Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.09.2018, Side 27

Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.09.2018, Side 27
EAT IN THE CENTER Inside this trendy high-ceilinged restaurant are carefully-crafted courses that offer a contemporary twist on the classics. A unique approach to Icelandic cuisine ensures every dish on the menu is both creative and well executed. M O D E R N I C E L A N D I C C U I S I N E M E E TS C OZ Y S CA N D I N AV I A N AT M O S P H E R E Take in one of the city's most breathtaking views while enjoying a wide variety of delicious courses & quirky cocktails. | #eatinthecenter | D E L I C I O U S FO O D & F U N C O C K TA I L S W I T H A T R U LY S P ECTAC U L A R V I E W TAST Y I C E L A N D I C FO O D I N A C H I C SETTING IDEAL FOR A SPECIAL NIGHT W W W . J O R G E N S E N K I T C H E N . C O M W W W . S K Y R E S TA U R A N T. I SW W W . I S A F O L D R E S TA U R A N T. C O M Delic ious food in the o f Reykjav ík! R E S T A U R A N T & B A RRESTAURANT ÍSAFOLD C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 206x136-pallett-grapevine-bestof-spring-advert.pdf 1 13/02/18 08:43


Reykjavík Grapevine

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