Morgunblaðið - 16.05.2019, Síða 6

Morgunblaðið - 16.05.2019, Síða 6
6 MORGUNBLAÐIÐ FIMMTUDAGUR 16. MAÍ 2019 Vefforritari óskast leitar að öflugum vefforritara Laus er staða vefforritara hjá, mest sótta vef landsins. Við leitum að einstaklingi sem... • hefur þekkingu á Python og reynslu af einhverju MVC-miðuðu vefkerfi, t.d. Django • hefur reynslu af framendaforritun (HTML, CSS og Javascript) • er framsækinn, tileinkar sér bestu mögulegu tækni hverju sinni og finnur nýjar og betri leiðir til að leysa verkefnin • hefur gagnrýnið hugarfar, er sjálfstæður og sýnir frumkvæði í vinnubrögðum • hefur mikinn metnað fyrir smáatriðum í viðmóti, virkni og hönnun vefja • er góður í samskiptum og á auðvelt með að vinna í hópum Það er mikill kostur ef viðkomandi er hagvanur Linux og öðrum open-source hugbúnaði, s.s. Apache, PostgreSQL og Git. Þekking á Perl er einnig vel þegin. Hvernig á að sækja um Umsóknir með ferilskrám sendist á Frekari upplýsingar veitir Árni Matthíasson í síma 569 1245. Exciting position as school inspector in Minngortuunnguup Atuarfia in Sisimiut is vacant. The primary school in Qeqqata Kommunia is in a rapid development. This development will continue in the years to come and we are looking for a school inspector for the newly renovated school Minngortuunnguup Atuarfia who want to make a difference and contribute to this development. Application deadline: 23. may 2019 Location/Sect: Sisimiut Duration: Full time Employment date: 1. july 2019 or after agreement Salary: After convention Job tasks: • Staff management, employee development and administration • Responsibility for developing the school´s pedagogical and didactic practice • Ensure that the school has a good school-home-collaboration • Ensure that Minngortuunnguup Atuarfia provides advice and supervision to settlements schools • Supervision and follow-up of budget and accounts • Supervision including maintenance of buildings belonging to Minngortuunnguup Atuarfia • Responsible for the school’s activities towards the school board and municipal council Minngortuunnguup Atuarfia: • There are about 410 students divided into 20 classes on 1st to 10th grade and 9 specials. • The school is rated to 53 teachers. • At Minngortuunnguup Atuarfia there is special focus on: • A departmental school with autonomous teams • Flexible planning for the school year • Students co-responsibility for their own learning • Parental Involvement • An active college of teachers, engaged in educational development • Further development of new coals and action plans for the school Primary Schools in Qeqqata Kommunia As the first municipality in Greenland, Qeqqata Kommunia has chosen to focus on IT development through iPads. Besides there has been a focus on language En- glish from 1st grade. There is a focus on strengthening the school-home collab- oration, among other things by employing 3 school consultants, and establishing close cooperation with the municipality’s social workers. Family classes has been created in the city schools. Visible management and leadership development is one of the focus areas. If you want to be part of this development, then apply for the position as school inspector in Minngortuunnguup Atuarfia. Salary and employment conditions Salary and employment conditions, including the right to free travel and household moving according to the agreements and agreements in force at any time between Government of Greenland and the teacher organization IMAK. Employment take place on special yearly terms according to Government of Greenland and municipalities officials in Greenland. Employment take also place according to the agreement between Government of Greenland and IMAK, or according to the agreements in force between Government of Greenland and IMAK. After every 12 months of employment, holiday vacations are provided. Child record The positions are covered by the Act on Obligation to Obtain Child Record. According to the law, the employment can only begin when the municipality has obtained a child record. We must therefore point out that time of employment can only be agreed upon when the municipality has received the child record from the National Police. Employment is subject to satisfactory child and criminal record, which is obtained by Qeqqata Municipality. Housing can be designated for which payment is made according to applicable rules. Employment per. July 1, 2019 or by agreement. Application with copy of relevant exam papers, CV, statements and references must be received by 23 May 2019 at the latest. Application sent to: Qeqqata Kommunia HR Section P.O. Box 1014 3911 Sisimiut E-mail: Web: Contact: Annga Lynge (+299) 86 73 80 School inspector for Minngortuunnguup Atuarfia Þarftu að ráða? WWW.RADUM.IS | 519 6770 | RADUM@RADUM.IS Ráðum sérhæfir sig í ráðningum og mannauðsráðgjöf. Við komum til móts við þarfir fyrirtækja og sérsníðum lausnir sem henta hverjum viðskiptavini.



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