Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.11.2018, Side 14
The R
eykjavík G
Iceland A
aves Special 20
#GrapeWaves 2K18
is GO!
Win yourself an Einstök x
Grapevine goodie bag stuffed
with exciting stuff
Iceland Airwaves is one of our
favourite times of the year—it’s
more reliably fun than, for ex-
ample, Icelandic summer, which
is sometimes cancelled. So, we
at the Grapevine like to celebrate
the festival in style—and you’re
invited to join in.
First up, we’re giving away a
hyper-special Einstök x Grape-
vine goodie bag on each day of
Airwaves, in partnership with
Iceland’s most famous craft
brewery, Einstök. They’ll be
filled with a different selec-
tion of cool stuff each day, in-
cluding (of course) some beers
and Grapev ine merch; and
sp ec ia l souve-
nirs like music
from respected
local record la-
bels Smekkley-
s a , B e d r o o m
C o m m u n i t y ,
Mengi; suitably
warm attire from
top local cloth-
ing compan ies
66°NORTH and
Farmer’s Mar-
ket; a brunch for
two at one of our
favourite haunts;
a trip for two to the Hydra Flo-
tation Spa (pictured, left); a ltd.
edition bar of OmNom x JFDR
matcha chocolate, and other
special surprises.
All you have to do to win is
hashtag your hilarious festival
tweets and spectacular Insta-
grams with #GrapeWaves. We’ll
sift through the entries and pick
a daily winner, who can come
by our office and
pick up their prize.
You c a n brow s e
the #GrapeWaves
hashtag to see what
other people are do-
ing, too—and to try
and top them.
Secondly, we’l l
b e t h r ow i n g a n
Air waves warm-
up party at Húrra
on Nov. 1st. If the
festival has start-
e d , a s yo u r e a d
this? Well, you missed it. But
you could sti l l come to The
Reykjavík Grapevine Stage
at Þjóðleikhúsið on Nov. 8th
to see Högni, Ólafur Arnalds,
Bára Gísladóttir, Hugar and
Also, keep an eye on our In-
stagram and Twitter (@rvk-
grapevine) and follow us on
Facebook to get the latest news.
And be sure to check grapevine.
is/airwaves for daily reviews
and galleries.
#GrapeWaves 2K18 is GO!