Airwaves music festival. Will the ghost duck be found? We’ll find out this November. Music Berghaim mixing up sounds with ducks on the side “I was able to free myself from the bur- den of perfec- tion, which is dominant in the making of a pop album.” Suðurgata 41 101 Reykjavík tel +354 530 22 00 Hverfisgata 15 101 Reykjavík tel +354 530 22 10 National Museum of Iceland The country’s largest museum of cultural history from settlement to present day. The Culture House Manuscripts, fine art, natural specimens, curiosities and archeaological findings form the exhibition Points of View. National Museum of Iceland The Culture House The exhibitions, shops and cafés are open daily 10 - 17 Closed on Mondays 16/9 – 30/4 Laugavegi 28 537 99 00 sumac@sumac. is sumac. is
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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